Author Topic: ~The Emerald Plains~  (Read 1299 times)

Offline Dysteria

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~The Emerald Plains~
« on: May 12, 2012, 01:24:23 am »
~The Emerald Plains~

So, What Is ~The Emerald Plains~?

1) The Emerald Plains is semi-literate. When we say semi-literate, we mean:
Were only require semi-literariness in the roleplay. We're not going to kick you on sight of you spelling a word incorrectly, or missing a punctuation mark, or making a grammatical error(we're not going to correct you like in Wolf Quest, either). As long as what you type is decent enough to understand, then we'll accept it fine. Out of roleplay, we prefer to have un literate, but it doesn't generally matter.

2) Spamming is a no-no here. X3 Please don't be a spammer in the roleplay orthe out of roleplay talks. If we see you spammin', you're going to get a warning from one of the admins.

3) We are a mapped roleplay:
You must be able to download things to join the rp, because we only rp in the maps. Now, this isn't a one-time download. You need to be able to download multiple things to join.

4) This roleplay is semi-realistic, so..:
No neon people or Nyan Cats(sorry 'bout this rule, my cousin and I are obsessed with Nyan Cat :( ). The roleplay doesn't accept wings. We promise, you don't need them, because all the places you need to be able to get to in the map are accessible by dashing(the "e" key for wingless characters if you're a newbie ;D).
The semi-realistic part of the roleplay is that the markings can be any color, as long as you have good reason for it(besides neon and Nyan Cat, of course). For example, Felidae(my char) is an around feline, however her markings are pure, 225 red. This is okay because Felidae's existence started different from other Pride animals'(read my bio on the site to learn more). So, I am aloud to have an odd character because I have good reason for it.

5) No copying!! Don't copy another's bio, plot, or roleplay line just because you think it's good or you're jealous of something they did. If we catch a copy, who ever posted it will be kicked(I know this seems strict, but stealing a creation of someone else is a very sensitive topic. One of the maps was stolen from us a while ago).

Okay, that took a while, huh? Anyway, these are the creators of ~The Emerald Plains~ :

1) Dysteria/Felidae HA
That's me! X3 I helped create this roleplay, because I wanted to make something that would allow a very wide variety of rpers to join.

2) Alwerra/Herucha A
My bestie, Herucha! She is incredibly helpful with putting this roleplay together and maintaining it. A smart and forgiving person, Herucha is truly 'one of untamed kindness'(Elice Smith).

3) evildoggie/Abyss
Abyss isn't on this rp much, due to her other rps, but I do know she likes to have fun and is therefore an extremely fun person.


The Official Site:

FeralThought(My branch site having info on all rps bundled together and updates on The Emerald Plains):

That's all for now.  Meet Dysteria in FH or whisper me when I'm online to join!
Help InfernoScale grow!! She's a teenager nao!

Offline Dysteria

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Re: ~The Emerald Plains~
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2012, 12:43:26 am »
btw, The new root site to TEP(The Emerald Plains) is Amizia!

Help InfernoScale grow!! She's a teenager nao!