Author Topic: In Peril [WIP]  (Read 1075 times)


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In Peril [WIP]
« on: April 27, 2012, 08:53:44 pm »
In Peril

Milo tapped carefully at the keys of the  laptop, he was writing a horor story, nothing much truely. His eyes darted forward and back as his paws skimmed the hard, polished surface of the device. His green eyes flashed as he continued to be enveloped in the story he was writing. "Watcha do'in Mi?" the usual voice of Fred, a thick-headed black and white tom ruined his intense consentation almost at once. "I'm writing you idiot" the fluffy, ginger tom replied in anger. His eyes continued to dart over the keys as he typed his horror story. "That's all you do at night, write write write, your always on that computer when Masters' gone to bed!" Fred meowed, flicking his tail toward the computer.
"I'm always on at this time, idiot because Masters' always on during the day! Either translating something or messing with that damn websie of his." Milo replied sharply, the words on the screen continued to appear as his concetration deepened. "Your the only one that can understand your little story though" R.I.P, a tiny, sleek, short-haird black cat said. She stealthly slipped through one of the small cracks that seperated the line of books on the shelf. Although the cat was nearly four years old. She seemed to be the size of Milo when he was a kitten. "The Master can read them" he grumbled in reply. Suddenly the three cats stopped, upsatirs, someone was screwing around with the lock on the door. They knew it couldn't of been Master, he was fast asleep. Milo's first thought was Allen, yet what would that troblesome white cat want?
They heard the sound again, along with the click of the door opening. "Milo, what was that?" R.I.P said, her eyes filled with fear, her fur stood up on the back of her neck. "It was nothing R.I.P...." Milo replied, barring his fangs toward the door. His eyes glinted with the ferociosty of the creature's anccestor; The lion.
"I highly doubt that." a voice said as Allen turned down the corner of the steps toward the basement. "Been writing again Milo?" he asked, pouncing onto the desk that was illuminated by the computer's light. "Allen, you scared the -Removed by Moderator- out of us!" Fred yowled then glared at Allen, the snow-white cat stared calmly into his eyes. "Sorry about that, I was just so bored." he replied, flicking his tail toward the cieling. "The kids wouldn't leave me alone...they kept locking me in their rooms too. So I decided to leave our part of this apartment as soon as possible" he added.
"Umm....thats a great story Allen" R.I.P muttered then continued to watch Milo, who had continued to type furiously on the computer, the words she could not undertsand......but he could flashed by the screen at a speed fast enough to confuse her.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2017, 09:41:55 pm by Kynvuu »