Author Topic: Stories of legends. ~For the O-W/WW3BE/WR crossover~  (Read 1207 times)

Offline iceheart999

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Stories of legends. ~For the O-W/WW3BE/WR crossover~
« on: April 27, 2012, 05:04:28 pm »

The Creation of the universe

"Momma, we can't sleep..." A small, white pup complained. The brown wolf who laid beside her pups blinked in surprise, "You can't? And why is that." The male pup beside the white one, with a striking resemblance to his mother, whined, "We need a story." "Alright then. Why don't I tell you about the creation of the earth." The brown she-wolf began her story, "Long long ago, when the universe was new, there was nothing. No stars, just an endless amount of space. Until a wolf pup was formed from space itself. This pup was named Space, and for a very good reason. She had many black swirls in her white fur, and when she looked out at the endless amount of space, she imagined tiny lights and one big one. For a small while she was amused, but soon began to grow bored of the twinkling lights. Space began to arrange the twinkling lights into constellations. When one constellation waas made, another pup was born. He was called Time, and he had fur black as night with the only exception being the white swirls in it. Time looked at the ever-growing bored Space, and began to create things. He created Sun and Earth, two other companions. Earth's color depended on the season, and Earth created the very planet we live on. Sun's fur was a firey orange and red, and he gained control of the big ball of light. Time, Space, Earth, and Sun all came together, and the created Moon, the youngest. Moon had white fur that let out a shine. These five created their feline, bear, and other species equilvants. Each of their species was created on earth. Soon, things began to grow out of control from lower made creature emotion rulers, such as Agony and Death. Time and Space split their souls in half, despite the arguing of their siblings, and began to rule as a white wolf with blue eyes and a black wolf with red eyes. Each species god did the same, and if one of the two go missing, or both, is signals the soon to be death of a species, for the soul has gone to its original body."

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