Author Topic: Kufa  (Read 1505 times)

Offline Kufa

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« on: May 10, 2012, 06:13:21 am »
Name: Kufa

Gender: male

Rank: rogue

personlity: protective, some may say rude and Coldhearted. But after his rule when he was thrown off he became more care free and happy.

History: born into the masiai pride Kufa was the future heir being the first born out of his brother and sister. He was taught very little about being king. In his Teen years, he and his father argued more and more. He insulted him so bad he was banished to the endlands. He spent till his adult years there as a rogue. He had to teach himself how to kill and hunt. He would win battle with other male lions there to prove his stregth (I know i spelled that wrong). A white lioness took favor of Kufa. Her name was primrose a beautiful white lioness. He told her to go to the masari lands to join Fathers pride but not to tell that she was his mate. A few days later he was sent a message to return to the lands of his father. Filled with joy he ran there but when he got there His father picked a new heir named radado. Kufa was fueled with rage. Primrose noticed this more than others. Sometime later when Kufa's younger brother could walk, he planned to get rid of him. Then plan almost worked when his Twin brother (who looks nothing like him) Afua got in the way. It didn't matter to Kufa so he killed him in the gorge. He blamed Radado for his brothers death. Radado ran away. When his father came seeing that one of his sons dead kufa being in rage killed him when his back was turned. Kufa became king since his sister left the pride. He was called the dead king for being cruel and harsh. When day his mother begged for him to move the pride he reacted bitterly and clawed her face. Radado returned and saw what his older brother was doing he challenged Kufa to a fight for the throne. Radado won and Kufa hated that so he thrown himself onto the larger lion. Flames rose from the dead trees that surronded the masai rock. Radado knocked Kufa into the flames thinking he killed his last brother. Kufa wasn't dead he ran out of the flames and left the land. He became a rogue soon after. Primrose found him and they started a family. His cubs Affary, johari, Tau, Nufa and nina. Primrose died after the birth of them. Kufa now protects his cubs as never before. but now he is go back to his old ways, He murdered a inncoemt lion, and planning to go after kivuli.

Offline #Uzuri#

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Re: Kufa
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2012, 11:31:27 am »
Hm. I see ^^ It kinda sounds like the lion king lol i'm guessing thats what you based this off of
Great work
Bloody Rabbit >:P

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Re: Kufa
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2012, 10:32:30 am »
He is cool