Author Topic: Moving On....Goodbye.  (Read 1605 times)


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Moving On....Goodbye.
« on: June 20, 2012, 05:55:37 pm »
I'm leaving FeralHeart most likely forever. I spent most of the night deciding whether or not to leave, and this was the choice I made. Why, you might ask?


Why am I stressed? I'll list the reasons for you.

1. Next year I'm getting into Algebra and I have to finish a pre-algebra packet by the beginning of the school year or else I won't be able to pass Algebra. I really have been worried about it, and even though I'm more than 1/5 of the way done with the packet, I'm still worried about not finishing it. I didn't even qualify to get into pre-algebra, but my teacher recommended me for it. I'm going to try not to let him down.

2. I've been working on a Wonderland themed map pack with 6 official maps and 2 secret ones. I really want to get it done but It feels like a big crap load of work to do. I'm half happy leaving it and half sad because I've been working hard on it.

3. I want to pursue my drawing and singing career further. I've sing 5 or 6 solos for my past choirs and everyone says I'm really good. I don't think I'm good enough, though. I can sing in japanese partially but mostly sing in english. I wanted to get on youtube and sing but don't have a mic. -3- I also want to become better at drawing wolves and manga.

4. Things are changing. I'm getting older. Making new choices that affect my life. I might go on impressive world if it doesn't do this weird glitchy thing on my comp like FeralHeart did.


These are some of the people that I want to thank for a certain reason.

Cybera- You've been a great friend who has always been there for me. I've roleplayed with you, and you always make me happy. Thanks, friend.

Nymphadora- You're probably my oldest friend, and the one I can remember. I remember the good times I spent with you and others roleplaying, and you taught me to be who I am today. I'll miss you.

Glave- I know this is completely random, but thanks, Glave. Your work has inspired me on so many different levels, and I'll never forget that. Keep up the amazing work!

Hamilton Hocks- I haven't even talked to you. xD But your mesh's, markings and particles have helped me through the process of becoming a great map maker. I hope you continue to create the wonderful things that you've always done.

Thierry- Your mesh's. Awesome. They're so detailed and I can't stop downloading them and spamming them on my maps. >u<

Tetsu- You're nice and considerate. You listen to your viewers and downloaders and improve, and I admire you for that.

Aice- You're an easy to respect person with a lovely sense of style when you roleplay. It's been a pleasure talking and roleplaying with you, and I hope you like the map I made for Owl and Vesidae. <3 I hope your dad doesn't break anymore things....xD

Well, I guess I'll be going now. ;;oAo;; I'll probably go on impressive world. I've had a great time making maps and roleplaying in FeralHeart, but it's time to say goodbye. Let me go off in style, alright? <3

-SinnyBoo (Smiling.Sin)
« Last Edit: June 20, 2012, 06:01:55 pm by Magical~Narwhal »

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Re: Moving On....Goodbye.
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2012, 07:00:56 pm »
I miss you   :'(  <3 Have fun and maybe you post your new drawings here? {;

You are amazing <3