Author Topic: The Divine Forest  (Read 1822 times)

Offline IAEN

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The Divine Forest
« on: January 30, 2014, 11:56:35 am »
|   LITERATE   |   MAPPED   |   PLOTTED   |   MULTI-PACK   |
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Man had not set foot in the forest for many long years. Their homes lay in desolate ruins...abandoned, with only hints of their bloodthirsty ways left behind. Within the great tower, there were tools of torture and old stains of blood; all that remained of the once strong clan of humans that claimed the land. They believed their ways were above all, and any who disagreed with them were sentenced to death. Statues depicting the angel of death were placed throughout the land. A coliseum was built for the entertainment and enjoyment, and their plunder continued to pile high, for they took the riches of their prisoners before leaving them to rot.

Some prisoners managed to escape and ran to the caves, but there was no way out, and eventually they were tracked down and killed, their bones all the remain in what was now their tomb.

Eventually however, there was a retaliation. Whispering words of the clan had gotten out to the greater good of mankind, and they planned to put an end to it. The savages knew a battle was coming, and tucked their treasures away, never to be found in case they fell in battle. They would not run however, and they took up arms, meeting the foe head on as they were rushed in the dead of night.

The battle was a bloody one. None survived.

The story of the forest became legend. And the land became forgotten. That was, until the wolves moved in.

Kazul started the pack at a young age, building it from scratch and laying down a firm paw. Growing up he had been denied acceptance into any pack, most wolves believing he was too weak to be much benefit.

Through years of clever training and tactics, Kazul grew strong. He took over the coliseum left by the humans, using it as a training ground for his pack that was continuing to grow. Respect was given to him, though there were always some who challenged his rule.

The Fallen had been built up through rogue wolves Kazul had denied acceptance, for he could see wickedness in their hearts. Such wickedness and greed consumed the ragged bunch, and they began to try to claim the forest as their own, repeatedly attacking The Divine and drawing blood. Each time they were held off, and finally driven to hide in the ruins left behind by the savage clan of humans. There they stayed, growing stronger and feeding on their hate.

It wasn't until after the battle that resulted in Kazul's death did The Seekers arrive.

Man had chased them down from the mountains, and consequently, driving the starving pack into the forest. Humans seemed to be closing in from all sides, and the pack had little choice but to take shelter in the empty caves on the edge of the forest. They became a nuisance to both packs, but were for the most part left alone.

The battles were growing more frequent between the Fallen and Divine. It would only be a matter of time before it became an all out war.

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- Chapter 1


The maps that make up The Divine Forest are realistic with the setting, and expansive. Player characters are capable of roaming the forests comfortably, with landmarks and other geographical features that add a sense of immersion and realism to the role play. Players can roam endlessly in the forests near the Divine pack land, or wander the mountainous region of the Fallen. There are multiple maps and regions that the player can explore, from the Divine's Coliseum to the treacherous caverns in which the wolves intermingle. In addition to the length that players can travel, the maps will be updated on a frequent basis, promoting new events and change to the plot and RP.

...And TDF is only growing! The brutal lore and the detailed mapping, as well as the potential in the characters that have joined the role play are unlike any seen before in wolf role playing genre. Whichever pack you decide to align your character with has its own lore and laws. With the constant struggle for control of the forest, which pack will you choose? ...The Divine? Powerful wolves, descendants of the great Kazul and his battle tactics?
...The Fallen? The pack of rogues, all with shaky loyalties?
... Or the Seekers? The wise wolves, who prefer wits over brawn?

|   RULES  |

By becoming a member of The Divine Forest, you hereby agree to follow all rules and guidelines for conduct in and out of the role-play experience.
  • Be respectful towards all member and staff of the role-play. There will be absolutely no tolerance for ill mannered behavior and flamewars. The staff have no patience for any drama, and you will be booted from the RP entirely if you stir drama or a flamewar.
  • Do not randomly kill your character off. This kind of behavior can be considered an infraction for attention seeking, and consequences will occur. If you wish to have your character die, contact the staff about it prior.
  • No miscellaneous attention-seeking actions. Prophecies, omens, magic and spiritual abilities and behaviors of the like are prohibited in The Divine Forest roleplay. Please discuss with the staff members if you have any problems or concerns regarding this rule and your character. 
  • No wolfspeak. Using obscure terms such as "auds", "optics", "banner", and "pillars" in relationship to the role play is not allowed. 
  • There will be no tolerance whatsoever for godmodding, powerplaying, or any actions within the role play that give a character an unfair advantage over another.

Please click that link in order to have a more expansive set of expectations and rules for making your character and having an enjoyable experience with The Divine Forest. They're all basically common sense -- please manage yourselves appropriately and respectfully, out of character and in character, by following the rules.


The Divine Forest has a website where applications are sent in to the administrator (Zourak). Please read the rules and familiarize yourself with them, before joining. If you have any questions or concerns about one or more of the rules, please contact Zourak on the forum website.
Code: [Select]



Note: The character age should be realistic with the average lifespan of a wolf; please do not use "# in human years" in replacement of the wolf's real age.
The personality portion of the application is to help the administrator/RP leader decide which pack to place you in, if you do not have a pack preference of either the Seekers, the Divine, or the Fallen.

Here is the RP application I sent into the Divine Forest when I joined. Due to the length of it, please click the spoiler button if you would like to view and base your application off of mine.

[NAME]: Rokert
[AGE]: Approximately 1 year and several moons/months.

[PERSONALITY]: Despite his young age, Rokert is a sore loser and generally impatient when it comes to situations and tasks getting done. He doesn't manage well under pressure and will probably be the first to turn the blame on someone else. Due to this, the young wolf is seen as untrustworthy and unreliable when it comes to tasks and keeping information classified. Despite this lose-lipped demeanor, Rokert is capable of performing tasks with diligence and to the best of his capabilities. The young wolf is still in his prime, and subject to maturing and change throughout the roleplay.

[OTHER/DISREGARD IF IRRELEVANT]: Rokert is also short-tempered when it comes to his name being pronounced, as he is often mistaken for "Rodger" or "Rickert".

[PREFERENCE]: I don't have a preference... I'd actually prefer if you would choose the pack for me.


    Nature's symphony: Rain.
    Tiny beads of water descended rhythmically, repeatedly, from the greying skies onto the forest grounds. Tiny streams formed in the crevices of the earth, and miniature waterfalls formed from the heights of the sloping trees. In the midst of the darkening clouds, the moon found itself enshrouded, leaving scarce light to the woods. The animals found themselves searching for shelter amongst the topiary, many content with their meals and ready to rest. Once colorful birds grew saturated from the rain, and waddled and fluttered their way to their abodes, singing little. The pungent scent of grazing animals gradually became fogged by the soothing aromas of the rain water. Huddled in several budding shrubs beneath one tree, a young wolf was in a middle of his respite.

    The sheltered one had been asleep even before the beginning of the rain, managing to find a state of tranquility and serenity. His ashen back fluttered in pattern to his soft squeaking sounds. It was only when an several large leaves protecting the wolf from being soaked were overturned by an overpowering amount of rainwater, consequentially drenching him to the bone.
    Waking up in a sense of shock, the young one had leapt to his paws, head thrashing to the sides frantically. Sensing no danger amongst, the thick-bodied wolf lowered his body to the muddy ground, golden eyes narrowed to cautious slits. Snorting to himself, the juvenile remembered why exactly he was here.

    It was their fault! he thought to himself bitterly, gaze frozen on the earth, paws pressing into the filth.


If you have any questions, feel free to ask me here via reply/forum post. Please post your applications as a private message (PM) to Zourak on the website linked above... and below! I'll be updating this post frequently with new content.

« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 01:20:53 pm by iann »