Author Topic: Benniejet / / femme  (Read 933 times)


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Benniejet / / femme
« on: July 08, 2012, 07:11:32 pm »

ALIAS - prefers Bennie
AGE - 4 years
SPECIES - Mexican Wolf & is also part dog
RANK - rogue

Small in stature, her build is slim and malnourished.  Only about 125 centimeters in length and only 80 centimeters off the ground, she's essentially an easy target for hungrier, as well as stronger, forces.  The coat's rough, not very well groomed for Benniejet has never really understood the benefits of grooming, nor has she had the energy to participate in it.  With decent legs, her lanky body makes up what it lacks in strength in speed, allowing her to escape and survive another day if needed.  Her thick, coarse fur is tangled and matted, her double coat essentially lost in the knottings of her top.  The color varies from a wide range of brown to gray, with the common mexican gray streaking across her back and hindquarters.  

Her paw pads rough, black, and her nose equally intense. Also, because she has some dog in her, she has folded ears.
There is barely muscle underneath her coat of fur, due to once again malnourishment.  Ribs can easily be seen at a glance, and she often can not remain steady on her own, or if she does her muscles shake from exhaustion.  Her tail is a mess, more closely resembling a horse's if anything can be compared to such a thing, and is always placed between her legs, for she knows her chances of survival are equally as low.
She is a very timid wolf, not one to make conversation but more so one that lurks in the shadows, and, if lucky, finds a nibble of food occasionally.  It's not necessarily that she's shy, but that Benniejet lacks social skills.  Her quirky behavior, probably caused from his oddities she expressed as a child, led her to be the adrenaline-rushing, body-shaking, crazy-murmuring being you see in front of you.

Psychologically dependent on food, she's constantly obsessed with searching out every last piece of prey that may be out there.  Whiskers twitching, she scavenges a single area for weeks, in desperation than anything else, for something to soothe her hunger pains.  This places Benniejet constantly on the verge of insanity, which is probably what causes her constant hallucinations.  Calling out to rocks, trying to befriend trees, others tend to stay away from her in fear of catching... whatever the heck you would choose to call what she possesses.

((Whew! Finally finished... >w<
« Last Edit: July 08, 2012, 07:23:07 pm by Hlaorith »