Author Topic: A thread about me! :D  (Read 1780 times)

Offline Yeska

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A thread about me! :D
« on: August 02, 2012, 01:41:01 am »
Well, figure this would be a nice place to start for people to get to know me. xP

Hello everyone, if you hadn't read my intro thread, then, lemme introduce myself here as well. My name is Travis, but I prefer to go by Sibirskiy, cause that's just what I like to be called... I'm 16, a senior in Highschool, and an aspiring Veterinarian (I know, amazing to find one of those in a place like this xP). For as long as I can remember, and that's a long while, I've always had a keen interest in animals of the non-human variety. I don't know why, but, I've always found more comfort near canines then my fellow humans. I guess I'm a loner in a way. Other than that, I'm also interested in science, and by that I mean physics, and the more fun, and much more complex stuff like Quantum Physics. I'm a math nerd as well, and I'm also big on psychiatry. I like studying both how other peoples minds work, and the behavioral patters of them, and also the minds of our other species that inhabit our wonderful world. I've also been roleplaying for a good two years now, but mostly just forum RPing. I like to write, which is what first got me into that style RPing. I have an over-active imagination, and I enjoy spacing out and simply getting lost in my own little world, letting whatever comes to mind sorta flourish into a story (sorta how I get idea's for RP's as well). Oh, this might not be so surprising, but I also have two wonderful dogs! A six year old Australian Shepherd, whom I've never actually gave a name to, and more so just called her my baby girl, and whom of which I rescued off the streets when I found her one day (I'm a sucker... I see a dog alone, I feel a need to help it...), and a year old puppy, Reggi, who is a Aussie/Boxer Mix. There's also my moms dog and cat that lives here, a tiny chihuahua and a black cat (I suck at different breeds of cats).

I dunno what else to put... lol, so good enough! Thanks if you actually read, and, don't worry if you looked at it and just went TL;DR, I really didn't go into making it look pretty, perhaps later I will... perhaps... d:
I am odd, also, my name is Travis, but, I prefer to be called by my alter persona, Sibirskiy, or just Sib.. d:

Pet's name: Sibirskiy
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Offline Vallez

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Re: A thread about me! :D
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2012, 01:46:05 am »
Nice to meet you Sibirskiy! Im Val, and starting HighSchool this year, actually. XD I've always found comfort in all animals. You sound like a fun person to hang out with on FH and IRL :D Hope to see you in game! :)

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Offline Yeska

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Re: A thread about me! :D
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2012, 04:31:02 am »
Nice to meet you to Val. ^^' That's awesome! Your gonna like it in Highschool, trust meh, best years of your life there... well, at least until college... can't wait. lol. But yah, I really do enjoy being around mah doggies more than other people, I find it to be easier to communicate with them than anybody else, as weird as that sounds :3. Do hope to see you around as well! ^^'
I am odd, also, my name is Travis, but, I prefer to be called by my alter persona, Sibirskiy, or just Sib.. d:

Pet's name: Sibirskiy
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie![/url