Author Topic: *~Takashi Forest~* (Accepting Tsuki and Taiyou pack members.)  (Read 1421 times)

Offline Werewolfking

  • Curious Wanderer
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    • Darkfalls Wolf RPG

The beach

Night near the old Taiyou lair

Fresh prey

The Alphas' den

Tsuki Pack Territory

Check out more photos of Takashi Forest at our website.

About us:
Step into a hidden forest, untouched by the hands of man. Wolves, however, have lived here for as long as anyone can remember. A powerful pack by the name of Tsuki (moon) rules over this land, protecting it at all costs. On the night of a red waning moon, Takashi is invaded by the ruthless Taiyou(Sun) Pack. The Taiyou creep into the territory and singlehandedly slaughter the weaker Tsuki's alpha and force the Tsuki wolves to join the or die. No longer a choice, the Tsuki obey and for many generations remain enslaved by the Taiyou, until the day a brave Tsuki wolf, Rai,  turned his fellow pack members against the cruel Taiyou wolves and regained control of the forest. The Taiyou did not leave however... a few of the scattered pack remained, rarely seen by the Tsuki wolves. Now led by the daughter of Rai, Alice, Tsuki pack fears a relapse of the Taiyou's ferocious attack.

Rules and Regulations:

*Always Obey your Alpha(s)
*No powerplay, or Instant killing is allowed. You must have permission of that player if you may kill them off in the RP.
*No fighting, hazing or otherwise bullying OOC (Out of character).
*You may swear, but keep it to a minimum OOC.
*You must be at least semi-realistic in your character's appearance and behavior (I'm very lenient on allowing you to wear any item you choose, as well as wolves may display human emotions).
*New members will start as Omegas their first and often second day in our pack. As omegas, higher ranked wolves may order you to do small tasks or quests that may help obtain a higher rank. Your main duty as an omega is to watch pups and ease stress and strain in the pack through entertaining.
*As pups, your ranking is similar to that of an omega (Unless you are the son/daughter of the alpha pair) so  you must respect all elders. At the age of six months, pups go into training until their eighteenth month where they will be given a place in the pack society.
*When your  wolf grows to the age of around 10, you may become an elder. Elder wolves are treated with nearly equal respect as the alpha pair. They no longer have to hunt, patrol, or any other pack function unless they choose to do so. However, if one chooses to be an elder, they have to give up their rank to a younger wolf that has proven eligible to take it. Elders may also no longer bear pups to prevent defects or harm to the mother during the process.
*As most wolves desire to rank up over time, you are able to do so in two ways. One, take up the rank of a retiring elder, or challenge the rank holder for it.
*Here's a rule that i really don't want to have to enforce, as it is just common sense. Mating in public spaces of Takashi forest is against the rules and is tolerated the least of all as it is just gross. You may only mate if you have permission from the alphess herself. She will take you to a private den where you may do it in whisper (Nobody wants to hear that).You may not go to the den without permission (It may already be occupied).  All those that break the public mating rule will be exiled from the pack if proven guilty.
*The alphas' den is strictly off limits to all without special and direct permission.
*Lone wolves and rival packs may enter other territories at their own risk.
*Packs may take over the territories of other packs.

Pack Openings:


Alpha: Kiefer
Alphess: Alice
Guards: (Patrol the territory and protects the pack)
Beta: (Second in command)
Gamma: (Third in command, leads the Hunters with the alpha pair)
Elders: (The retired wolves that aid the alphas in important decisions)
Healer: (Aids the sick and wounded)
Hunters/huntresses: (Hunts for the pack)
Scout: (spies for the alphas)
Guide(s): (Train pups until they are old enough to gain a rank)
Omega: (Entertains the pups and does small tasks for pack members)


Alpha: (Male leader of the pack)
Alphess: (Female leader of the pack)
Guards: (Patrol the territory and protects the pack)
Beta: (Second in command)
Gamma: (Third in command, leads the Hunters with the alpha pair)
Elders: (The retired wolves that aid the alphas in important decisions)
Healer: (Aids the sick and wounded)
Hunters/huntresses: (Hunts for the pack)
Scout: (spies for the alphas)
Guides: (Train pups until they are old enough to gain a rank)
Omega: (Entertains the pups and does small tasks for pack members)

Open ranks are empty of members (there are multiple guards, hunters, elders, and guides)

Member Application:

Past: (Optional)
Strengths: (1-3)
Pack of Choice:

For more information and the map download, visit or website: