Author Topic: One Patched Up, Crazy Journal  (Read 1775 times)

Offline xXKitsuneNinjaXx

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One Patched Up, Crazy Journal
« on: August 23, 2012, 12:27:12 pm »

Offline Vallez

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Re: One Patched Up, Crazy Journal
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2012, 08:27:13 pm »
VERY talented artist, and a very, very, very awesome journal XD

  The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other jerk die for his...


Mi wittle DA page:

Offline xXKitsuneNinjaXx

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Re: One Patched Up, Crazy Journal
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2012, 02:35:28 am »
Thank you so much *^^* That actually means a lot to me, believe it or not. Since it's actually the first bio/journal I've done on here.


Oh, and updates.

My Journal Entry for the Day.
I stayed up all night last night, since I have a sort-of insomnia, caused by the computer XD. So, I got really tired around 10 AM, took a nap, and was woken up by Mum telling me to get ready. Apparently we had a lot of chores to do.
You don't want to hear about chores, so I won't tell you about them, but my Mum embarassed me earlier today. Usually she's pretty cool, and kind of like a sister (just not at night), but sometimes she gets into a 'protective mother' phase.

I was checking out groceries at the Supermarket and the cashier I was with started to talk to me, like he had done with A LOT OF OTHER CUSTOMERS.
The conversation went something like this;

Him: Why the long face?

Me: Oh, It's nothing. This is just how my face normally is...I guess. Also, school is starting up.

Him: That's no reason to be sad. Hey, I have to go school soon, too. Don't see me looking so sad.

Me: Well, I said, I'm not actually-

Him: Is that a Deadmau5 hat? That's cool. (I was wearing a black and green Deadmau5 ball cap at the time).

Me: I have to go. My Mum's waiting.

Apparently, my Mum heard the whole conversation with him, and my next conversation with her went something like this:

Mum: *sigh* I should have expected this...

Me (knowing what she was talking about, but asked for some reason): What?

Mum: That guy was flirting with you...*cringe*

Me: No, he wasn't. He was just talking to me. He did that with all the other people in line.

Mum: *dismissive laugh* You're naive if you really believe that.

Me: Well you're a little too cocky if you think that everytime a boy talks to me that he's flirting with me.
(Convinced he wasn't flirting with me; he's at least 3 years older than me).

Mum: You just don't know...

I'm not even that good-looking, so I don't know why anyone would choose to talk me up. Especially a 10th grade boy.

After that, we just got some dinner, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned out the kitty litter and watched a bunch of TV together. Now here I am, just checking up on my FeralHeart for the night. Well, right now it's like really early in the morning, and I should be asleep, but, like I said, INTERNET-INDUCED INSOMNIA.


Offline Wolf_Memories

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Re: One Patched Up, Crazy Journal
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2012, 07:48:21 pm »
:o I thoroughly found myself, lost, reading over your spectacular bio!
 I didn't want to stop. xD!! I am not too big, with many of the names of
games and such or sho
ws that you spoke about. HOWEVER, I do adore the
fact that you  drew that amazing picture at the top of your thread oWo
Spectacularly AMAZING! <3 (': AND- I also watched too much Animal Plant. xD!!
-High Paw- No dolls for me neither, toy cars, and stuffed animals were my life Owo;

o: M'Dear, I am sure you are VERY beautiful<3.
 I hope you find that, one day you are. Everyone is, and from how you put
together all this, into an ama
zing show- you are VERY
beautiful on the inside.
You have amazing potential, and your inner self- I'M SURE, shows out to your outer self (:
