Author Topic: Topsy-Turvy  (Read 977 times)

Offline Audrey

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« on: May 17, 2014, 02:49:10 am »
   .: General Information :.

.: Name: Topsy-Turvy (I don't know her true name, I apologize. )
.: Nick-Names: Topsy, Turvy.
.: Gender: Female
.: Species/Race: A thylacine 'furry.'
.: Age: 14, almost 15.
.: Accent: Australian/Aussie

    .: Appearance :.

.: Eye-color: Bright green/Neon green/Poison green
.: Hair: Frizzy, curly, 'crazy.' Dyed orange with red fringing the tips.
.: Description: Wears a day-blue T-shirt and 'flare' jeans, along with from indigo finger-less gloves that reach to her elbows. Hates wearing shoes, but when she must, Topsy wears sandals.
.: Weapons?: Surprisingly, for her age, she does have a sort of weapon; Topsy-Turvy is trained with a boomerang, and owns on as well, with a bladed edge.
.: Picture: (Please forgive my imperfect drawing skill.)

     .: Personality :.
Topsy-Turvy is, as her nickname likely defines, 'topsy-turvy.' She is socially awkward, and doesn't seem to know what the definition of 'normal' is, figuratively speaking. She is odd beyond all measurements of oddity, it seems. The girl is extremely tom-boyish and loathes all things pink and 'girly.' She loves to be unique, and strives for it, thus why she dyed her hair. She is cocky and sometimes violent, loving to wrestle and 'rough-house.'  She has a strong and passionate love and admiration for animals, specifically Australian animals. Her favorite animal is the crocodile, though she's particularly fond of all manners of reptiles. Her attention span is short, and she can't stop fidgeting, tapping either finger or toe. She loves didgeridoo music, and it may encourage her to dance; she has had training in belly-dancing, but is unlikely to do so in front of anyone accept on special occasions, because belly-dancing costumes are a bit immodest. She is friendly, and an awfully bit talkative, but creative and artistic. Topsy can get very stubborn at times, and the more you pressure her to do something, the more she refuses to do it. She is very loyal to companions, though, and will never betray them. She probably needs to listen more than she talks, and she can be very immature at times, but she has a sweet and forgiving character. She is quite curious, and often mischievous, but tends to 'leap before she thinks,' and possibly other traits of thoughtlessness.

   .: Past :.

She lived on a farm in the suburbs of Australia, and cuddled chickens. Nothing special. ...ACCEPT WHEN THE ALIENS CAME. Ok, kidding, there were no aliens.                      

  .: Relationship :.

.: Admires: No masculine
.: Bound to: No Masculine
.: Befriended: Gordon?
« Last Edit: May 17, 2014, 06:33:25 pm by Audrey »