Author Topic: Preset issue. :c  (Read 1053 times)

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Preset issue. :c
« on: February 08, 2012, 12:44:02 am »
Okay, so I'm making a preset for my Equestrian character. Everything's coming up fine, all dandy and good, almost done with the preset.. except that on the right side, it looks like there's patches of fur texture missing.

[Snapshots below]

See what I mean? :c

Can anybody help me with this? I'll be forever grateful if you do.

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Re: Preset issue. :c
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2014, 09:35:31 am »
Did you make sure you placed the texture of the shading right? if it is right then maybe you should just try downloading another Fur texture / shading.

Also check the Preset_ (number) file if everything is correct, maybe if its not you should move it into another preset folder like Preset_5 for example and see if it worked, my files also glitch.

or you can read this, hope it helped :)

Since alot of friends and other users private message me with the same question about how to apply a fur texture on a preset here's my simple & small tutorial for you all. I'm using GIMP for this tutorial.

Say you've finished painting up your preset and it looks something like this:

 Looks great so far right ;)? But after all that hard work you still feel like something is missing and you want to make it look more realistic and give it an extra little finishing touch to spice things up. How about adding a fur texture :D? Don't know how you say? Well here's how:

You'll want to start off by opening the texture in another window.The default fur texture of the game is located in your C:\>Feral Heart >Media>Textures. To find your texture click "File" then "Open" and "Local Disc C:/" on the left side corner of the window that opens then select your "Feral Heart" folder as shown below:

Next select the "Media" folder:

Next select the "Textures" folder:

Once in the "Textures" folder scroll through the list up until you find the correct texture for the part of the body you are trying to texture.
(For example in my image my preset is a canine and its the body I'm currently trying to texture so I select "cbodyshade". If I were trying to texture a canine's head though I'd select "cheadshade" or if I was working on a feline I'd select the "fheadshade" etc... It all depends on the model and what part of it's body you're working on)

Select the appropriate texture & once you've got it open click copy on the fur texture:

Then paste it to your preset:

Once the fur texture is pasted to the preset it should look like this:

Once the texture is pasted to your preset go to your "Layers box" and click the "Mode" option that I circled in red on the pic and select "multiply". Once you multiply the layer over your preset you should end up with an image like below:

Then all you have to do is save :3 and you're done. Do the same for all the other parts of your preset. If you have any questions feel free to private message me.
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Re: Preset issue. :c
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2014, 12:13:57 pm »
While yer help is much appreciated, ma'am, I'm afraid this particular help thread hasn't been posted in since the year 2012- over two years ago. Let's not necro-thread old threads, alright? Let the dead rest in peace. Yer help will be more efficient in recent topics though, I assure!

Anyways, lockin' this.