Author Topic: Without Shadows  (Read 1107 times)

Offline LiesUnderOath

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Without Shadows
« on: September 30, 2012, 05:06:00 am »
Murr. This will be my attempt at writing a half-decent story.
I'm pretty much writing the whole thing (other than the intro) on a whim, based on an idea I scribbled in one of my old notebooks. :I

Note: This story will be rated pg-13, for some criminal references. Nothing to horrible or gory, just a heads up though.
Notes: Any comments and such are appreciated, but I would like them to be held until after every two posts (chapters). Just to make it easier to keep up with it.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2012, 08:40:30 pm by ?StereoKitty »

Offline LiesUnderOath

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Re: Without Shadows
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2012, 08:40:49 pm »
Chapter One: Faint Beginning [Intro}

The car ride had been silent, neither of its passengers much up for conversation. The cities scenery passed them by, and she focused her view outside of the windows of the small SUV. His hands gripped the wheel, almost too tightly, as he glared ahead. There was almost something odd about the way his eyes were focused, about the way he casually glanced at his watched every so often. She looked over at him, and he attempted a smile,before pretending to be preoccupied with changing lanes. Her gaze returned to the window, and she sat up straighter.
"Blake..that was our exit. What're you up to?"
He didn't respond, only glanced at his watch and sped up.
"Blake...what ARE you DOING?" She looked at him, and when he finally turned to her, her heart sank at his expression.
"God, Jesss, I'm so sorry." He blinked once, and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "They told me not to say a word. I..I had to. They took.." Unable to finish, he simply looked ahead, ignoring her fear-laced glare. They had known each other since childhood, they had no least that's what she thought. As he let go of the wheel for a moment to reach over her and open the glove compartment, she realized she was dead-wrong. As he retracted his hand and set the gun in his lap, she leaned against the door, her mouth open in disbelief.
"I'm so sorry, Jessamine." Holding his own tears at bay, he watched as the first one fell from her own eyes and down her face. "You have no idea how far this goes."

Even family had secrets of their own.

A/N: Thoughts?