Author Topic: Meadow Pride [OPEN, literate, realistic, mapped and active!] MAIN CHAR NEEDED  (Read 1246 times)

Offline Willow0895

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Welcome to the Meadow Pride, where we all are a friendly, tight-knit bunch. Come join us today!  ;)

It all started out fine and dandy, Two rogue male teenage lion's living the life.. Finally free from their over protective mothers, and rival siblings. Out of their pride's hair, able to do whatever the two young males pleased. Living their lives as best friends, almost like two brothers who could never be separated through thick and thin; crossed their hearts and hoped to die if they ever did, over something stupid.
A few years eventually passed; and some months, the two males had become big and broad brute's; and it was time for them to separate and continue on with their journey. Which was to embark through the fierce savannah, and eventually battled off a male lion and score some lioness's they could call their own pride.

Which soonly began an almost a blink of the eye, It went by so fast.. time.. memories..

Eventually the two had forgotten about each other's past together, and continued on with their own lives; no matter how tough, over-baring, and gut-wrenching it was.

The darker colored male, Who would soonly call his little pride "outlander's" grew terribly vulnerable, lonely, and just plain hateful.
On the other hand, The lighter colored male's life was going steady, He had cubs of his own, everything he had hoped for. A beautiful lioness (unnamed) who he had set his eyes on, and wasn't going to let go of her to easily.. Without a bloody and gut-wrenching fight, to the death..

Another few months passed. Oh, how time flew by..

Suddenly, while the two males were on a stroll, all alone. - The two had rushed past each, suddenly coming to a stop. Almost as if they were going to battle, or what not. The two started to look each other over, though they still weren't to found of each other anymore and didn't have that brotherly-best friend bond with each other anymore. They were two bulky, fierce, large, and intimidating male lions. Who could possibly challenge each other in the near future.

Not to long was it until the two males put two and two together, forming their prides as one; there would be more food, reproduction, protection, and most important thing of all; unstoppable together. Bonds formed with the pride members that day, and it seemed this was the two laid back king's destiny. Which will soonly come to a backs-stabbing ending.
Spring was here, scents had filled the air..

Needless to say, The outlander male/king  had fell head over heels for the same lioness the pridelander male/king had his eyes glued on for the longest time.

Of course, behind the pridelanders king's back the outlander had basically "claimed" her, as it would be to late for the pridelander to get to her.
Rumors begin to spread like none other, about the two kings... the two prides, other lioness. Every possible, terrible, horrible, and dreadful rumor's and lies you could think of to be said. They bonds started to turn into negativity, hate, and bitter sorrow. The pride's health began to deteriorate, some began to even die; in this pride, it was now kill or be killed. Leaving the pridelander male confused, clueless, why was this happening? Was all that could run through his mind, it was all because of his brother like best friend. And these lioness knew all about it, but were to afraid to speak up to the two head males.

More time had passed, soon fall came. Cubs were born, and it seemed as if members were dieing left and right; constantly, everyday.

Soonly, the new wedded queen had given birth to a litter of four, but two had died. The only ones that looked like her and the pridelander, the genes weren't strong enough for them to even make it to three days old. Though, the ones who looked like her and the outlander survived; the other poor male, who felt cheated, and let down; his now EX best friend no where in sight, out with some other lioness.

Few more days past, the outlander had finally returned. And was almost slaughtered for what not only did he do to the pridelander's queen, but him as well. It just tore him apart inside, but greed.. hate, anger, jealousy had just taken over. And there forth him, and a few followers were cast out of their territory, and if they were to be caught by one of the pridelander's they'd be slaughtered on the spot.

The pridelander queen's two remaining cubs were eventually smuggled, by someone. - Who they could never find, and it was almost as if the outlanders had dropt off the face of the earth.. And so did the rest of the pride's sanity.

Meanwhile, the outlanders planned out what the next generation would do and carry on when they were older, and this generation died off.

Current Plot


1. No fighting between members of the same group. We are tightly knit and have a close bond!
2. Up to 4 males are allowed in a pride at one time. All males that are born must be chased out after 4.
3. Cubs are only accepted in the RP in Summer.
4. Lionesses go into heat in Spring and have their cubs in Summer. Lionesses may choose their mate. During Spring a lioness has at least one cub.
5. Please mate away from the pride.
6. No neon colours.
7. No wings.
8. 2-3 sentences per post at least.
9. No overexaggerating / huge drama
10. No mystery murders.
11. Cubs CANNOT leave the den until 3 weeks(3 in game days.)
12. 3 characters each please.
13. Please no M, F, Lion, Lioness, Hyena, Cub or Teen in your name. We are clever enough to tell.
14. You will get a strike if you break any rules.
15. Three strikes and you're out.
16. No sudden growing, three days in each stage, at least.
17. Please be realistic behavior wise. I hate it when it's winter and people suddenly start bringing back masses of prey. If you are starving, don't be full the next day when you haven't eaten.
18. Cubs that are to survive in seasons: Winter: 1, Fall: 2, Spring: 3, Summer: 4
19. Don't kill another char without permission.
20. When fighting please wait for a reply before hitting again.
21. PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE NO WOLFSPEAK. Not all of us are native English speakers, don't confuse us. c;
22. Please respect members IC and OOC.
23. Keep IC grudges out of OOC.
24. No insta-growing or insta-shrinking.
25. No insta-mating.
26. I will be lenient on cussing, but no f-bombs please.
27. Ask your leader before changing prides. You may only change prides once in RP, any more that that and you will be untrusted to stay loyal.
 28. Ask the leaders before having forbidden loves across the river.


Dominant Male
Shamar (willow0895)
Dominant Female(s)
Artashir (orcawhitewolf13)

Personality: Caring ? Kind ? Loyal ?
Lions: Bulky/Well fed ? Cream/lighter colours ?  Tall
Skills: Strong ? Running long-distances ?
Weaknesses: Being quiet, their bulky builds mean that they are less light-footed ? Surviving a long time without food ?


Dominant Male
Kova (Bammer)
Dominant Female(s)

Personality: Dark ? Mysterious ? Mean-spirited ? Wasteful
Lions: Dark coloured ? Shoulders set apart ? Generally large ? Skinny
Skills: Stealth ? Insults ? Living on a small amount of food
Weaknesses: Swimming ? Running for a long time

Ingame Username:
RP Sample:
« Last Edit: February 15, 2013, 12:52:18 pm by Willow »