Author Topic: ~Changes~  (Read 1212 times)

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« on: November 16, 2012, 06:44:32 pm »
[NOTE: At the start Siria is a human, but after she drank the potion she wasn't :P]

Chapter 1: The Potion of Changes

Siria groaned with boredem, throwing herself at the tree, "Theres nothing to do on this island any--" She froze seeing a potion laying innocently on the ground. She looked around to see if anyone was coming and picked it up, as it read
She shrugged "Guess it won't bite.." She closed her eyes and drank half of the potion. Suddenly, her eyes went wide and she collapsed.
When she woke she found herself on the floor, she groaned and dragged herself to the water. When she looked at her reflection she no longer saw a Human, she saw a Lioness. "AAAAAAAAAAH!" She screamed loudly and leaped backwards, looking at herself again "I'm a Lioness..?"
hi, i'm frankie!