Author Topic: Rise Of The Prides (ROTP)  (Read 1314 times)

Offline kewlkiera

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Rise Of The Prides (ROTP)
« on: November 16, 2012, 06:51:30 am »

If you selected this thread, you must be interested in this role play!

What Are We?

We are Rise Of The Prides (or ROTP for short)

We are a realistic, semi-literate to literate (but preferably literate), active lion role play. We are currently non-mapped, but who knows, if our community grows, that may change in the future. Yes, we do have a forum, whose link will be given further down, but don't let that rush you through reading this!

We are not only a community. In your pride, we are family, and each member is to be treated with that much respect and protection by your pride-mates and leader. If we find that there is ever someone who needs a time out, as they are either disrespecting a member or breaking one of our rules, they will be temporarily kicked from their group/pride. We don't like having our community witness a bad image, and after, neither would the member.

Who Are We?

Name: King Latimer (Latimer) (LAH-T-HIM-ERE)
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Species: Lion
Age: 19 (Human years)
Mate: N/A, not looking.
Cubs: N/A
Siblings: N/A (Were born dead, did not know them)
Parents: King Nicholas (Deceased - Murdered), Queen Nakita (NA-KEY-TAH) (Deceased - Murdered)
User: kewlkiera (Me) - Creator of the ROTP forum and role play.

Latimer's parents were old in their age when they were bestowed with their cubs. However, because of this, all the cubs did not make it because the mother was not of the proper age for having cubs. Luckily, there was but one little prince that mewed and squirmed when life gasped into his lungs. This little prince was none other than Latimer.

Now, since it was their only cub, they were extra protective of him.. if not overly. They wouldn't let him go even outside of the cave some days. The young cub grew in the dark of the den, seeing only the light of the sun peeking in from the entrance. He always wanted to go outside and explore, like any cub would, but it almost seemed as if he was "prohibited". His parents smothered him with love, which is nice, but it was a little too much at times. He wanted to get out. Badly.

Finally, when he reached his late years of teen, his parents, worried at first, allowed him to finally go out and explore around the den while they went out to hunt with the pride.
His cousin, named Daniel, was left to stay with Latimer and watch him. He was alot older than Latimer by a few years. He always had a shade crossing his eyes and was always having his claws sheathed. His parents had died in a savage water buffalo stampede, and so he was on his own in the pride that he dwelled in.
Latimer, a naive and curious growing lion, was running to feel the soft breeze run through his fur. That was, until he bumped into his cousin, and Daniel looked down, sneering, and hackles raised. Latimer went wide-eyed in fear, and was about to run back, when a huge paw smashed him in his muzzle and the world went black.

He awoke to a familiar scream. His pelt was tattered and ruffled, and his head was feeling splittingly painful. He rose to his paws, fumbling for ground to hold his paws, and trotted to where he heard the strange sound.
Then he seen it.
His mother, who he had guessed returned from the hunt, was lying on the ground in a great pool of blood that was seeping out from her mouth. Her chest was ripped open, and her eyes were cloudy, but wide with fear that she held during her last moments. Latimer, feeling the rush of shock, horror, and grieve rush over him, could merely stare at the one who had raised him so lovingly, and had begun to re-think why she was so hesitant as to leave him here.

While his mind was buzzing, furious and harsh roars were echoed from a distance place in the land. Latimer, taking a last look at his mother, dashed towards where the sound had come from. Although t wasn't hard, as the roars kept coming, and he heard them feel closer.. closer... closer...

When he reached the part of the land, he immediately saw two figures, clashing together in battle. Fangs were bared, claws were sheathed, hackles were raised. It was Daniel and his father.
Desperate, he was about to run in to help his dad, but his father saw him from the corner of his eyes, and gave a quick shake of his head.
Daniel, who's eyes were sharp, noticed the movements that the old King gave and twisted his head to see a crouching lion in a tall patch of grass. He began to prowl towards Latimer.
Nicholas, who was out of breath and covered in scratches and tears, stared at his son then, and Latimer stared at him. The King's body seemed to have a sudden regain of strength, but only enough to save his son. Nicholas pounced at Daniel, who was caught by surprise as they smashed onto the ground.
Daniel was quick, and got up fast as he stared into the old King's eyes as he still lay on the ground, and the King knew of what was coming next.
Daniel sheathed his claws once more, and raised his paw high.
Latimer, frantic, finally gained his courage and rushed up to his cousin, where, when he reached there, a tear was placed into Daniel's throat, and blood gushed out rapidly.
The body collapsed, coming down with a big "thump", and dirt came up in clouds as the ground welcomed the corpse.
Latimer was about to smile to reassure his father, but little did he know that when he looked, it was all too late.
Nicholas's eyes were closed, and at the throat of his mane, blood dared do escape the body of the great King.

Only then had the rest pride returned from the hunt, and they gasped and roared in mourning at the sight that beheld the scene. Latimer could not hear them at all. He was wide-eyed and his ears were ignoring the sounds. He still stared at his father, and placed a final paw on his muzzle.
"I promise.. I will be as great a king as you... I will walk in your paw-steps and learn your ways. You will not be forgotten..." Spoke Latimer absently. Then he turned around to the rest of the pride, the fur of his tail tip lightly brushing a farewell to his father.
"We will learn from this." he yelled at them all "We will learn that we are family, and that family sticks together. We will always be beside each other, no matter the time." then, he tensed his muscles and let out a roar. A lion's roar. A roar of a promise.
"We are brave. We are loyal. We are pure of hearts. We are the Suiwer Pride!" he said "I am your new King. And together, we will build a new era. An era of peace and happiness! I will protect you from this," he flicked his tail on the face of the old King "and so will your pride mates. We will not back down. We will forever be strong and brave."

The pride bowed their heads, giving prayers to the old King, but at the same time, they devoted their loyalties and lives to the King who would lead them down the right path.

Name: Kade (KAY-D) - Latimer's right-hand lion
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Species: Lion
Age: 16 (Human years)
Mate: N/A, is looking.
Cubs: N/A
Siblings: N/A (Ran away, and were unknown)
Parents: Lark (Alive, location unknown), Saranima (Alive, location unknown)
User: shadowspear11

-No current biography given, will be made soon-

What Are We Currently Looking For?

Active members! We are always accepting new members, and we are currently hiring forum staff to help us moderate our forum, as well as design team to assist us in making maps for the role play, or making presets for members, or just plain drawn art.

Also, as of right now, we are looking for 3 ACTIVE pride leaders. These leaders may choose the names for their prides and recruit whenever they please. However, if the leaders are not active, they will be removed from the forum and are expected to disband their group.
We do not take activity lightly. If you wish to be a leader, it is expected that you are on daily for your pride to help it grow.
Please note that being a leader does not make you staff on the forum. You will still have to fill out a form if you wish to become a staff member.

Also, I should not have saved this for last, but, we are strictly a 13+ roleplay. This is due to not only our website's default rules, but to the reason that our members may cuss as long as it is in group chat only and that it is not directed at a member, whether they are a part of this role play or not. It is not accepted in this role play nor on Feral Heart itself, as it will be called for cyber bullying.

*Big gasp for breath* Enough of my babbling. If you are interested, feel free to join us here. Our rules will be explained there.

If you wish to become a Pride Leader, please send a PM to me (King Latimer) on the forum, and you will be asked some questions before we (the forum staff) consider accepting you.

If you were nice enough as to read through ALL of this,
Thank You.

PRIDE LEADER SLOTS (Slots remaining to become a pride leader):
« Last Edit: November 17, 2012, 05:56:49 am by kewlkiera »
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Re: Rise Of The Prides (ROTP)
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2012, 03:08:52 pm »
Name: Razmouhi aka Raz
Gender: Lioness (female)
Age: 19 (human years)
Sexuality: Straight
Mate: N/A, looking
Crush: N/A
Cubs: N/A
Picture: I don't have it yet
Bio: RP to find out
Species: Lion
User: FighterWolf399
« Last Edit: November 17, 2012, 03:11:20 pm by Razmouhi »

Offline kewlkiera

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Re: Rise Of The Prides (ROTP)
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2012, 10:49:47 am »
Name: Razmouhi aka Raz
Gender: Lioness (female)
Age: 19 (human years)
Sexuality: Straight
Mate: N/A, looking
Crush: N/A
Cubs: N/A
Picture: I don't have it yet
Bio: RP to find out
Species: Lion
User: FighterWolf399
Accepted! We are usually at the Cape Portal at 11:00 AM on weekends in Pacific Time. On weekdays it will be on at 3:30 or 4:00. We stay on for a few hours.
Feel free to see us around those times.
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