Author Topic: The Wildemoor Plains - Fall Of The King.  (Read 1867 times)

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The Wildemoor Plains - Fall Of The King.
« on: December 03, 2012, 05:05:31 pm »
So lately, in The Wildemoor Plains, a King from one of our pride's died after suffering some illness. The rp itself was quite emotional to some who had to witness it. xD

I'd very much like to share the rp session with you all, we really enjoyed the story personally.
Sorry if you get confused with the characters in this story, so here they are; Kiel is/was the third King of Pride Of The Sunrise. Serenity is the Queen, Koese is the Prince. Stone is the royal's advisor.

Kiel walked down priderock, letting his paws slide on the polished stone. What he had carried made him thinner, showing slightly his rib cage. He looked tired, but hadn't talked of his deseace to anyone yet. So he walked to Stone.
"Sir..." Stone greeted, sounding slightly concerned at the King's appearence. He kept a firm expression and carried on. "The pride are at piece and I've kept Broly well away for some time. Things seem fine currently..." 'almost' He added in his mind upon catching site of the King's blank eyes.
Serenity stayed by the water, her claws hidden away, but her eyes did not hide anything. She looked at the pridelands, then turning her head slowly to look at the grave nearby. She stared at it for a few moments before looking back to the empty home.
Kiel shook off his mane, it had gotten slightly darker by the night and also present circumstances.
"Stone, may I talk to you in private, I need to say some words that only you can understand." He said and started to walk towards the circle of light standing outside the priderock's area.
Stone stood up straight and nodded formally, he followed the King, eager to find out.
Kiel looked at the shining stone without even looking at his friend beside him, and began to talk. "I have thought alot and found out what was eating me." He spoke with a blank face. "I know I might not know exactly what it is, but I feel it's like a punishment but it could also be a form of reward. My father is calling me on his side Stone. In a way that that isn't quite as peaceful as the way Kiburi called him." He looked at Stone and his eyes glowed with an eyrie shine.
So, that explains his bleak form, the male thought before turning to him and staring at him emotionless as usual.
"What are you saying? That soon, maybe... you shall be joining them?" Stone asked strangely.
"Soon is too close." Kiel thought of the life of Stone and his emotionless expression was like a spine in his heart.
"Have you ever loved, Stone? Have you ever had emotions so strong that it made you want to cry?" He asked and then looked back at the glowing stone.
"I want you to take care of Koese, learn him to be strong. Become a friend to him, a brother, a father. And also take care of Amala and Serenity." He said with a sad voice.
Stone turned to him. "Sir, I highly doubt you're condition is terminal... unless it's confirmed, I cannot possibly tell..." He spoke quickly until the King's questions came into mind. He was a private male though this could be the last time they spoke.
"I will take care of them, like I have tried to look after you're lands. But sir, how do you know this will be the end? You have a commitment to Serenity..." He explained firmly, like he usually did. "...Just like I did to Annabella." He added quietly, turning sadly to look at him lastly.
Kiel couldn't help it and smiled. "I shall give a last kiss to my love when the sun burns the earth." He said then got up and touched Stone's shoulder with his forehead.
"Farewell Stone." He said and walked towards where Serenity would be.
Stone followed the King slowly behind for a short while until he came to a stop. For the first time in a while, he felt mixed emotions, alot of them. Watching the King leave to see his love for the last time, brought back many unfortunate memories and missed opportunities.  All he could do now, was wait.
Kiel walked behind Serenity and sat next to her. His breath was slowing down and he made an effort to open his eyes wide. "Serenity..." He licked her cheek and closed his eyes, resting his head on her shoulder, absolutely not knowing what to say.
"Hey Kiel." Serenity whispered back. She knew what was happening to him and she nuzzled him back. "It's alright... we'll be fine... you'll be fine..." She shivered slightly with sadness and she tried to hold back a tear.
Koese approached the two quietly and sat next to his only family. He sensed for a while that something was up, and just like Stone, he had to let it happen unfortunatly.
Kiel curled tight around around her and opened his eyes to Koese's scent. "Promise me to listen to you're mother and stay strong no matter what son." He said and then looked at the sun. It was the last sunrise he might ever see and his eyes locked on it.
"Indeed I will, but..." He replied to his father softly and curiously. He didn't know what to say.
"Please don't say that Kiel..." She muttered. Then looked down at Koese, and licked his mane. She didn't say anything but just stared blankly at the grass below. Serenity had never had to say goodbye like this before...
Kiel felt the need the drink and walked, hardly towards the pond. He didn't mind what Serenity said, he just wanted water. His paw sliped on the wet grass and he fell a few inches in front of the water. He looked at the water, sign of life.
Serenity looked at Kiel down at the water bank. She ruffled Koese's mane.
"Looks like it'll just be you and me... then soon enough, you will be King in place of you're father." She smiled down at him, then walked down to Kiel. "Kiel... please say something..."
"Mother, I..." He was cut off by his own thoughts, he was confused, but extremely dignified about it. He remained on the rock as he watched the lions near the pool.
Kiel used some of his strength to pull himself to the water and stayed there, watching his reflection. The lion he had become looked so much like his father. The tip of his paw touched the water, and he saw his father, watching him with his fire mane. Then he spotted something white falling from the sky. It was unbelievably white. A white feather was falling towards the water infront of him. It fell on the water, making soft ripples. The world around collapsed with the feather's light purety.
He closed his eyes, a bell rang in his head and whiteness took him in like a blizzard. Under his shut eyelids, his eyes rolled to look towards an angel sitting next to him. Serenity was that angel, and in front of him, stood his father, on the water, with white wings bursting from his back. He gave out a breath and the fire within became ash.
Serenity looked away from Kiel, a tear rolling down each cheek from both eyes.
"An eternal sleep my dear." She put on a fake smile, then looked up to Koese. "Come here sport..." She walked up to him and wrapped a paw around him.
Koese said nothing, his sad frown was holding back many tears. He rubbed his head against Serenity's leg gently.
Serenity moved forward, walking up next to the dead King, her mate. She flopped down to him and placed her head onto his mane. Softly crying, but no words could come out; but in her mind. "Good-bye."
Thanks for reading this (If you had enough patience!) It would be fair to say, R.I.P Kiel who was a wonderfull character and led his pride well. Though he was still quite young, he still was knowledgeable and a trusted King.
Characters (In order of appearence);
Kiel - BluePanther. Stone - Shadow07. Serenity - SummerRise. Koese - Shadow07. Keeny - Acousi125. Niro - Payzoon. (The last two were seen in the actual rp, but there posts couldn't be found, apologies. But thanks to them for taking part.)

For those who are interested, joining is allowed (and to tell you all the truth, we'd love it if you did!) You can also find the story here;
The Wildemoor Plains is full of interesting places to visit, and all African species are allowed!
LLAP \\\///

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Re: The Wildemoor Plains - Fall Of The King.
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2012, 05:28:03 pm »
-Gasp- R.I.P King Kiel! D':
Hope to see people back in Wildemoor again!

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Re: The Wildemoor Plains - Fall Of The King.
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2012, 06:15:11 pm »
That's a shame that Kiel died. I don't really go onto feralheart anymore, or Wildmoor.
No longer on the forums. Maybe around the game every now and again.

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