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Author Topic: ~Shadows Of Darkness~  (Read 1394 times)

Offline ritat

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~Shadows Of Darkness~
« on: December 25, 2012, 08:37:59 pm »
So hello everybody, well I made this pack by my own and I am (TinkerTire). The reason I made this group is because it is when we grow up and fight the evil. I hope people might join...

                                                          How to join?..
You are going to be clueless of how you want to join. So first thing scroll down the page and see the characters..There are males and female...if you are a male pick one of the males and if you are one of the females pick one of the females. After you have done that, create your charcter on FeralHeart and take a photo of your character. Then, add a comment here with your photo and name...and make the characters own bio :D and personality (please note that your character should be brave and strong talking about what you can do against the evil...
`````````if you dont follow these guidelines...you will not be accepted to join`````````

                                                                 Expiry date??
                                       The expiration is on febuary 14th 2013!

                                                                  Female Wolves...?
                                                                              TinkerTire: TAKEN BY ME
                                                                              RoseTear: FREE
                                                                              Darkness: FREE
                                                                              JewelDang: FREE
                                                                              Darcia: FREE

                                                                  Male Wolves...?
                                                                              DangerousTig: FREE
                                                                              OrangeTide: FREE
                                                                              BlackPoker: FREE
                                                                              DartPoof: FREE
                                                                              Fiberfoob: FREE

Here is an example of how you should join...

Picture/image:                              Name: TinkerTire
                                                                                                                            Personality: She is very brave and strong  
                                                                                                                            between her surroundings and is always      
                                                                                                                            responsible and respective with the adults
                                                                                                                            and childrens talks.
                                                                                                                            Age: 28 years old
                                                                                                                            Mate: None               Children: None
                                                                                                                            Nickname: Tinkire (for short "TinTir")

So, that's a clear example of posting your character in your comments (please take permission first by saying "\"I would like to join your pack/group" and then I will answer you back.then, you may start you bio and stuff.

If you dont know how to post your on pictures in comments. Please click or copy this link on another tab and read the instructions carefully...It will take you 4 minutes to read it, just 6 lines. Link:  http://feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=8658.0%20newwindow

Thanks for reading and I am hoping for comments and characters to be replied out  ;D.

Regards...Ritat your life saver! 8)

Offline ritat

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Re: ~Shadows Of Darkness~
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2012, 08:39:42 pm »
Oh yes I almost forgot that when I got all the members to join please add me in feralheart "Ritat" and I will make a new post saying that "thx for joining members".