Author Topic: Kilimanjaro Pride (:D) (Main thread is on IH!)  (Read 1523 times)

Offline Rabiddog

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Kilimanjaro Pride (:D) (Main thread is on IH!)
« on: July 03, 2011, 03:46:36 pm »
We are a semi-realistic pride, yaaay. That means that we get to have realistic colors, 'cause they're awesome, but not realistic actions. Unless you want to. Anyway, this was made by a band of... lions-- obviously-- and they decided they wanted a long tongue twister of a name for a pride! And thus, the Kilimanjaro Pride-- aka, the Long Name Pride-- was born! With its ultra normal powers, it blunders through plots and dances across fun times.

/. RULES .\
Yeah, yeah, everyone hates 'em. Well? Shush! That is said with love. Okay, so, let's start.
  • No godmoding, powerplaying, autohitting, whatever, without the express permission of the other person you are RPing with. The "no killing without permission unless stated otherwise" goes there.
  • For the semi-realism, males are allowed to remain in the pride, mate are allowed to be taken, blah blah blah, however, the lead male does have the power to breed with whomever he chooses, so long as the female consents, but he'll probably take a mate as well.
  • For colors: Kovu-like browns (no really dark poopy browns), tans, gold-ish colors, sandy, some brownish-gray and light gray, and a limited number of white lions. Females are allowed to have manes, just not full ones, and males really should have full manes unless they're younger. Tail 1, head 1 or 3 (sometimes 5 or 6), and size doesn't exactly matter. Tufts except the spiky super-tufts that look like dino spikes are allowed. No red eyes, though any other color is acceptable. Markings are okay, so long as they look pretty realistic on a lion. Cubs should have spots, though.
  • No lion-other hybrids, just lions, though any lion breeds-- mixed or otherwise-- are acceptable.
  • No super OOC drama-llamas with power levels over nine thousand, because those are just... D: And be polite, that, too.
  • Don't start any other-pride conflicts without first speaking to the leaders. With this also comes don't be excessively rude without a valid reason to the leaders, especially not at times when there's an emergency going on.
  • Inbreeding is a nooooo-no, very bad. You could be kicked out or killed or something like that, since it is highly frowned upon in this  pride.
  • It is extremely frowned upon, very highly frowned upon, for non-Sheikh males to have cubs with more than one female. They are greatly encouraged to take single mates.
  • Protect everyone in the pride, especially the cubs. They can't exactly protect themselves. What do you think they could do, tail-nom the enemy to death? It'd be very cute, but no.
  • Orphan cubs are only allowed in if they're adopted, though it'll be a hard life since the pride will probably not be too accepting of them.
  • You can have as many characters as you can handle in this pride.
  • List still coming, I think, 'cause we're very ruley. (Like holey and holy, but... with... an r... okay, never mind.)
/. RANKS .\
    Sheikh:. The king, the almighty and all powerful. Usually pretty smexy, too. (Stop shaking your head and just agree already! D:<)
    Warithi:. The heirs, the royalty cubs. Only the cubs born between the Sheikh and his real mate are in this rank, or those he decides are there. It is not always the first born who is the heir but the one chosen. If there isn't a chosen heir before the Sheikh's death, then it will be the living eldest son. The Warithis have actual, real ranks, which'll be listed under their names (or somewhere... you know, stuff happens).
    Duni:. The term used for all non-royals if being grouped together. (Tee hee... Dunis. That sounds funny, doesn't it?)
    Naibu:. The second in command. There will be only two, not royalty, but the Sheikh's most trusted members, with at least one being a male. They don't have the same sort of breeding freedoms as the Sheikh. Rank must be earned.
    Shujaa:. Fighter, warrior. Those who are the first line in battle, the protectors, the invaders. The Shujaa don't do the same kind of secretive work that the Msaka do, but they do go on missions somewhat similar sometimes and also hunt. Yay, food!
    Msaka:. Hunter. They can hunt for the pride, but their real purpose is to serve as spies and assassins and messengers, but also appear to serve their actual, innocent purposes... sometimes.
    Angalia:. The carers, the caretakers of the cubs. Male or female, doesn't matter, but they are the last line of defense for the cubs, and they are rarely ever used for the front lines unless things are absolutely desperate. They aren't just lazy bums, either, they do a lot of the menial work, too, with the Ujana.
    Ujana:. The youth, the cubs-- cute lil' babbehs! They are the priority for protection. Once they reach teens, they really should choose a rank, but they can-- if they want-- to sit back and just wait there. Teenager stuck with cubs... sure... okay... go ahead.
    Wazee:. The elders, the older dudes. They don't do much but tell stories and give advice to the Sheikh. Their opinions matter quite a bit... and they're not killed. So that's a nice, wholesome blob of family fun right there! (^_^)
    Mata:. The dead and gone and those people who decided they weren't cool enough for this pride. Yeah, we even have a rank for you... mean-face.

    /. APPLYING .\
    You wanna apply, then? Yey! Well, this is fun. Justmake an account or log in on Impressivehearts to join on the main thread, which is HERE

    « Last Edit: July 03, 2011, 04:10:24 pm by Rabiddog »

    Offline Rabiddog

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    Re: Kilimanjaro Pride (:D) (Main thread on IH!)
    « Reply #1 on: July 03, 2011, 03:47:17 pm »
    /. SCREENIES .\

    If you weren't sold by that first thread... fine! Here are some screenies of the pride. We have lots of fun. x3 It will be updated.

    Btw, we have our own map. And it is amazing. Just so ya know.

    « Last Edit: July 03, 2011, 04:09:29 pm by Rabiddog »

    Offline xxaaliyahxx

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    Re: Kilimanjaro Pride (:D) (Main thread is on IH!)
    « Reply #2 on: January 05, 2013, 09:43:28 pm »
    Hey, I cant get on the site so can I apply or something here? If so, Character app >>
    Name: Utamu (beauty)Age: Adult
    Pelt: Brindle-Fawn
    Eyes: LilacDesired Rank: Msaka
    Markings: Dark ear rims
    Attitude/Personality: She is kind, loving and a little perky at times of birth/ important times
    A Lil' More: She has fluffy cheeks and finds it fun to spy on people.
    sorry if I wasn't SUPPOSED to apply here, bt I can't access the site for some reason :I