Author Topic: Penelope for Real  (Read 993 times)


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Penelope for Real
« on: December 22, 2012, 09:46:53 am »
 Hey everybody! For all those interested in reading this derpy bio thing! How should I start this off...? -thinks- -thinks- Eh, whatever, let`s just go straight into the simple facts about the real me.

My real name isn`t Penelope!
Yup, in fact, my real name is Ashley. My mom was going to call me Penelope but my dad decided to call me Ashley because Penelope isn`t a good name. I believe it is an unique name, so I made that my second name (nickname). I still prefer to be called Penelope. I like it that way.

Gender: Female
Age: 14
Timezone: Pacific
Color of eyes: Dark Brown
Color of hair: Dark Brown
Grade: Freshman at high school. 9th grade
Personality: Freindly, shy but confident,and very outgoing. Can be hyper and random on sugar rushes XD

Type of Music I listen to: Classical, new age, and rock
Favorite Bands: Skillet, Thee Days Grace and much more
Favorite song: I don`t have one
Music I listen to most: Classical

I play the flute! It`s been more than a year of expierence and I plan to become a professional one day. I love running for long distance. My record is running more than two miles. I also take tae kwon do, probably my most favorite sports. I also like drawing, swimming, and of course, roleplaying on Feral heart.

-The color Purple
-Temperatures below 70 degrees
-Chinese culture
-Native american culture
-Good friends that care about you
-Gentle Snowfall
-All four seasons

-Immature People (Many people my age are like that. It`s annoying.)
-Human Destruction of nature
-Temperatures below 20 degrees
- Friends that leave you out of everything (My school expierence)
-Numb hands and feet
-Mad Parents
-No internet!

That`s pretty much it. Thank you so much for reading!