Author Topic: Mai New Bio  (Read 952 times)

Offline catloversjt

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Mai New Bio
« on: December 28, 2012, 09:41:14 pm »
Well, I was reading other bios and thought, compared to these, mine sucks. So, here's a redo, if I missed anything or you wanted to know something about me that I didnt put, let me know in the comments ^^ I'll try to get everything though...

Name: I am Sarah.
Gender: Ugh. I'm a girl. But I am a tomboy.
Age: Let's just say someone once told me, "If you hadnt told me your age, I would think you were ten years older than me," and she is 20 something. I will tell you this; I'm younger than that. You can guess mai age if you want xD
Birthday: January 14 (Aww nur, I'm not ready to grow up D'x)
Family: My mom, dad, and twin sister lives with me, and I have an older brother who is moved out. Plus I got Grands, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, etc.
Pet(s): One cat; She is Katie and she is all black with green eyes (No, she is not unlucky..), and she is 15 or 16 now.
Location: South United States.

Favorite Color(s): I like all colors, but my favorites are red, blue, and orange.
Favorite Band(s): Sick Puppies, The Beatles, Evanescence, Simon and Garfunkel, Red, um.. I cant think of anymore..
Favorite Singer(s): Taylor Swift, Pat Benatar, Tom Petty, hmm, I cant really think of anything else..

What I'm most likely watching: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Favorite Charrie (^): Mikey...(But I like the others too, it's just...yeah. Mikey's just awesome <3).

Least Favorite Show: Ick. MAD. (My sister is obsessed with it >.>).
SOME of my favorite movies: Forrest Gump <3, Twilight, Harry Potter, Diary of a Whimpy Kid, and TMNT (I am not obsessed 0.0 Maybe I am.. Ugh >.>)
Favorite Actors: Daniel Radcliffe, Kevin Costner, Peter Drinklage, Emma Watson, Taylor Lautner, and a few others...

Favorite Books: Warriors, Harry Potter, UnEnchanted, Prince of Wolves.

Traveling~ I have Ferried Cross the Mersey, been on 6 cruises so far, been to 30+ countries, including (Paris) France, (London) England, (Naples) Italy, and many more >.> (Do NOT tell me I'm lucky, PLEASE. I dont like to hear that u.u I am highly unlucky and many people I care about have died, so, I'm not lucky), I've been to many states...

Who Am I?
I am your...well... I am not normal... I am strange. My sister tells me I'm smart, but I dont know about that. I like to hang out with my family and play FeralHeart and Sims. I also enjoy RockBands and Infamous... I like Christmas time! And stars. And the ocean. I like watching TV and talking (I can never shut up..). I like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I like writing (I am currently writing a novel, yet I do not think it's going too well...) and reading. I LOVE traveling <3. I have two friends in real life, which may be because I am homeschooled. I like to mix my Powerade and I eat Peanut Butter and Nutella together. I am not allergic to anything that I know of. I like most animals but I love dogs. I LOVE to draw. I like to draw and sketch charries from shows and movies. I laugh at tons of things, funny or not, and race around stores like a retard.

FeralHeart (BEST) friends: Dragonwolf74, PuppyCare, Snowflake85, Spitz.
My favorites FH charries: Comet and Michael.

My Fears: Bees- I will run from them. Spiders- I will call someone else in the room to get rid if it. The Dark- More of what my mind thinks is in the dark. Something may be watching me...- Sometimes, I feel like something is watching me... It's sort of uncomfortable and creepy... Sharks- I just dont want to be eaten >.> If I learn about the species around me though, I'm less scared.

Things I Have Done Lately: Acted retarded in WalMart and ran away from a poster >.>, Watched the AWESOME Cats musical ;D, watched TMNT... Got Sims 3 Pets for Christmas ;D, Had to go visit relatives... Listened to music.

My FeralHeart.

User~ Catloversjt (You can call me cat though. Or Comet or Mikey). I usually hang out or roleplay with Ookami Pack (My favorite pack ever ^^) or my best friends.


That's all I can think of about me right now... I may post to update later instead of making a whole new page... If you have questions, feel free to ask. ^^ Bai for nao.
"If you're considering suicide, you're not ending the pain. You're ending the opportunity for things to get better." (Brian Quinn)