Author Topic: ~Celtcin's Bio~  (Read 993 times)


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~Celtcin's Bio~
« on: January 23, 2013, 11:14:08 am »
Hi everyone... So since I'm bored, I'm gonna put a bio up here... just cause... anyway here it is!

My real name is Alicia, but most people call me Ally, I answer to either but I kinda like Alicia better, however I don't feel like trying to get everyone change what they call me. I'm 13. I'm short, but probably pretty much as tall as I'm going to get according to my family. I live with my sister and father, I used to see her every other week, but certain things I won't blather about made us just live with our father.

 I live in the frozen wasteland of Canada. No I do not dogsled to school :P. It's not that bad with the snow. I live next to the Atlantic so the wind is the coldest thing, like right now it'd be -10 C instead of -25 with the wind chill.  It does snow a lot sometimes, we used to have like 20, 25 cm of snow outside but it melted recently.

I'm kind of shy if you meet me in real life, I have a bit of a stutter that of course you won't see online. I suppose you could call me a loner, I don't have many friends and don't get along well with a lot of people.

I love school and learning and I'm on an enrichment program so even though I'm in grade seven I'm doing some grade nine work. I'm good at math and science, horrible at geography and history. My favourite subject is science. I want to be a biologist for a job, either a ornithologist (birds) or a zoologist (animals in general). I love sports and physical activity, and I'm involved in basketball a lot. I played for two years for my old school, however we moved and my current school doesn't have a basketball thing going for middle school, just elementary. So I'm helping coach the young'uns. I like writing stories and such, writing in general (so forgive me if this is long XD). I play the fiddle or violin (Same thing people!) though not very well I think, I've only been in it a year. I used to get lessons but now teach myself, sice we moved away from my teacher I haven't found a new one. I also try and learn more about computers and how do stuff other than the basics with them, and I'm getting there. Music wise I love  Three Days Grace. Insult them and I just may cut your head off. And yes I am very upset about Adam leaving and think Matt is a lot of a downgrade. I also like Sick Puppies and Linkin park.
Anyway, forgive me for rambling, I'm quiet but when I do talk I tend to ramble. Bye.bye!

~Edit~ I'll get a picture up later after school when I'm more awake lol

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Re: ~Celtcin's Bio~
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2013, 01:13:09 pm »
Wow, the future job you want to have sounds great!

And yeah! Canada! Someone else who gets to bask in the -30 weather!

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Re: ~Celtcin's Bio~
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2013, 01:47:18 am »
Ohh, nice bio, Celticin! ^.^

I'm really digging your orthnithologist/zoologist dream. For a time I was considering some kind of biological study, as well, so I hope you fulfill that dream! And, I love it that you help coach the elementary basketball players. That's too cute, and very kind of you! ^.^ I'm sure they'll really benefit from your coaching~
And, I share your love of Linkin Park and Three Days Grace; Adam packing up and leaving was a big surprise, there. But who knows? Maybe Matt'll get his act together and kinda get 3DG back on their feet. *Shrug*
But, again. Lovely bio, and +floof for introducing yourself to the FH community. Welcome (assuming you're new, my apologies if you're not xD), and we'll see ya around! :)
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