Author Topic: Rate the Creation  (Read 1003 times)

Offline catsanddogsandbirds

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Rate the Creation
« on: February 15, 2013, 08:16:43 pm »
In this game, you post a screenshot or link to your favorite creation on any game that has avatars. You could do horses you made in Howrse, creatures from Spore, or your characters from FH! It doesn't matter where it came from!

 Then, once you do that, the next person rates it and posts their own. If you don't have a creation you can post (though I think you all do! ;) ) you can just say 'Pass' and the next person will just use the creation before you, but I don't want this spammed with 'Pass''s, okay?

 Alright, let's get started!
The Fastkill
Although it may look like that tube-shaped thing in the top of its 'neck' is a mouth, it is really a poison-shooting organ. That long limb coming out of its 'neck' holds a powerful clamp that serves as a mouth. The fastkill lives in the canyons of the dry planet called Kuar, often nicknamed 'QR', and hunts rockskins, massive, multi-limbed plant-eaters. But, sometimes, a rockskin will go for a fastkill as a meal to add more protein into its body. Then, the fastkill doesn't stand a chance, no matter how quick of a runner it is.
(Don't feel bad if yours isn't as fabulous as mine)