Author Topic: The Fantasy Valley  (Read 1023 times)

Offline Birdi

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The Fantasy Valley
« on: April 20, 2013, 04:11:42 am »
This story takes time before cars and modern-day technology. Horses are the main way of transportation. This story is about a young boy, and a young feline. It takes place as well, in a fantasy land that no one believes to exist. A dark evil is coming. Can they convince the 'real' world to save theirs?

  The mist settled over the land, shrouding it in a blanket that clung to it until the searing light from the bright sun lifted it away. The plains looked like a ghastly cemetery filled with ghosts, vampires, and any sort of monster you can imagine. A rustle in the tall, pale-colored grass catches your attention. Your aerial view of the valley between the two mountains is great, because you can see most everything that happens here. The rustle moves. Where is it going? Following, you let out a harsh scream, making the movement in the grass freeze. Opening your talons, you soar down and snatch it out of the wheat field.
   What was it? The young animal you caught was brown with a white tail and thick bones sprouting from its head that looked like tree branches. You settle in your nest, high above the ground, dropping the mammal in the thick embrace of the mud, twigs, and branches sewn together. The mammal bleats in terror as you open your beak and scream again, settling down and scooping it up, crunching the bones on your huge teeth, until it is swallowed. You tuck your head under your wing and fall asleep.

  The young felidae growled. The shaye, or, the giant hawk, lifted a deer into the high mountains above. She opened her maw, revealing her large, sharp teeth. She was a soft, grey-blue-white color. Her soft fur was slightly long, but not as long as a persian cat's. She had large green eyes that bore into one when you gazed into them for too long. Her long tail ended in a rounded tip, which was black. She had a white underbelly that stretched up but ended at her throat, and stopped down onto her belly. She was at least four feet tall at the shoulder, and five feet from head to tail, at about two years old (fifteen in hzyen years). Tanita was her name. She had a thick mane of shaggy fur around her neck.
   Tanita could run faster than an Earth cheetah. She loved to run. Her breed was called a hyzen, a breed out of the species of Vaca.
   A smell warmed her senses as she waded through the grass. She could see above it, but she picked her way carefully, because last time she wasn't careful, she ended up on her nose. Her green eyes searched 'round for a sign of danger, but she could not sense anything, except for that smell. A small light flickered about five miles away. At half her top speed, she would take ten minutes to reach it. Stupid tall-grass, the feline thought, leaping through an especially tall patch, landing on the other side. The tall grass had suddenly ended its wild rows, and there were wheat, barley, and various grains spread out in neat rows.
   What was this? Tani continued her walking, but sped up to a trot. Her broad shoulders pushed her forward, long strides easily covering a yard at a time. The light grew, and she drifted to the side, avoiding a wooden structure that held baying animals, although she could not see them.

 Shall I continue?
« Last Edit: April 20, 2013, 04:18:59 am by Bird~ »