Author Topic: The Elemental Guardians  (Read 1156 times)

Offline duna the killer

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The Elemental Guardians
« on: March 03, 2013, 03:15:08 pm »
So I've been hoping you all would get an idea of what my characters,The Elemental Guardians, are for.These are a group of cats who control non man made things,and I think their are about nine (I can never keep track DX): Flame,Wind,Ocean,Storm,Ice,Teffie,Necromancy,Stone,and Mountain.Flame,since he was listed first,was and still is the leader of the Guardians.Also using their powers they can create certain natural disasters.And you may be wondering, 'WHAT DO THESE CATS GUARD?!' Well they guard certain crystals that gave them their certain powers: Fire,Wind,Water,Storm,Snow,Nature,Dark Magic,Rocks,and Mountains.I also have an official group for them in FH.They don't have all the characters in it but I am in the process of making them.The group name is Guards of the Elemental Crystals.They also live in a different galaxy,so Earth is safe CX.I am also considering making a new guardian named Time.You probably know what he can control.Also you can make up your own Elemental Guardian and choose what (s)he can control,but not anything of the above.So please respect these characters and their elemental powers,and they might just respect you back ;) (Also with my permission you can get a guardian into your clan warrior cat leaders!).