Author Topic: Your Roleplay Requirements?  (Read 2953 times)

Offline morallydefunct

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Your Roleplay Requirements?
« on: May 18, 2013, 01:37:12 pm »
Now, I have a question for all of you.
What are your roleplay requirements?
For example, you're doing a One-on-One roleplay with someone in a group or not, what do you require them to have?
Now, besides from being semi-literate to literate, I actually require the person I'm going roleplay with to:

1:Correct grammar, punctuation, and capitaliztion.
2:Use quotation marks.
3:Make the post at least a full sentence to two sentences if you aren't as literate.
4:PLEASE, spell correctly. Not all words have to be spelled correctly, but at least some.
I wish I had that screenshot.. It sure would've came in handy. Anyway...

I require those things because have you ever met someone who is so illiterate that your mind wants to blow up? That might be only me. :L
But seriously, my friend was roleplaying with me in Bonfire (Don't ask), and he met a cub. *Names are changed.*
Jack (My friend):-Roleplays sitting on a rock.-
Jen (Some.. cub):hi
Jack:Hi. o.o
Jen:wana play? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Jack:-Roleplays- "I don't think so..." He walked away.
Jen: o cum on. less play!!!

My friend and I are literate and semi-literate in Bonfire. I don't mean to be excluding anyone or anything like that, but I simply want someone literate to roleplay with, as I really don't like to roleplay with someone who isn't literate.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2013, 01:40:34 pm by PieStar »

>mfw i see internet arguments

Offline Killian

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Re: Your Roleplay Requirements?
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2013, 02:14:51 pm »
Personally, I don't like RPing with someone that puts no effort into their posts what so ever. For example, I was sitting on the ramp thingy you go up to get to temple and this vampire wolf ran up to me and..
<Vampire wolf> -Drains all your blood- Don't worry I keep my victims alive!

First, you drained -all- my blood, so no I am now dead. Second, I wasn't planning on RPing. Third, auto-hitting much?! and last, I hate it when RPers just want to get their post out as quickly as possible so no effort is put forward and they end up with half a sentence of dribble.

This doesn't mean I won't RP with them, if I have nothing better to do... I'm teaching someone at the moment who uses short posts like that. But it's not all about the length of paragraphs, I am dead against using post length as an excuse to call yourself literate. I believe as long as it's a bit descriptive and has all the basic RP rules down it's fine.

I stand by the fact that literate RPers can be a lot worse then illiterates it terms of acceptance. An illiterate will RP with anyone, literates are normally too stuck up for that. I once watched a literate person whip out three posts about himself looking at a pack of wolves and call it short! The fact that people can be impressed by this is beyond me, I would hate RPing with that person, waiting for his long/short posts would bore me to death.  

Offline Nemena

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Re: Your Roleplay Requirements?
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2013, 02:59:35 pm »
My roleplaying requirements:

  • I can read your post.
  • OOC friendliness

I don't care whether you're literate, illiterate, a wolfspeaker or not, providing I can understand what you've written, I'll reply! Everyone starts off somewhere and ignoring inexperienced roleplayers isn't good for the community. Whilst I prefer a bit of multi-paragraph banter, I can easily get that with friends! When I'm out and about, if I can read the basics of your post, I'll interact with you. The only people who fall outside this category are extremely heavy wolfspeakers and leet-speakers. Granted, some days it's a little disheartening to receive a one-word reply to a paragraph, and it leaves me especially vulnerable to powerplayers, but-... Well. Seeing other's improvement far outweighs any negative experiences, in all honesty!

The player's friendliness, too, is pivotal. I don't care if you're an upcoming author who's writing is literary genius; if you're unnecessarily demeaning and cruel, I won't roleplay with you. I find it far more rewarding to interact with a friendly newbie than a pompous, experienced roleplayer! Whilst the line between OOC/IC should never really be crossed, I personally find it difficult to enjoy roleplay with someone I know is cruel to other players.

I care more about the player behind the character than the quality of the roleplay. If they're enjoying themselves, I'm happy to interact with them regardless of their roleplaying ability! :D
« Last Edit: May 18, 2013, 03:03:04 pm by Nemena »

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Re: Your Roleplay Requirements?
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2013, 08:53:17 pm »
I have some rp requirements, in other words, if you don't follow these requirements I (sadly) can't rp with you

* I can understand what you are posting
* You can see my items, If you cannot you can at least understand they are there (ex. Someone bites my character right where a sharp item is placed)
* You can spell decently
* No hard powerplaying or godmodding (ex. KILLS NO MISS OR DODGE NOW YOU ARE DEAD!!!!!11!)
* You follow the rules (Link here)* You are friendly towards other players, OOC and IC (ex. (OOC) I AM RPING WITH MY FRIEND GET OUT NOW!! (IC) "YOU THERE! GET OUT BEFORE I RIP YOUR HEAD OFF!" MERCILESSLY RIPS HEAD OFF AND LAUGHS AT VICTORY!!NO MISS!)
* You can understand literate words

I don't want to be strict by my rp rules, but everyone that can decently follow these rules can have as much RP fun with me until you fall asleep!


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Re: Your Roleplay Requirements?
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2013, 09:53:17 pm »
Normally I do not like roleplay with people that roleplay like this:
-sits on rock- hi hows it going

I found that type of roleplay very boring and awkward. I've tried to roleplay with people that roleplay like that and I just found very young players that didn't like reading rules, powerplayers, autohitters, and people that didn't know the OOC and IC difference.
I have tried multiple times to roleplay with these people. But I just don't like roelplaying with powerplayers and so on.

So, I guess me requirements for me to roleplay with someone are as follows I guess:

1. Don't autohit or powerplayer
2. Put at least some effort into the roleplay posts so they aren't just a few words
3. Know the difference between your character and IC
4. Don't be attention seeking and almost dying all the time

Of course, when it is a newer player my standards change. I'll probably roleplay with the newbie and try to teach him/her about roleplay and all that. o3o

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Re: Your Roleplay Requirements?
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2013, 10:03:48 pm »
Because I'm big on writing, I love writing. But if you can't give me something to reply with, I usually lose interest emediatly. Like BouncyLion said. The '-sits on rock- hi hows it going' boring.

So my 'requirements' are these:
1. Basic grammar and spelling, I'd like to be able to tell what I'm reading. It's okay if there's a few mistakes but absolutely no text speaking and leet speak.
2. I don't require a lot of sentences, but you have to give me something to reply with.
3. No powerplaying, auto-hits, instant deaths, etc.
4. Be able to tell the difference between IC and OOC. I don't like arguments so hate the characters, not the players.
5. Absolutely no racial slurs and bashing against gender, race, or sexuality in their posts.

Probably seems like a lot but that's what I'd like to go for when it comes to my rp partners. It makes the roleplay much more enjoyable when there aren't problems all around.

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