Author Topic: >-Mortifer-< (Updated, v.2)  (Read 2458 times)

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>-Mortifer-< (Updated, v.2)
« on: March 13, 2013, 09:36:43 am »



Family:Yuri-Mother {Dead}| Liz-wife{Dead}|Kiro-Son{Dead}

Species:Wolf Anthro (Part Demon)

Original name:Sagi


Name meaning:Bringer of Death (Latin)

Age:132 (Looks like he's in his mid twenties)

Appearance:Mort is a black pelted brute, his eyes have turned red slowly over his time living. He is about 6'5" and his tail is about 3' 6". He is well built, though his muscles are far behind what he could actually lift, due to his demonic blood.

Personality: Mort is a killer. He shuts off his emotions, and appears cold, and distant. He prefers
the shadows, and hates light. It is because of this he is often called a vampire. Mort has little
patience, and rarely gives second chances. Once you piss this guy off, you can pretty much sat
goodbye to all social interaction with him... well, what little interaction he gives.

     Mort was born in a good family, he was a only child, however it didn't affect him much. He was
an academic,  he wanted nothing more then to get good grades. He got them easily, no one ever
 could say he wasn't smart. He got a  full ride scholarship into an ivy league college, but that's
when it started. Mort had never known his father, his mother raised him on her own.

     He met Liz at the college, the two of them hit it off. They married shortly after they graduated.
 They had a child. They named him Kiro. They were roughly 22 then. For three more years
everything was fine, more then fine in fact. They both had good jobs, no real debts.

     However, then Kiro started seeing things... he assumed it was jsut stress, from work, nothing
some sleep wouldn't cure. However he kept seeing them, they appeared to be shadows...
 however at the same time, they wern't, they had shape... more like a fogy figure. They looked
 humanoid, however had no legs, though they did have arms, and a head. All that could be seen
 on their heads were two deep red eyes.

     He went to a few doctors... they told him the same thing he'd been telling himself, it was
stress and he needed rest. So he took the next week off... but that's when he saw the creatures more often.

     Until at last, one night he woke to the sudden tug of Kiro. The pup looked frightened at the time,
 it's eyes full of fear... and pain. Mort looked to his pup, confused at the pain, until he noticed the
stream of blood pouring from the pups side... and saw the shadow lingering in the doorway. It was
swift, he had barely a chance to react to the creature as it moved across the room like a bolt of lightning.
   Mort woke the next morning... in a pile of blood. His Liz was dead next to him, Kiro laid dead on
 the ground. He remembered quite clearly hearing the sirens... an animal attack, that's what the
police said. They suspected a bear... nothing else would have left claw marks like they had. But
Mort knew what he saw. The night changed him. He grew a shell around himself... not letting
anyone into it.
  He called his mother shortly after the indecent... she always let him stay at her home if he
 needed to... and at the time he really needed to. So he called her, thinking he'd let he know
 before he came. There was no answer. But he came anyway. When the door was opened,
 he saw that her living room was destroyed. He slowly looked around the house... and there
 she was, dead on the kitchen floor.
 They came again, the sirens... again... they said a bear.
  Mort joined the army after, he became a sniper, however that soon changed. They found
 he was jsut as useful up close as he was a far. He was about 30 by the time he realized, he
 wasn't really aging. He thought it was just his luck at the time.... but still, he found it odd.
 However no one else seemed to notice.
  Mort began to realize, as he killed more the shadows stopped appearing. So he began
 to enjoy the killing. He was asigned to a special team, they were known as the exterminators.
 Their job was not to negotiate. Not to play by the rules. it was simply to kill. That was the day
 Sagi was cast aside, and Mort took over comepletely.
   By the time he was 40 he left. Being there no longer brought him any joy... the killing was
 boring now. He wanted to kill something else, something more challenging. That was when
he met him, his father. A demon. He never have Mort his name, he simply explained to the boy
he was half demon. That the shades he saw, were his... that they were part of his soul
manifested into form. They were his shadows.
     He realized, after a week away from the army... he needed the killing, he craved it. It
was all that held him together, all that kept the shadows inside.
 The present day he still hungers for the killing... however over the ninety-two years
he learned to control them more. He no longer has to kill as frequently. Now he can go
up to a month without a kill before the shadows go out and kill for him. He now lingers
day to day... in the shadows... in the dark. He doesn't know why he lives, he doesn't
know what for. But he searches for something... something he lost long ago, happiness.


Update Notes

Pictures?: One of Mort
Texts?: Yes, I added a bit more describing his looks.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2013, 08:10:36 am by -Hunt- »
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Re: >-Mortifer-<
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2013, 02:44:33 pm »
Sweet bio >:D! I really enjoyed reading this. I have to say I feel sorry for Mort D; so tragic but he definitely is an interesting character... Scary though D:. Good work on this bio Hunt it's really awesome x3!

Offline Hunt

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Re: >-Mortifer-<
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2013, 07:11:05 am »
Thank you. He just kinda came to me one night. I wasn't sure if I should put him on here, he' s the first true furry character I've added, the closest I've come before was a minotaur. As for the tragedy part, what's a story without it? After all, I believe most (if not all) of Shakespeare's works are tragedies.
I do feel bad for the bugger though, however I'm certain I"ll add more to his bio if I ever use him in a RP, I am rather eager to use him. It's merely where I would want to that is the problem... and of course finding time to set aside for using him.
I'm glad you enjoyed reading the bio, after I didn't get a reply for a day I was beginning to think I lost my muse XD
<--The Hunt-->

Life is the great hunt. We are both hunted and
hunters, hunting and being hunted for love, life, and