Author Topic: I Need Some Serious Help..  (Read 1135 times)

Offline littlepup

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I Need Some Serious Help..
« on: April 01, 2013, 12:35:30 pm »
So...Hello there, well there's quite a lot wrong with my Feral heart, unfortunately I cant show screenies because..well I'll explain..

Basically my water and sky textures are acting up really bad, my water (when I'm close to it or in/under it) will continually change, I will have the 'cshade' texture flowers, the moon, anything that's in the texture folder, will come up. I have tried re-installing and it doesn't work. Same with my sky, my clouds are all glitchy and move every second (i mean EVERY second) and fall into the water etc.... its really bothering me and it even does it on the character selection scene :c

All of my characters are glitching as well I get huge white patches on them, such as the neck, mane, legs,paws, head etc... and its killing the whole experience.

I haven't altered any files or anything like that, I have just downloaded the game and I see a load of new maps have been put in which I like from what I have seen on youtube, unfortunately I can not go exploring for myself because I have super lag, I can't even move, even in Lonely Cave (I think its called?) I was going to download Feral heart+ and see if that was any different but I dont see a download for that x3 also when I used to use Feral Heart I would normally use the Direct3dg (is that what it is? it was direct something) as my option instead of OpenGL but now the only option coming up is OpenGL, why is this?

Also the reason why I can not take screenshots is because whenever I do it makes my game crash and shuts my game down so I have to load it up again, which takes ages and gets really frustrating.

Please please please help me FH is one of my favorite games and I'd hate tp not be able to play it again, also I brought my computer a month ago and its been fine, brand new etc... so I can't think what is wrong...please help me,....asap

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Re: I Need Some Serious Help..
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2013, 02:56:38 pm »
Make sure when you are re-installing you have removed any trace of FeralHearts main folders.

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Re: I Need Some Serious Help..
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2013, 06:52:45 pm »
I think your best option is to switch from Open to Direct. Now you said its your only option in being in Open, but try opening up your Feral Heart game, and then go to Options>Video. There you will be able to switch from Open to Direct.

Another reason probably is cause with the amount of people wanting to play Feral Heart, it does make everything more laggy. Especially when the maps are now able to only hold up to 300. Simple as it is, the more people that are on the server on a specific map, the more lagg and crashes you might have.

If all fails then try to re-install the game or try to make more RAM memory on your computer. The more space you have in your computer, the more smoother it runes

NOTE: Feral Heart + is no longer active anymore. The creator of that took it down for everyone and you are not able to play on that anymore. Simba is -remaking the Feral Heart + and it wont be for regular download as it used to be due to the face that the real FH dosn't support fan made versions of it. When FH+ is done and ready, it will be placed where regular maps are
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