Author Topic: *Balecia Pride*  (Read 1017 times)

Offline flamethunder

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*Balecia Pride*
« on: April 04, 2013, 09:48:01 am »
 Hey, King Torak here (Flamethunder),
      Right, firstly,This part if for any of you members out der nao!!                                                                                                                                                                                           We are now making to group open to more Literate players. And I Am working on a map for the pride possible.
Also, We need a new king or Queen as the RP plot so far is that Torak dies. I will be asking the most active and Literate members so be warned.  :D   

  For NONE MEMBERS:                                                                                                                                                     
  So, we are the *Balecia Pride* we did have 800 members however I have recently kicked many members that were not as active as expected so please, I you do  join be as active as possible. We are mapless for now, Active, long-term, semi-literate to Literate and realistic looking but semi-realistic RP'ers. Whisper Flamethunder to join or (if online) the lead warrior of the pride: Strong_At_Heart.                     
               Thanks muchly!  8)