Author Topic: ~Golden Swan Dog Hotel~ Open! Accepting applications.  (Read 12880 times)

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Re: ~Golden Swan Dog Hotel~ Open! Accepting applications.
« Reply #30 on: May 11, 2013, 06:15:17 pm »

Name: Domino

Nicknames: None.

Gender: Male.

Age: Two Years Old.

Breed: Dalmatian.

Sub-Breed: None.

Height & Weight: 24 inches & 61 lbs

Owner: Kasey Greenland and James Woodly

Appearance: Domino has the average shape of his breed along with the height and weight for males. He has a thin layered white coat that is easy for grooming and is dappled with size ranging spots all over. In comparison to the rest of his fur, his ears resemble the shape of an upside down triangle that is completely pitch black. His paws are also black and he sports a single black patch over his left eye. Domino has a softer underfur that is an almost pink and a heavily spotted tail. His eyes are a rich honey amber that often appear as a brown in dim light.

Personality: Despite the fact that he has long passed his puppy days, Domino is very active and energetic and could chase a Frisbee for hours if you let him. He's friendly to anyone and loves to be patted by humans, especially their children because they often give him treats when no one's paying attention. He has a very big heart, being a sweet and caring dog who is never one to leave a pal behind. Meeting new dogs has always been an enjoyment to him and learning about all their crazy encounters and puphood stories makes it seem like a book that hasnt been discovered yet. Unfortunately, Domino is extremely sensitive and takes things to the heart easily. Overall he's like a big teddy bear that just loves to have fun.

Strengths: A good thinker, he is easily trainable and finds out fun to do. He knows an array of tricks that he was taught for fun. He is easy to approach and is good at befriending other dogs.

Weaknesses: His sensitivity makes him often submit easily to superior dogs. He has a fear of large bodies of water such as the ocean and pools because of an incident when he was a puppy.

Crush: No one yet.

Extra: Golden Swan. He wears a red leather collar.

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Re: ~Golden Swan Dog Hotel~ Open! Accepting applications.
« Reply #31 on: May 11, 2013, 06:33:41 pm »
(Beautiful applications guys. You are both accepted and checked in on the upper floor. NOTE: If you have more than one dog(s) that you have applied with, please keep both (Or more) of their role-play post's in the same post. For example, do not post with one of your dog's and then in another post underneath it, the other dog. And DarkPetal, I accepted you.)



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Re: ~Golden Swan Dog Hotel~ Open! Accepting applications.
« Reply #32 on: May 11, 2013, 08:15:51 pm »

Ace was at the car sit, waiting for his surprise. John Carter was at the front of the car, driving. "How ya doing there, Ace?" he smiled in the small mirror. Ace raised his head and barked in respond. John chucked and went to reach his arm over to Ace, to pat him on the chest. Ace was happy and just kept looking for at the road, seeing anything surprising coming out. Then suddenly, they reached to a fancy hotel. And just for dogs! Amazing! Ace thought in his head. Just amazing..

Minutes later, they got out the car with there belongings. Some people that worked in the hotel, helped Ace's with some suitcase. John had Ace by his side, holding the leash, gripping tightly. Ace was a strong dog, with strong muscles..John sometimes have trouble holding the leash, because Ace would pull forwards and smell mostly everything that is anxious to him.  ... When the two were in the lobby, someone came to them with a big grin on their face. The young Doderman Pinscher male stood there, with his head high and standing proudly on his hind legs. John just smiled and greeted warmly to the man. The man replied "Ah...Welcome John to the Golden Swan Dog Hotel" he began "We hope Ace would love it here" as he turned his head at the tall dog.  Ace just turned his head. John nodded and just stood there. The man nodded and gave another glance to Ace and said "Well, Ace..Are you ready to go to new room?"  he looked at the dog with a smile. Ace just barked with respond. The man slapped his hand and said "I think that's a yes" he smiled and waited for the owner to give the leash. John nodded and looked at Ace. "Ace, make sure you be good, okay? " he gave a serious look. Ace knew he wasn't going to get alone with any other dogs, but just barked. John smiled and patted his hand, then gave the leash to the man. "Well, we must be going" and they disappeared. John left.

Finally, the two reached to the upper floor of the hotel. Ace and the man walked towards the room. When they both reached to the room, the man opened with his keys and opened the door. 'Welcome to your room, sir" he said, as he made his arm swing across the room. Ace eyes widen with amazement. Everything was so fancy. Ace turned to the man and then back to his surprise. Ace licked his lips and began walking inside the room..The bed was king side bed, the bathroom was like a litter box, but in a special way. The living room was like a a royal palace..Etc..Everything was so amazing..Ace grinned and decided to lay on the king size bed..He was so exhausted. The man was pleased to see him relax and stuff..He smiled and settle his doggy stuff. Minutes later, the man was soon about to leave, until he told Ace something. "Sir, if need anything just simply come down to the lobby or press a simply button" he smiled, and closed the door. Ace wagged his tail and wondered where to begin.

(Thank you, Rainbow^^))
« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 01:40:10 pm by Thrillex »

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Re: ~Golden Swan Dog Hotel~ Open! Accepting applications.
« Reply #33 on: May 11, 2013, 09:38:28 pm »

The rumbling metal can on wheels stopped its usual vibrations and came to a still sit, as the Dalmatian sprawled across the comfy back seats opened his sleepy eyes one by one. Domino rose his head only getting a tiny glimpse of the scene behind the window before his owner 's figure appeared behind it holding a leash and a wide grin plastered to her face. She popped the door open letting him jump out as she reached down to snap the leash to the thin red collar around his neck in its place next to his bone shaped name tag. "Ready?" She whispered to him patting his head and holding a bundle of supplies under her arm. Domino took a long stretch and yawn letting his pink tongue hang outside his jaws. "Tired, huh? Don't worry. You'll have time to rest up soon." Kasey led on as Domino walked beside her down a narrow paved path. He inhaled the scents of other dogs that had been walking this way making his tail wag. He was going somewhere fun, he just knew it.

A building loomed over at the end of the walkway having a luxurious appeal and shimmering fountains in front. As Kasey pushed the doors open sounds of dogs echoed all over and the smell of fine kibble swept past his nose. More than once Kasey had to tug a stiff Domino who had to stop and admire the decadence of the place itself. He watched a levitating floor surrounded by glass bring a group of dogs to a top floor that held several rooms. "A hotel? For dogs?" He barked to himself as his owner conversed with another human at the front desk. Soon he and his owner where following a man who kindly carried Kasey's load who directed them elsewhere in the hotel.

"Watch your step please," The man said leading Domino and Kasey onto the elevator. There was another human already in there holding the leash to a dark brown mutt with a long snout. Domino sniffed him in greeting as he sat back in his haunches feeling the strange floor that humans called 'elevators' rise. "Wow. Kind of nerve wrecking isn't it?" Domino said to the dog beside him as he watched the floor below them grow farther and farther away. The dog grunted in agreement gazing out the side of the elevator. Kasey tugged on his collar again telling him it was time to get off. "Good day," Domino barked to the dog in the elevator following the humans out of the levitating floor.

The man dropped the bags into one of the most dog related rooms Domino had ever seen. While Kasey talked with the man for what seemed like a pretty long while, he began exploring the room. He sniffed every nook and cranny, sat on every cozy item until he found himself curling up on the massive bed that was just for him letting out a huge sigh. His owner came over suddenly holding a worried smile and scratched him behind the ears. "Hey now boy. I'm going with James somewhere very important so I need you to stay here. These people will take good care of you. I promise." She bent over to kiss him on the forehead before leaving the room with the man who had brought them to the room. "Goodbye Kasey", he muttered groggily before falling into a light snooze.

He woke thinking he was at home only to be reminded by the unfamiliar comfort of the doggy bed. Ears perked, a woman wearing the same type of clothing as the man from the elevator entered his room and led him outside of the hotel. "Easy now," she said pulling him gently with the leash. The sun splashed on his face as she led him down to the sandy shores of a beach that had dogs dotted out in different areas. "Your master requested lots of exercise." The woman began to explain as she dropped his leash. His heart pounded with excitement as he ran in circles in the sand. He felt free, only the absence of his master was like a stone in his heart. Shaking the thought away he nervously approached the salty water only daring to let his paws soak. Never would he go past his chest in water again.

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Re: ~Golden Swan Dog Hotel~ Open! Accepting applications.
« Reply #34 on: May 11, 2013, 10:33:43 pm »

The hunk of Leonburger pawed at the duvet, his nose getting used to the fresh aroma of the hotel. A sudden pang of lonesomeness hit him, and he suddenly wished he could be back with his owner.. He fell into the bed, his head sinking into the soft pillow. He heard the click of the door, which opened silently, "Red?" A familiar voice echoed to the bed room. It was the man who took him to the room. At least Red was with someone he knew. The massive dog lifted himself up, and leaped from the bed, running to the wooden door. The man with a huge smile on his face greeted him, and ruffled his fur, seeming glad to see the Leonberger to. "Were going to the beach fella!" The man chuckled while Red swiped licks over his chicken-tasting hand. The beach? He thought, BOO YAH! Redgie barked in excitement, his tail flipping from side to side. A black lead came into view, and it was clipped to his lead that was hardly visible under his thick fur.

They reached the beach, the man chattering about Redgie's safety. "So, you can't go off the lead, because you will go over where you can just walk, and that will cause a danger, because of your arthritis!" While the man blabbed on, Redgie edged closer and closer  to the glistening water. "Your only allo- AHH!" The man yelled, as Redgie yanked him of the ground and ran to the water, the man being dragged along. "Dude! Dude!" The man scowled, but Redgie just carried on... Suddenly, a women grabbed his lead just when he got his paws in the water, and he turned around... His chocolate eyes stared up to a deep, red headed women, almost crying with laughter. "God, bad Red! The owner said he didn't need a halti!" The man gasped, regaining his balance, and retreating to his two feet. While the two gossiped, Red rolled in the water, itching his back on its soft cover. He also saw a dalmatian,
((Domino)) soaking its feet in the water, but loads of other dogs were around. But this dog was closer to him. "Hi there," Red barked, his tail wagging slowly. He tried to show he didn't mean any harm, as he never did with things he wanted to be friends with, even if they showed high levels of dominance.

While he waited, he heard some snippets of the conversation of what his career and the lady were saying, "some dogs are amazing here, they are all so beautiful!" A girly voice said, "Yeh, there's this amazing  puppy Dachshund
((Sam)) he's soo cute!" The man replied. It never occurred to Red that men could go all smooshy over a dog, but this was different. Mostly, every staff member loved dogs!

((That's quite long for me, and if anyone's not bothered to read it I'll just tell you that in the second paragraph Red interacts with Domino.))
« Last Edit: May 11, 2013, 10:36:03 pm by Huskies-Eat-Ponies »

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Re: ~Golden Swan Dog Hotel~ Open! Accepting applications.
« Reply #35 on: May 12, 2013, 10:26:31 am »

Name: Tess
Nicknames: Tessy
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years old.
Breed: German Shepherd 
Sub-Breed(s): Border Collie
Height & Weight: Height- 24 inches Weight-52 pounds
Owner: Caitlyn Leigh
Appearance: Tess' body is slightly longer than it is tall, her soft fur is a very light brown colour, which looks orange at first glance she also has spots of white and black where a German Shepherd's would be. Her underbelly is white, as well as her paws and the tip of her ears. Her eyes are a hazel brown colour and are always alight with excitement. Her pelt is quite long for a German Shepherd but also quite short for a Collie.
Personality and/or Traits: Tess is very gentle and quiet, hardly ever barking. She has a sensitive soul that will do anything for the ones she loves. When around puppies, she is playful and full of energy, looking after them well. She hates it when someone pretends to be something they're not and will not tolerate it, walking away from them.
Strengths: Once she trusts someone she will always be there for them, even at the worst of times.
Weaknesses: She hates small, enclosed spaces.
Crush: Dynamite a little...
Extra: Golden Swan!
I thought this character could replace Ace and Bailey because she was more suited to the roleplay, if that okay! ;) ))

Amazing art by JimMoriarty! Thank you so much! <3


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Re: ~Golden Swan Dog Hotel~ Open! Accepting applications.
« Reply #36 on: May 12, 2013, 01:15:14 pm »
Oops, I'm sorry, Dark. I now noticing you have an Ace.  :-\ Sorry.))


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Re: ~Golden Swan Dog Hotel~ Open! Accepting applications.
« Reply #37 on: May 12, 2013, 01:35:49 pm »
-Comment remove-- (Computer acting up..Sorry)
« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 01:39:20 pm by Thrillex »

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Re: ~Golden Swan Dog Hotel~ Open! Accepting applications.
« Reply #38 on: May 12, 2013, 03:34:49 pm »
It's okay, Thrilly! I've changed my character anyway, it's a common mistake  ;D))

Amazing art by JimMoriarty! Thank you so much! <3