Author Topic: Brother My Brother~ Chapter 2  (Read 1013 times)

Offline seopard

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Brother My Brother~ Chapter 2
« on: May 14, 2013, 03:41:06 am »
Chapter 1


Princess Kivuli woke early the next morning. A small tin of water had been placed beside here. As she drank, she noticed the sweet aroma of honey suckle and willow drifted from the bowl.
The cabinet door creaked open and Nioku slid in a chicken leg on another dish.
She tried her best not to stare at the rusted copper chain around his neck. Hanging on the chain was a small gold plate that was imprinted with two characters- ??.
He noticed her gaze but decided to make no remark. Instead, he chose to change the subject.
"So...." he began "How are you feeling?"
She turned her back on him "Why should you care?"
"I'm sorry alright? I already told you my reasons." He shook his head "Besides, I would never willingly kidnap someone as beautiful as you..." Standing, Nioku closed in, brushing her flank as he placed a paw on her hip, drawing her in closer.
She recoiled at his touch, her face heating up as she jerked away.
He drew away quickly, dipping his head in embarrassment."Kiv.... I- I didn't mean to.."
Kivuli looked at him through the corner of her eye, "Don't call me that. And don't even think about touching me there." She looked away "Go away. Don't bother showing your face here again."
Nioku sighed and backed out of the confined room.
"What's wrong brother?" Tamu was sitting at the table, snacking on the remains of the chicken.
Nioku slipped into the chair next to him, "Nothing, I just tried to talk to here."
His brother glanced at him, then the she-wolf in the corner. "You sure? I mean, the way she's looking at you..."
Nioku lowered his voice "Okay, Okay. You got me. I... Kinda went overboard..."
Tamu's eyes widened "What were you thinking man?!" he yelled "If you actually did it and we let her go for the ransom... The girly will have your head for raping her!"
"Yeah I know it was a stupid idea, but I had to try and bind her to me somehow. I mean, what if we can't let her go? She'll run away! Seriously, if she's carrying one of our children, then the pups have to have a father right?"
The white wolf didn't make eye contact, "Oh Nioku. The only way she will spare us is if you can actually get her to love you. Otherwise she can just replace you."
Kivuli listened to their conversation intently,but she was confused as she felt a slight twinge in her gut when Nioku mentioned children and Tamu brought up the subject of love. Am I falling for these bastards? No. My heart belongs to Kiume, if he can ever find me...
"So how much is the reward?" Nioku's voice broke into her thoughts.
"5oo Princesses." he took out a princess coin, the silver ? was worth about 75 lead blanks.
"This is our last princess." Tamu looked solemnly at the coin.
Kivuli took the chance "Let me go and I'll give you 200." her voice broke nearing the end of the sentence.
Both heads turned in her direction. Nioku looked as if he had forgotten that she was there.
"Excuse me?" Tamu blinked, utterly bewildered.
She rolled her eyes "Let me go and I'll give you 200 princess coins." she stated more slowly this time. I swear, can the white one get any stupider? She thought quietly.
Seeing their confused expressions, she fished around and tossed them a small rabbit fur pouch. It landed with a metallic clink on the wooden table.
Tamu dumped the contents onto the table, little silver coins tumbled onto the wood. He studied them closely. "There's only 50 here." he growled, turning back to her.
She sighed "Yes, I know. That's all the money I currently have on me."
Nioku smiled and tried to break the tension between his brother and the little she-wolf "Look at the bright side bro. We can get Giza to go to market for us."
Tamu sighed and grudgingly scooped the coins back into the wallet.
The red wolf popped her head into the room "Hey guys, heard my name. What do ya want?"
The brothers grinned "200 silvers donated by the little one." the white one spoke rather quickly.
Giza's eyes widened. "No way."
"Yes way."
"Alright. Steak for dinner it is." The red wolf took the purse from Tamu and shut the door behind her.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."