Author Topic: Dracknorin's Characters (Caution: ALL the images)  (Read 3377 times)


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Dracknorin's Characters (Caution: ALL the images)
« on: April 07, 2013, 07:51:11 pm »
Thought I'd spit into this particular river, and upload pictures and bios for my characters. I'd be most happy if you wanted to use my ideas for your characters, and of course I'm online pretty often if you want to meet them.

I'm putting these in "dragons" and "not dragons" categories. I'd do spoiler tags, but I forgot how.  :-\
You might notice that my dragons are always the feline model. That's just my preference.
I have assorted item packs, and mass markings.
For the most part, I stay out of the plains.



Sol is my most active character. He was an early one, that didn't start as a dragon. Sol frequents Bonfire, and sometimes Ficho or Sky's Rim.

Sun dragons came from the great plains of the mid-west before the time of humans. These golden or flame colored dragons are known to be masters of fire and fire-magic, and are said to be as wild and dangerous as wildfire. Sol came to Bonfire island long before he learned o hunt. To survive, he ate the fruit and flowers of the island. Sol eventually learned to hunt, as it is knowledge that all dragons are born with, but he had long since developed a distaste for meat of any kind. Now in his adulthood, Sol has vowed to be a protector of the weak and a healer. His fire has long cooled, and his magic gone, but he has learned to use the remedies natural to the earth. His herbs are stored in bags and pouches that hang around his neck and tail. Unless things are absolutely dire, Sol will not attack, or deliberately harm, any living creature.

Sol loves roses more than anything else.


I've heard that there is a Legend of Zelda character called Fi? I didn't know that until after I made the character. Fi (as in fight) is a spirit dragon that you'll find wandering around Ficho for the most part.

This spirit's name was once "Firoth; Spirit of the Burning Skies," whose fire was known to light up the sky. His mother did not live to see the egg hatch, and it wouldn't have, if not for a stray bolt of lightning that cracked the shell. The dragon died in a lightning storm over the ocean, like the one that brought him in. Destroyed by the lightning, and swallowed by the waves, the spirit did not find rest.
Now, the spirit wanders the caves and surface of the mainland, forever lost. At night, he can sometimes be seen by the waters, unmistakable because of his glowing aura, and the cool blue flames that mark his footsteps. Fi is the avenger of the lost and weary.


Feiroth is an ancient (Or Great Wyrm, if you're D&D savvy) dragon. Find him in Ficho or South Pole.

Feiroth hatched well before the reign of humans, and has seen them go from neanderthals to the destructive and annoying little creatures that they are. For a time, Feiroth ruled over a territory, including a large kingdom that he forced to pay tribute, in exchange for his "protection." He has seen kingdoms Rise, fall, and rise again. He has crushed similar kingdoms with his claws and his fire, and amassed a great wealth of treasure, which he guards fiercely.

Due to his age, and the nearly unlimited lifespan of a dragon, Feiroth is quite large. He has an air of superiority and fearlessness that, in his eyes, he has more than earned. Now nearly as large as the hollow mountain he has called home for all his life, he spends much of his time in a sort of hibernation, consuming almost nothing. When he does waken, it is usually to stop intruders from steal his treasure. He takes great pleasure in tormenting the captured thieves, forcing them to serve him until such a time as they are no longer amusing, and he ends their lives.


I stole this idea straitht out of the book Dracopedia. Sisuuk (Which according to Google means avalanche) is an arctic dragon. Not an ice dragon. He lives in South pole, and only in south pole.

Sisuuk is one of the great arctic dragons of the North. They are smaller than their flying cousins, and have traded their breath weapons for greater speed and keener hunting senses on the ground. Arctic dragons are few in number, and solitary. Sisuuk has never seen another of his kind. The long claws of the arctic dragon allows them to burrow through the ice, and as such they live in ice caves, and hunt whatever they can find to eat. Sisuuk has no qualms with killing the young and helpless for food, and has been known to stalk wolves and polar bears for days to pick off the injured and the cubs.


I was tired of random dragon eggs rather anomalously rolling toward adult dragons in the equivalent of pups and cubs begging to be adopted. So I made Kao.

He's small, and is a prime target for predators, but he's there to prove that hatchlings (wyrmlings) can and will survive on their own. Kao tends to pick on things larger than him, and is not above harassing older dragons for scraps. Since Kao is under a year of age, he cannot fly, cannot use a breath weapon, and cannot speak. These things are inherited, and can be "relearned" so to speak, when he becomes older.

Not Dragons


Gwyn is a hybrid of various creatures. She may be part dragon, but not enough to be in the other category.

Gwyn is the product of strange magic, or perhaps strange science of some sort, as something like her cannot happen by way of nature. She's rather mixed up, both in her appearance and her behavior, as whatever patent creatures she had were not compatible. She is an omnivore, and a scavenger, only hunting creatures that are very small, young, or weak. Dexterous paws, like those of a racoon, aid her in foraging and climbing. Her wings are not capable of sustained flight, or even gliding, and usually just get in the way. Gwyn must rely heavily on her speed and ability to climb in order to outrun those that would see her as food.
Her disposition is mild and friendly. She is amazingly curious and fearless. This has gotten her into trouble ore times than not. Gwyn will rarely fight though, and usually chooses to run from her attackers. Though when she does fight, she is fierce and fearless. Many of Gwyn't mannerisms take after either primates or cats, so she is prone to either playing with things, or just constantly fidgeting with her hands. Gwyn cannot speak.


Yes I know it's my username. She is of a pre-draconic species of my own design, which I call Fire-spitters. Find her in bonfire or Ficho.

Long before the dragons, there were fire-spitters. Ancestors of the mighty scaled ones, with tough skin and short bushy fur. They are smaller than dragons, and fierce. When dragons became a strong species, fire-spitters were ousted, and even killed by their larger and more formidable predecessors, who had begun to compete with them for food and territory.
Fire-spitters are said to be immortal. Two can produce offspring, but at the end of their life, regardless of gender, they each produce one egg from witch they are reborn with the memories of their lifetime, and any lifetime they have lived before. Some fortunate fire-spitters who have survived from the beginning of he species can trace their memories all the way back. For this reason, many bear a strong hatred for dragons. Dragons quickly learned how to stop this process of rebirth, and they would kill young fire spitters, long before they could produce an egg, and so end the bloodline.
Now, the species is all but extinct. They hid from sight, keeping to themselves and trying not to be seen. Their ferocity will not often save them from the dragons, as the small amount of caustic liquid they can produce is not often enough to stop a determined foe.

Dracknorin walks with a permanent limp, a testament to battles lost.


Not much of a bio as of yet. Silth is a hybrid giant lizard and saber toothed tiger. She was created for a roleplay that fell through, and I've kept her around for whatever instance she might be an appropriate choice.


Sin is a hellhound. She is one of my first characters, and has only occasionally seen a good Rp. She is usually in Bonfire.

Sin is a testament to the fact that evil does happen in nature. Condemned to Hell for atrocities committed in her lifetime, Sin desperately seeks an escape. Now, she has been given one chance at redemption. Sent back to the mortal plane with her hellish appearance, but none of her demonic powers, she must lead a life of goodness and peace, or so be trapped in Hell for all eternity.


Grim is a shadow, trapped on the mortal plane. I've made sure that he is not too overpowered, since I always hate it when people do that in roleplays. Find Grim anywhere.

Beaten, exiled, and trapped in a plane that is not his own, Grim wanders endlessly searching for a way back.

Grim is sullen and quiet. He talks little, and does his best to distance himself from everyone else. He can be fierce, should he choose to fight, but he goes out of his way to avoid getting in fights. He is a lonely soul, and he finds it preferable to be left alone, rather than face the ridicule of other creatures.
Grim was a shadow, but is trapped on this plane as a wolf. He is now requires food water and all the other things necessary for a living creature to survive, and he is in constant fear of getting himself killed. He is in a constant half-solid state. It makes him lighter, and can even prevent some damage, but it makes eating and preforming other daily required tasks more difficult.
Since he came from a place with no light, his body temperature is subzero. It makes him unpleasant to be around, and bright lights, especially sunlight, are physically painful. It ranges from uncomfortable, to extremely painful, depending on their brightness and type of light.  He still has trouble with some elements of living among the organic creatures. He also occasionally forgets that being solid hurts. Being as he was once a shadow from another plane, Grim retains some shadow abilities though his powers have greatly weakened during his entrapment here. He can, with a great amount of concentration, become insoluble. He can only do it for a few seconds and it leaves him exhausted, to the point of not being able to move for hours afterward.


Sigma is a good character for just hanging out, chatting and trolling the mate center with. Out of all my characters, sigma is he only one who likes, and actively seeks the company of, humans.

Sigma was born in a laboratory, to a lioness. His name was given to him by a scientist as his identification, and the symbol is branded onto his hip. Sigma is a large feline, the result of some sort of crossbreeding experiment, and the only survivor of his litter. He suffers from schizophrenia, causing him to behave in ways the scientists considered dangerous. He has since been declawed. Despite this, Sigma actively seeks human company. He is fragile and childish, behaving more like a kitten than any sort of big cat.
It is unknown how he escaped from captivity.


Stargazer is made to be in a pack (If I can ever get to flourite plains again.) and is played as a shaman, seer or medicine woman. Stargazer uses mass markings.

Stargazer claims to have the ability to converse with the spirits. She is fanatic, and devout, often doing odd or even terrible things, under the guise of supernatural instruction. While she has proven her competence as a mystic time and time again, many doubt her because of her insane claims and devotion. There are those who believe her tales of spirits, and the commands of a higher power, and then there are others who think she is insane, but worth keeping around for her healing skills.


Luna is another early character. Kept mostly as a backup.

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Re: Dracknorin's Characters (Caution: ALL the images)
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2013, 12:01:43 am »
Oh my gosh.. This group of bios is a work of art. o-o

Very nice, floof, and I especially like Fi's design. <3
I feel bad for Sigma, though... He seems like such a sweetie!
|| ~Avatar by Kikiorylandia, Sig commissioned by Wolf_Memories~ ||
|| Thank you. <3 ||


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Re: Dracknorin's Characters (Caution: ALL the images)
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2013, 02:08:48 am »
Why thank you. ^.^

Sigma is just a big kitten, makes him fun to play.

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Re: Dracknorin's Characters (Caution: ALL the images)
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2013, 02:31:08 am »
You're very welcome, floof! They're all wonderful characters, and I enjoyed reading this. c:

And yus, Sigma strikes me as a very sweet character~ Super friendly ones are always fun to play. xD
|| ~Avatar by Kikiorylandia, Sig commissioned by Wolf_Memories~ ||
|| Thank you. <3 ||


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Re: Dracknorin's Characters (Caution: ALL the images)
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2013, 02:58:12 am »
Whoah, lots of winged character. :o
But all of them are very creative and awesome; and it must have taken forever to write all their biographies.

I love all your characters. *Huggles characters*


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Re: Dracknorin's Characters (Caution: ALL the images)
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2013, 04:10:51 am »
Thank you. *Huggles back*
Most of them have wings because they're dragons or something. I find the bird wings to be tolerable.

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Re: Dracknorin's Characters (Caution: ALL the images)
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2013, 09:25:20 pm »
You play the computer game D&D or the one where everything is on paper? :3 Your characters are all beautiful and you have obviously put a lot of time an effort in this. I love those dragons thu (Especially Fi) -nuzzle-
Profile Picture by Kiaz1st on dA


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Re: Dracknorin's Characters (Caution: ALL the images)
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2013, 02:58:42 am »
You play the computer game D&D or the one where everything is on paper?

The paper one of course! :P I didn't enjoy DDO as much as I thought I would.