Author Topic: Nobody asked for help, so why get involved?  (Read 3360 times)

Offline Killian

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Re: Nobody asked for help, so why get involved?
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2013, 06:39:30 pm »
It's normally just people with no group or friends on at the time. I know how they feel lol, I would feel rude barging in on someone elses RP but it is impossible to have a good time on that game if you have NO ONE to be with.

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Re: Nobody asked for help, so why get involved?
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2013, 01:06:17 am »
Party chat is a great way to avoid this sort of madness. You can always invite your friends to party, and turn off local, which I've found to be quite useful! :P
Problem, Attention seekers?

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Re: Nobody asked for help, so why get involved?
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2013, 12:21:56 pm »
I think it makes perfect sense that Greypaw would have stepped in.  Warrior Cats fight together as a team and protect each other if Greypaw was in the same clan as Dovewing it is completely understandable why he jumped in to protect his clan mate.  Also it seems that he backed off when told.

In one roleplay I was in we often had random characters trying to stuck their muzzle where it didn't belong.  We started roleplaying in the Cape.  Since we are Invader Zim characters we attracted a crowd.  One unrealistic pup started bothering Slurpy, who was playing as Gir.  If you had watched Invader Zim you would know that Gir is not all there in the head and also love small fluffy things.  So Slurpy acted like the character she was playing and tried to pet the pup.  The pup then clawed his head off?  Since Gir had lost his head many times before in our roleplay and in the TV show that didn't do much.  So Slurpy simply put his head back on and shot a muffin at the pup and the pup died?  Then our whole group was attacked by his parents and then more people came in and finally we all had to leave to another map because almost everyone was freaking out and trying to kill Ryan, who was playing as Zim.  After that we roleplayed in Temple Of Dreams but we still had some people popping in.

One person came in as a little white wolf with wings and tried to kill me because I was fighting Zim since I was playing as Dib who happens to be Zim's worsted enemy.  Then she kept trying to protect Ryan and tried to kill Slurpy because she was playing as Gir who was the one who was meant to protect Zim.  When we ingored her she left and came back as 'Female Gir' and continued to bother us, mostly me and Slurpy.  Slurpy just changed characters to Tak, another Invader Zim character.  The 'Female Gir' must have not checked Slurpy's username because she had no idea that she was still there just a different character.  Then she started saying she was married to Gir.  Now this whole time we could have blocked her but we found it funny are weird she was.  In group chat we made fun of her.

<Female Gir> I am...
<Female Gir> I AM....!
(In group) <Me> Completely insane.

There was also a wolf that kept yelling at Ryan to help her out of the water because she was dying.  She must have not known anything about the character Ryan was playing.  Zim HATES water, in fact it burns it skin off, and he doesn't give a *^&$% about anyone but himself and maybe Gir.  So Ryan ignores her and she comes back as her ghost and keeps trying to kill Ryan.  She started to powerplay so we blocked her.

There was another wolf that flirted with Ryan.  We just let it be because we found it funny that his wolf was flirting with a green little Irkan that wants to take over the world and kill everyone.  Then when Ryan tells her that's enough because she started being annoying she said that she had a boyfriend anyway who happened to be her real life boyfriend too.  Then ran off.  This hurt Gaz because of real life problems and we had a depressed time.  I have to interact with Gaz a lot because she plays as my character's sister.  Since the wolf ran off and we didn't block her she came back and danced on top of me.  Now we are all pissed at this person now and we all exploded on the person.  Then we blocked her.  I still today have that person on my block list.

Also once we went back to the Cape, I don't remember why.  We are just sitting and chatting in group and suddenly there are three people playing as Gir sitting all over Ryan!  Then they are start fighting over him.  Slurpy is just sitting there, looking quite confused while they all try to kill her.  We we not looking for new members and we didn't even say anything so why did these three people thing they should come in and try to kill us?  When we left for temple of dreams they followed us!
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Re: Nobody asked for help, so why get involved?
« Reply #13 on: May 17, 2013, 04:54:51 am »
That's quite a story, Rusty.

Me and some RP buddies were recently interupted by someone who thought it was okay to get involved in our RP battle. The plot of the story was....
My unicorn fox character was turned into a mortal feline (warrior cat) to be safe from a demon that wanted to drive her into the ocean with the rest of the unicorn animals (kinda like the plot of The Last Unicorn) but this one had a different twist. When it comes to the demon character, no one is supposed to look directly into his eyes. If they do, his demon instincts to go out for blood will kick in and he will go on the attack. He would even attack his dearest friends, which were the cats of NatureClan and StormClan. So he started attacking everyone around him, including Dewstar. As the fight goes on, some random brown wolf comes out of nowhere and starts attacking Dewstar with her powerplaying. I don't know why, but she just did. When Dewstar started ignoring her, she said he was the one powerplaying. We were all like "Dude! Go away!" "Yeah. This fight is part of the script" "We don't need your help!" She probably didn't know that me, Dewstar, the clan cats, and the demon were all roleplay buddies just doing a voluntary roleplay fighting scene. So as the story goes on, the demon calms back down and heals all his friends and Amalthea
The End -closes book- .... Oh, and they all lived happily ever after. :3