Author Topic: Literates and illiterates, maps and no maps...  (Read 1618 times)

Offline Mewwn

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Literates and illiterates, maps and no maps...
« on: June 07, 2013, 07:27:44 am »
So i notice that people who are literate(rp as if writing a story) rant on illiterates going "oh you illierate noobs gtfo of our land!"'and people gecome highly rude about this and they act enemies between eachother... Mappless rps are also called nooby rps from a few mapped rps (from what i have seen in rps ive been in) i honestly think it doesnt matter and i want to know i any of you feel the same... Also i think that literate and mapped is better because it just adds more excitement when rping and ou dont run into people who try to make ou leave a spot you rp in. Not trying to start arguements but i want your opnions...

Offline Raxoremys

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Re: Literates and illiterates, maps and no maps...
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2013, 09:02:39 am »
Hmm yes, some people do feel the need to pick on the "illiterate" members, which is a shame if they were just having fun roleplaying. However as a roleplayer, I consider myself to be in the literate category, and on occasion I do find myself getting a little frustrated with these other people because I simply can't understand them sometimes. On the whole I just RP with people I enjoy talking to, and their literacy level doesn't matter too much. But it's like wolfspeak really, the issue is not necessarily how well they can spell everything, it's whether I can understand their post. And with wolfspeak, I certainly can't. XD
As for the mapped vs. mapless part, I find it hilarious that some members consider mapless groups to automatically be illiterate and "nooby", as you put it. I've joined many a mapless group and found them to be at the pinnacle of literacy, especially compared to some mapped groups I've been in.
I like your last point too, literate and mapped roleplays completely avoid the problem of those pesky den claimers. Hmm, been a while since I joined one like that, actually...excuse me. O3O *poofs away to find one*

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Re: Literates and illiterates, maps and no maps...
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2013, 11:31:52 am »
 i was once not allowed into an RP because i was not OOC Out Of Character because i was a little new to the game just starting and i notice WC RP. sound nice? yes.  it was BLood Clan COre and i wanted to joi for the sake of WC RP's and at the moment i was to lazy/tired to to put these up * )))) * for when i was talking out of  RP and she said this, (Im sorry but we cant accept people who r not OOC) T_T ended up leaving the RP world of that kind 4 a while (AS in 1 day XD) but lets just say that, its better do mapped RP's if u can because mapless will sometimes  come with a very bad fall out with the RPers. so yes i agree with u but to a point, i cant downloa dmaps 4 some reason so i steer clear of those RPs since i cant play them yet. so yeah, i agree with all u floofs! *LE gives candy* it does not matter  if u r lit or not its just matters that u ENJOY the RP  u dont have to play if u dont like and feel like they r bullying u for not having specific RP qualities (I SPELLED IT RIGHT YES!) toodles!

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Offline Psidra

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Re: Literates and illiterates, maps and no maps...
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2013, 02:42:45 pm »
Literates may pick on illiterates as sometimes the grammatical and spelling errors may take out the atmosphere of the RP. You know, you're in your own world dreaming, when someone just pops it rudely. Then, because the dreamer (Literate) is sick and tired of illiterates (popper of dream), the dreamer decides to pick on them.

^^^^Would be my reason for Literates vs Illiterates.

As for maps vs mapless.. It does get annoying at times, seeing packs of animals taking up your favourite place or just spamming the chat, being annoying towards you. The mapped would then grow annoyed of the mapless players RP-ing in public, distrupting their beauty rest/advertising time and scold them. Another reason for scolding could also be because the Mapped are unable to understand why people can't download a map to have their own privacy in. They might think RP-ing in public is disgusting and embarassing, and would pick on them to push them to think that they should download a map to RP in privacy without being judged by others.

..These are just my thoughts. I have no idea whether i'm semi-lit or lit. hehe.

EDIT: Better phrasing.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2013, 02:45:31 pm by psidra »
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Re: Literates and illiterates, maps and no maps...
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2013, 05:28:14 pm »
So i notice that people who are literate(rp as if writing a story) rant on illiterates going "oh you illierate noobs gtfo of our land!"'and people gecome highly rude about this and they act enemies between eachother... Mappless rps are also called nooby rps from a few mapped rps (from what i have seen in rps ive been in)

-Facepalm- Whoever says that mapless roleplays are nooby roleplays really need to grow up and learn to mind their own buisness. Just because people roleplay in the public maps, it doesn't mean they are newbies. I've met some of these self-proclaimed "literate" roleplayers who spend all their time roleplaying in mapped RPs. They had the attitude of, "Oh I'm better than you because I RP in maps. Mapped RPs are for people who really know how to roleplay."  Now not every person who roleplays in mapped RPs is like that. I've met some of the nice humble ones too. But then there are the self-important self-proclaimed highranking roleplayers who would claim that mapped roleplays are the very best. Besides, mapped roleplays have their cons just like mapless roleplays do too. Sure, in mapped roleplays you get privacy from any map-claimers and people who could interupt the story. But with mapped roleplays, you will spend alot of time recruiting for the ideal players you are looking for. I've seen mapped roleplays spend hours getting enough people to roleplay in their mapped RP. 

I honestly think that both mapped and mapless roleplays can be fun. I've done both mapped and mapless roleplays before, and enjoyed them both. I really don't think it matters what kind of roleplay a person participates in, it's the fun they have that counts. As long as your having fun and having a good time, that's really all that matters.