Author Topic: Please help me.. I need a large map.  (Read 475 times)

Offline danihoff16

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Please help me.. I need a large map.
« on: May 30, 2013, 07:06:25 am »
Hi I really need help making a map. I have tried on my own and have made some pretty lousy maps. I am in need of some assistance in making a FH map that would need to include a fairly large mountain range, a large field of tall grass, and a large dense forest. Also I would need climbable trees with nest in them with there being about 10 of those trees. Also in this map I would need bush dens for the forest and cave dens for the mountain range. There will also need to be a lake where the river runs down from the mountain.In the river there needs to be fish, and around the forest some deer and small animals. I also ask that there be some plants and small bushes around. I know I am asking for a alot. If you can get me a height map with these specifications like in having 6 or 8 different masks and terrain to have a mountain range, a large one, with a big flat area away from it. If you can make a FH map, or FH height map, either or would be greatly appreciated. Just message me on her or email me at [email protected] if you can help me. Thanks in advance.