Author Topic: Most Pointless Posts You Have EVER Seen  (Read 2144 times)

Offline Star12

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Most Pointless Posts You Have EVER Seen
« on: July 29, 2013, 09:16:44 am »
I made this thread just for a laugh to see what other people have experienced. Please don't include anyone's forum or in-game name, they might see this and hate you forever....
Anywho, have you ever seen the most pointless post on a topic that means nothing? Put it here and we can all discuss it and whatnot!(Ilovethatword)

And again, please DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT include anyone's name unless its your own or you have permission.

Oh, and I apoligise for the weird font, I just love it xD

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Offline Vespian

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Re: Most Pointless Posts You Have EVER Seen
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2013, 09:51:20 am »
Hurr, this is more so a mere pet peeve of mine, however there has been some occurrences where I'd read a topic title of one's Biography. It'll seem intriguing with correct capitalization, punctuation, etc. though once I actually view the topic's content, the poster merely states their character's name, gender, and age. Perhaps a tiny bit more but not much other than that. It erks me greatly for it isn't generally a complete Biography. Though, that's just me.
Another time would be when a friend of mine was going through some tough times. Thus, she posted some sort of vent post with her little rant and everything. Nothing major, just something about cyber-bullying. However, when I viewed over the comments, I saw someone post a reply that had absolutely nothing to do with the given topic. The poster was talking about, well, bluntly said, herself and that's it. Not even giving two flips on comforting the one who started the topic.
That's all I got thus far.

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Re: Most Pointless Posts You Have EVER Seen
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2013, 10:51:08 am »
I'll have to say I haven't really seen a pointless post, but more on the lines of an off-topic post. Perhaps far off-topic, I'll say. Sometimes I'll just scroll down some topics and their posts, occasionally, usually ones near a week old, and just read what people have posted recently. For instance, I'll read something about making height map, three posts later, go into a conversation about different subject like The Lion King role-players. It's just an example of how the topic will lag off like that and throw me off sometimes, having to go back and check if I even clicked the right topic to view.

And I agree with Vespian on the subject of incomplete biographies. I would read a post with an engaging character, then after a few more sentences, it just stops. No conclusion or sum up of everything, it just stops where the period ends. After all the story, conflicts, and what-not, it just ends. I like to know at least how a person's character fairs out in the end or continue if the character is still alive to accomplish their goal. Telling a player character's biography is no different from telling a story. It's basically what you're doing. The story has to end in some way or have a conclusion that makes the tale seem like it's going to continue as you play your character.

On that matter, that's about it.
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Re: Most Pointless Posts You Have EVER Seen
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2013, 11:02:34 am »
I know exactly what you are saying, Vespian! It's so frustrating when that happens! And FoxPhilosopher, I might of slightly exaggerated on the word 'Pointless', but I understand your point, it has happened to me quite a lot where you make this Roleplay that you're quite proud of and then the members start to talk about 'What happened to *insert roleplay here*?' And then completely amazing and wonderful and beautiful and gorgeous idea dies.
This is what happed to me one time in game, I was in a tiger and gazelle Roleplay and most people were quite literate except for that little group of people that either wolfspeak or text-talk. Anywho, this isn't really pointless I just got so annoyed because... well you'll know what I mean once you read it:

Me: The lone tigress stalked through the dry grass, her paws barely making a sound as they touched the ground. Her amber eyes were set on a gazelle not too far away, it seemed to be limping so she picked that one out of the grazing herd. She began to walk slightly faster, her tail touching the ground.
Injured Gazelle: *continues to eat grass*
Me: ((Could you maybe include a but more detail please?)) The feline stops just metres away, her eyes just set on the gazelle. Her breathing was slow, even and silent and she could hear the blades being torn out of the grass as the gazelle grazed, unaware of the danger ahead.
Injured Gazelle: *lifts head, smelling a tiger.*
Me: ((Did you even read what I just asked?)) She freezes, her heart beating rapidly at the tension of the moment. She watched tentatively as the gazelle looked up, a few blades of grass still edging out of the corner of it's mouth. She unsheathes her claws, making slight dents into the moist earth.
Gazelle: *runs away*
Me: ...

My post were a bit longer and more detailed than that, but you get my point.

Amazing art by JimMoriarty! Thank you so much! <3

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Re: Most Pointless Posts You Have EVER Seen
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2013, 11:56:39 am »
This one is real short. For a help thread, somebody put a poll
1. I'll help you!
2. I won't.

... That was useless -derp-
But the help thread had a decent problem with the game :b
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Re: Most Pointless Posts You Have EVER Seen
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2013, 03:51:03 pm »
omg first tell me how do you use that font

most useless post? read any post of minexD

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Re: Most Pointless Posts You Have EVER Seen
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2013, 05:58:29 pm »
DarkPetal, I think it was alright of them to do that. They could be new to roleplaying after all. Also, it's not illiterate to have a small post if that's what you're saying, lol. So anyway.

Since the ban game is filled with pages, let's just go back to a way older page. One time I saw a person post "hi" and nothing else in that game, and I remember someone else saying to that person "I ban you because this isn't a introduction."
So true, haha. I might have a few pointless posts from my past here in FH too, and one where I tried to explain why I didn't really "love" wolves but just got bashed/flamed on whatsoever because I couldn't do correct grammar and crap.
I also saw a rate my signature thread name, clicked, and the person just asked if someone could rate their signature....
I told them to go to the Rate The Signature game, lol.
Tons of pointless posts you may see in places.

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Re: Most Pointless Posts You Have EVER Seen
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2013, 04:01:39 am »
There is nothing wrong with people doing that kind of roleplay. They are probably more comfortable with making roleplay posts like that, or they are just not as expereinced/beginners. This kinda sounds like the conversation I had with this random person in-game a few days ago.

Getting back on subject now... pointless posts? I have seen a few pointless posts floating around here on the Feral Heart forums. Posts that I think are pointless are rants that people post about how they were banned from the game. Every now and then you will see a thread in the Game Discussion or Off Topic section with the title of "Why was I banned?" or "I was banned in-game". Why do I think they are pointless? Well for one thing, it's against the rules to discuss bans/kicks on the forums or even in the game. And two, posting something like that is going to get the thread locked. Why make a thread like that when it's just going to be locked or deleted? It's pointless to post them on the forums! But I guess not everyone reads/respects the rules. It would be easier to PM a mod about that kind of situation instead of posting it on the forum to complain about it.

There was one other post that I found completely pointless. This person had posted something somewhere on the forums about some kind of unbelievable thing they saw in their yard. It made absolutely no sense whatsoever, and the person who made it was cap-raging at people who asked what they were talking about. The thread was locked... but then they posted it AGAIN saying the same old thing. The mods locked that one too, but I thought it was even more pointless for that person to post it again.

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Re: Most Pointless Posts You Have EVER Seen
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2013, 06:39:00 am »
(I see a few people mentioning the Favorite Character contest. I'll just say about my entry, that I could hardly finish the past thing and just went into a hurry to finish it. :P)

I saw one in the off-topic section where someone said that they thought they had seen a sorta monster or something and everyone was saying that she/he could have inhaled a gas or something but the person kept on saying that it was true.
Also I hate when people make those unnecessary polls that make no sense.. a recent one being that the only options were:

Also recent as well, someone making like 3 different threads complaining about something.. I forgot what actually, but got a little upset. And the person was also asking for older versions of the game.

Also when people make the threads about being banned, as said above. They didn't read the rules if they got banned, and didn't read the rules if they post a thread talking about it. Also the "When will registration open?" threads annoy me.

But then again, we all were new to the game and forum at some point, weren't we? Can't get too upset over not knowing.