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Offline LogicalNonsense101

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« on: July 02, 2013, 07:12:19 am »
"I cry because I hate him; I cry more because I love him..."
~ Anonymous

     His compassion was like a shadow, elusive. Yet at times, it could be a prominent display of mixed emotions. Both positive and negative. I, being the youthful specimen I was, so foolishly fell for his 'game' that he conjured specifically for me, and only me. Yes, he did confess, there were others before me. "But," he would usually say in a tone so alluring, you would seemingly give in to him at any moment, "you're something unwonted."

     At the time, I was merely at two years of age. The early stage for when a valkyrie like myself gained sexual maturity and would soon begin her estrus cycle shortly after. As the seasons began to change, he would grow more and more possessive of me, I still couldn't grasp the concept why. Though later, I grew to regret the era of time I possessed with his foul being.

     With the result that love is blind on many levels, I was forced to bare his offspring, in ways I do not wish to vividly describe. Furthermore, his presence covertly drew away from us, leaving me to fend for not only for my well-fare, but for the rancid life forms I was so manipulated into producing. At times, I develop bipolar despair. At times...I would isolate myself in a dark cavern and I would cry. My sobs would rack my build, some caused by the thought of how my life could be in a much more pleasant place, other times of the decisions I so doltishly made with him, at once I cried because I hated him; but I also cried more due to me loving him, forever.

[Yes, I agree It is VERY short. But it is 12:00 a.m people! This was the best I could do... :| Anyways, you'll meet this femme next chapter, only if people want me to make the next chapter! Basically, it's genre is a fictional biography about a experimental fea who's life has gone completely psycho due to choices. Feel free to ask questions, but I may not be able to answer them. OPINIONS ARE WELCOMED!!! I admit, it is a bit "choppy" in the setting and plot I should say, but hey...I'm tired x3.]
« Last Edit: July 02, 2013, 07:14:13 am by LogicalNonsense101 »
-Dear Math, please grow up and solve your own problems I'm tired of solving them for you.
~ Anonymous

- The broccoli says 'I look like a small tree', the mushroom says 'I look like an umbrella', the walnut says 'I look like a brain', and the banana says 'Can we please change the subject?'
~ Anonymous