Author Topic: YOLO ~ Another FH Creepypasta by Yours Truly here :3  (Read 1883 times)

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YOLO ~ Another FH Creepypasta by Yours Truly here :3
« on: August 28, 2013, 03:21:45 am »
I sighed. The flight to Hong Kong from my hometown of Atlanta was taking forever. Luckily, I had brought along my laptop so I unzipped the case and logged in. I decided to go on the FeralHeart forums, since there was free WiFi. When I saw that I had a new message, I excitedly opened up my Inbox to see what it was about. I was confused when I saw it, however:

I know who you are not safe from me...

What? I thought. I shook my head and deleted the message, thinking it was only a troll who wanted to creep me out. I decided to search the user, however, to report them. One of the admins would deal with this. But when I typed in "YoloWolf" and hit "Enter," nothing came up. That's odd, I thought. I wasn't easily scared, but this was weird. I saw that my message button had the little 1 by it, so I clicked and there was another message by YoloWolf:

I told you you weren't safe...stop searching and meet me...

I deleted the message and huffed. This guy was weird, but I decided to meet him anyway out of curiosity and frustration. Why target me out of the hundreds of people who play FeralHeart?! I opened up the game and logged in. Everything seemed normal, so I didn't worry. I chose one of my random characters and spawned in Ficho Tunnel. I saw no one, and thought that was weird. So I looked back at the browser and refreshed the page: Game Server is Online with: 2 Users Playing. What? I thought in shock. There usually wasn't this few people on! But one of them was me, so who was the second?
I didn't see anyone around, so I decided to pass the time by wandering around Ficho. It was actually pretty peaceful. I plugged in my earbuds and listened to the gentle music playing in the background. I closed my eyes.
I was awoken suddenly by a loud sound that seemed like a shriek. My eyes flew open and I looked at the laptop screen. It had fallen asleep, so I moved the mouse a few times to wake it up. The FeralHeart forum page was on still; I refreshed it to see if there were more people playing. Suddenly I jumped. Instead of the banner at the top displaying a screenshot or drawing, it showed a half-formed wolf, transparent and with bloodshot, red eyes. It was scarred and bleeding, and it's mouth seemed to move. I had studied lip reading a bit, so I tried to decipher what it was saying. Eventually I came up with "You're next." This had to be the work of a serious hacker. I was beginning to get really annoyed, so I took a quick screenshot of what was going on and searched for one of the admins to send it to. I typed in Delay: no results. Razmirz, maybe? Nothing. Red would have to be on. Nope! That was odd...I tried to search a mod to send the screenshot to instead. None had results: Tigg, Wolffox, Ringo, Sameth, Ramine, Crin: all the same. I was beginning to panic. Now the banner-wolf seemed to be laughing. I decided this was the craftsmanship of a glitch and hacker, so I decided to read some posts. I looked in the FeralHeart Media section, and everything was like this:
You're Next                                            YourNext
Suddenly the browser quit itself and my laptop shut down. I spammed the power button and eventually it rebooted. I began running my anti-virus software, and they all came back clean - except for one thing: there was a malware that said YOLO. I obviously wanted to get rid of it, and being the spammer I am, spammed the "Clear" button on all the anti-virus softwares. They all seemed to be working, until the screen got full of "Error" messages. They said, "Malware could not be removed. Please call the number provided" and displayed help line phone numbers. This was starting to get creepy.
Suddenly the screen blacked out and displayed the ghostly image of the half-formed wolf's head. "You're next" it hissed, and suddenly everything in the plane...stopped. I felt a sensation of falling, and everything blacked out.
Now I don't know where I am. I can't see anything, and I can't feel anything. But I hear screams...they torment me, haunt me...and beneath it all, a maniacal laughter. And every once in a while, it says to me in a deep, unnervingly soothing voice: "You only live once."

Hi! Thanks for reading my second CP. It's based off of EpicWolfie's former username, YoloWolf. She said it still exists apparently, because she couldn't use it for her username, but in the member search it didn't show up. Obviously this is good 'pasta material, so here you go. Thanks for the inspiration, EpicWolfie! Le nuzzle for you!
Hope you liked it, PM me or tell you if you liked it in a reply! Thanks for reading! Bless your face. If you sneezed during this post bless you. PEACE OFF. Boop! Doobeedoobeedoobeedoobeedoo, sub-scribe!

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Re: YOLO ~ Another FH Creepypasta by Yours Truly here :3
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2013, 04:18:03 am »
Oh my.... Another great CreepyPasta from ye'! This one was great and very unique. I don't think I've read any Feralheart CreepyPasta taking place on an airplane. You are doing a well job in creating stories such as these. Please do make more. c: Well... if ye' choose to, of course. ~

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