Author Topic: Copying?  (Read 1711 times)

Offline Feareh

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« on: July 20, 2013, 07:23:20 am »
Ok so this is a topic I do hold dear to me since im a person who is strongly against bullying. But from time to time on Feral heart or just in general where you go, people get bullied...why is this? So Im making this to rant to all you young people who are in middle school or anything like that in general. Basic topic do pretain to actual events that have happned when I sometimes play FH. Now have you ever heard something like this from someone:

"No you cant be that species. I clearly made and established that and you are in violation to make it again"

"Your character looks to much like me, you need to change it NOW"

"I made this species all by myself and I demand you to change it and get ride of the species now"

Typical overdramatic comments, but heres when it turns to personal to me. When someone says something like this:

"If you dont change your character now then I will tell a staff member and they will deal with you. I know them and they will listen to me cause im a good friend of theres."

...really...its like a child going to tell there mom that they did this and that. This rant isnt geared twords anyone in particular. But ive spend a great deal of time on FH to see this happen to so many people. To me this is a sign of bullying and something that FH isnt about. Feral Heart is about making floofy friends, and Rping with species and or animals. Let me get this out there for everyone to hear.
Please dont use staff members as a way to scare someone to do something for you when the thing you are wanting is really meaningless." Staff are here to help others and keep everything in order, not as a tool for your personal reason to scare people into changeing your features or species discription. I do however am strongly against actually copying someone to the very detail. Like if i were to go around and impersonate one of my good friends without them knowing, then thats copying. There is a fine line between copying, and looking slightly similar. Its like saying Burger King copied McDonalds cause they sell the same thing and have the same thing, but are clearly not. Also, take this into consideration when i also say this too.
"Literily ever kind of species has already been created and some arnt even that new. Such as Werewolves, Warrior cats, Demons, Ghost, more dead thing, Lion pride with mom and dad dead or left, Guardians,Robot, Lava you know the rest. Actually some of my personal characters i based off of old foketale Japanese beliefs. There is nothing wrong with geting insperation from another to make something for yourself.

So for all you new floofs out there, here are some tips for you in times like these
1) Talk it out in a mature way
Just chating it out to see if you can compromise is always good.
2) Block them
If its just geting to out of hand for you then blocking them is the tool for you. The block tool was made for a reason. to block the people that are giving you trouble. Use this and you wont see em ever again.
3) Tell a staff/screenies
Staff are there for you and to make sure you have a good time during gameplay. If you are ever being bullied its best you bring it up to a staff member so they might help you out. But only use this when its geting way way out of hand. Remember you still got that block tool

I am always on the quiet side when drama does start, but when i do see bullying i do stand up. I mean i lost the ability to use my right arm for 5 years cause of bullying. But as a reminder for all you new people out there. Let your imagination flow and make any species you want. So i say go make a ghost species, or demon species, or unicorn species., etc. And rememeber to just be nice about it when you end up finding someone who slightly has similar traits as you. Hey you dont see me going all loco when i see a jaguar that has the same pelt as me, or every single skull character out there as well. Baku has a skull face and if i do come across someone who happens to have a skull face i dont go on a rampage. on a endnote just have fun and enjoy the game as it is.
I Stalk from time to time...I have moved on to other things but do miss this place. Good times
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Re: Copying?
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2013, 08:18:10 am »
But then again, you have to look at it from another's standpoint at times, don't you?

Having something copied kind of hurts. Even if something didn't necessarily get copied, you can't really blame someone for suspecting so? It's certainly not bullying for someone to feel as if they're legitimately being copied, and I've seen copying legitimately happen on FH before. There's a certain point where the staff actually can do something about things like that, if I'm correct.

I mean, I have to agree with the fact that it isn't fair to see something slightly similar and throw your hands up in the air and shout that they're copying you, but other times it's justified. I've been in roleplays where other people have tried to take major parts from it and turn it into their own roleplay. It's really infuriating to see someone take something that a person has spent a hard time working on, and try and say it's their own, original idea.

Eh. There's always lines between coincidence and plain imitation, and both things call for different situations. One is harmless and innocent, the other isn't. I guess it all really depends on what the actual situation is. I should probably add this as well, since I forgot to, but yeah, if someone is legitimately bothering you, just block them, or report them if it's really that serious.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2013, 08:41:18 am by Transatlantic »

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Re: Copying?
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2013, 08:24:43 am »
Oh Feareh... That must be stressful for you. Not everyone is safe from their creativity. >.< Children these days, right?

I will repeat what he said:

1) Talk in a mature way! - like he said, talking with the copier may resolve problems.

2) Block them! - if he doesn't agree, just use a useful button called "Block". You have it at your hands!

3) Report them! - If they start to annoy you, and its being serious, PM a staff moderator.

Maybe some people are sleepy to read the text and read this.  ::)

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Re: Copying?
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2013, 09:32:44 am »
I made my own species a while ago, I've not had him copied yet but I'm sure it will happen. When it does happen I'm not how I'd take it, probably ignore the copier, they'd be doing it to get a reaction or to join in role play with me.

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Re: Copying?
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2013, 02:36:54 pm »
This is a very nice topic to discuss Baba, Im glad you brought it up.

And like you said, a lot of times people use the staff members as a scare tactic and the best thing to do is ignore them when they do that. And like you said the deal with these bullies is

A) Deal with them maturely

B) Block them

C) Send a Staff member screenshots of the problem

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Re: Copying?
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2013, 03:15:13 pm »
The first time that I ever played the game, I made a character and had someone tell me I copied their character and that they were going to report me to staff and get me banned for life.

I ignored them for a while, and they eventually left me alone.
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Re: Copying?
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2013, 06:12:32 pm »
-Pats Feareh on the head- There, there Feareh... we've all been there before. I've been accused of copying someone's character, and one time I was accused of stealing someone's real life name ::) The stupid things people come up with just for the sake of starting drama.
I have actually seen people run around as unicorn fox characters. It doesn't really bother me, since I've wanted to see more of those kind of characters. I actually welcome them with open arms. However, there was a time when someone was playing as a unicorn fox character and they were harassing a clan of cats. The clan eventually blocked them because they were being such a bother, but now that put a bad rep on the species I made. There is really nothing I can do about that.

I absolutley HATE it when people threaten others by saying, "Oh I have a mod as a friend and he will ban you if you don't do what I say!" Chances are that person is lying about being friends with a mod. Pretty much since they cannot impersonate a mod, they use this tactic of saying that their good friend is a mod and has them wrapped around their little finger. And if they are telling the truth about them being friends with a mod, I have faith that the mod or staff member won't discipline someone over something so silly. I am friends with a couple of the staff members, but I don't go around saying things like, "Oh my friend is a mod! I will get him/her to ban you forever!" That's just childish and it is bullying, like you said. Whoever says that kind of stuff really needs to grow up.
Besides, wouldn't the person making those kind of threats be breaking one of the rules??? I remember reading a rule that said if someone is caught threatening other players, that they are breaking the rules and need to be reported? Correct me if I'm wrong.
If someone is REALLY breaking the rules, I just quietly take screenshots and send them to one of the staff members, and NOT make a big fuss over the situation. There really is no point in that.

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Re: Copying?
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2013, 12:56:54 pm »
Honestly, It does kinda suck when someone sees you, logs off, and logs on with a character EXACTLY like you in every detail, I mean, you created that character, why should they get to just copy you down to every exact detail? I wouldn't recommend yelling at them and complaining about it, but it is quite annoying, especially when they tell you they did it...Just block them if they're being obnoxious or whatever, and be mature about it, Whining and throwing hissy fits could end up where you get in trouble.

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