Author Topic: Your FH best friend!  (Read 1429 times)

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Your FH best friend!
« on: July 18, 2013, 02:34:48 pm »
Hey guys!

Right, so as the title says Your FH best friend. All you have to do is name your FH best friend, how you met and how long you've been friends for. You may post more than once with different people, you're not allowed to say the same person more than once. You may give a specific reason why they're your FH best friend. Although, you don't have to be the person you says best friend, they could just be your best friend in your eyes.

For example, I have two FH best friend, although one of them is my best friend in real life.

Minxy: She's been my FH best friend for two years, as long as we've both been on FeralHeart for. I met her through a wolf RP where at first she thought I was a dude. She's my FH best friend because she's up for any type of RP and she's quite funny and fun to RP with. She makes tiny characters, she has her derpy moments and she's also open-minded. She'll say what she wants on the spot.

Vigilante: Although I may not be his FH best friend, I count him as one of mine. I met him about 2/3 months ago through one of Minxy's friends Werewolf RP, we met through the RP and then we both left the group and made our own Werewolf RP which is called Lucifer's Hymn. He's my FH best friend because he has the right amount of humour, he's open minded and he's careless of what others think about him. He's awesome to RP with.

« Last Edit: July 18, 2013, 09:06:31 pm by Phatom »

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Re: Your FH best friend!
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2013, 03:18:12 pm »
This seems like quite the topic, and so here are my amazing FH fluffz that I absolutely enjoy to be around. There's no specific order, none at all.

MileyShadowBlade or ~HarryPotter~: She has two usernames, yar. She doesn't exactly have a main character to which I can call her, but username works for now. She's my friend in real life, and for seven years we've been great friends. We do everything together, rather, and I hope there will be no end to our friendship... er, floofship.~ She doesn't play FH much, but 'tis no big deal for we Skype basically everyday.

BlueCrisis: She's amazing, so kind and such. 'Tis very wonderful to hang around with her, for she's very fun and... lol. I actually don't know what exactly to say, but all I could say is she is just an amazing and wonderful floof, and I'm glad to be one of many to hang out with her. She's very helpful, speaking her mind at times as well for I sense her great integrity. She makes my FH experiences more memorable and such, I wouldn't want our friendship to be put to an end.

Re: Oh Re... She's just as amazing as Crisis. We derp around a lot, and play with Mura the Mink's emote pack, screwing up our characters for good laughs. She's a kind fluff, whispering me whenever I get onto the game. We chat a lot, as well as discuss roelplaying, and we've created our lit'le group and overall just had fun with it. She knows what to say as well, and exactly when to say it. Yar, wouldn't be the same without her at all.

There you go... my FH floofz. There are several others of course, though these are my main for the time being. My FH life wouldn't be as interesting without them, let alone the same. I'd love to read what others would have to say about their FH floofz, so I'll come back eventually to read.

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Re: Your FH best friend!
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2013, 04:34:23 pm »
Odd little game, rather unique. Is it even a game? This seems more like a discussion of some sorts instead of a game but that's just me. Anyways, here goes:

Zigor Azkar
Her username being 'Caution', when I first met Zigor, I thought she was the weirdest kid ever. When she first met me, the first thing she wanted to do was hug me. I asked her why and she responded it was because I seemed so depressed/monotone all the time and she was determined to get some emotion into me. Though that only made me lurk away from her. Persistent kid she is, as she'd only follow me and do whatever she could to keep talking to me constantly. Over time, I actually grown used to her and enjoyed her presence. It wasn't long until we'd stay up till' 4AM just talking about anything. Just the two of us and nobody else. Long story short, now whenever she is online, I'd backflip and do everything I can to please her. I even strolled around in a hot pink wolf with her just to get her to laugh. I've known her for around 6-7 months, I believe. People often say I'm over-protective towards her, especially if I hear someone saying one thing bad about her, but that only amuses me. Fatherly figure, I guess. She likes to play as disabled/challenged characters, usually rather short, and prefers playing as a male character. Of course, my characters are always the tough guy acting as her character's body guards. Currently, she no longer plays FeralHeart though whenever she gets on Skype, I continue to speak to her whenever she's available.

Aerona Crucio
Her username being 'Incomplete' (she's currently in my signature), when I first met Aerona (I met her through Ressy), she was a beginner when it came to roleplaying. My first impression of her was some weak kid that was submissive to everyone who'd even as so growl at her. So, I decided to take her under my wing, teach her a thing or two when it came to roleplaying as well as standing up for herself. Back then, I wasn't that close to her. She was just someone who wanted to learn and enjoyed roleplaying. However, I've known her for around a year now and she's grown on me. Now, well, she's like a dark temptress. Even though she's sweet out-of-character, in-character wise, she can become quite mischievous and malevolent. We'd often join roleplays side by side and have each others backs often. Even though she no longer plays FeralHeart, like Zigor, I try to talk to her whenever she's available. Currently, you could say we're more than just friends.

His username being 'Pale-Sting', when I first met Arku, all I could do was laugh. I couldn't even speak. Ever since I first met Arku, it's like we immediately became buds. Funniest guy I've ever met. He's always been the one to randomly run in on my roleplays and knock me upside the head fussing at how I 'never spend time with him' while the other members within' the roleplay sit there all awkwardly, just a watching. He isn't afraid to speak his mind, and I literally mean that, and there has been many times when he and I would create the most awkward of conversations. Whenever he comes online, he has a knack of bringing me out of my hollow shell, you could say. It's pretty much a bunch of laughs and pee your pants when he and I are seen around. He's known as Dr. Phil by all who know him for he's covered me many times before and helped me through some serious problems/decision making. He likes to lurk around on male wolf characters and is known to be a lady's man. I've known him for around 7-8 months now and he's technically the brother I never had.

Zena Kalix
Her username being 'Vanquished' (she's currently in my signature), when I first met Zena, I honestly hardly noticed her. I met her in a roleplay and we hardly ever talked to each other. However, as I got to know her, I learned that she was terrified of me due to apparently how I overall acted both out-of-character and in-character. I met her through Zigor and pretty soon, we started talking. That's when she began to open up a little and vice-versa until she and I became Zigor's little vent pillows whenever Zigor was falling into some hard times. She stuck around with Zigor and I until I've known her long enough to consider her a friend. Now, pff, heck, I'd pull an all-nighter talking to her on Skype. She likes to lurk around as female wolves who like to observe and bestows a hint of trickery to their demeanor. Though out-of-character wise, she can be rather silent and formal to those she doesn't know. I've known her for around 5-6 months now and she's like my little puppet.

Like one big happy family, considering the fact everyone listed above plus other friends all know each other and linger around together like a cluster of floof.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2013, 04:47:17 pm by Vespian »

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Re: Your FH best friend!
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2013, 05:27:50 pm »
I Stalk from time to time...I have moved on to other things but do miss this place. Good times
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Re: Your FH best friend!
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2013, 12:25:58 am »
I have lots of friends on FH but theres one thats been there since the beginning...


We were friends basically since the day we met and to be honest, Im not sure how we became friends so quickly. Maybe its because were like the only ones on the forums that are both 11? Im not sure. But I know that since we became friends.. I was never lonely after that. Of course there are those other wonderful floofy friends I have like Feareh, LordSuragaha, Thierry, BlackBerry, AntiBlu, and so many more in game TEC friends. I luff you all<3

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