Author Topic: -Spooky Joe TEC- A Kreptis Coyote  (Read 3434 times)

Sir Equius

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-Spooky Joe TEC- A Kreptis Coyote
« on: August 05, 2013, 03:37:29 am »

-Basic Information-

Name: Spooky Joe ("Joe" when he was still alive)
Age: 4 years old (when he died)
Gender: Male
Species: Kreptis
Clan: Ebon Circle
Rank: Subordinate

-His Personality-

Spooky Joe is a mischievous coyote, with a good sense of humor. He is a practical jokester, and a bit of a trickster. One of his little hobbies is to make others laugh. The only timehe acts serious is when the higher ranks are giving him orders or tasks to do. When it comes to obeying them, he won't clown around or question their authority. He doesn't want to risk being alone ever again, and without the protection of a clan.
He's a social kreptis coyote that really likes to listen in on conversation. If he ever gets bored, he will roam around freely to disturb animals of the living world. He will often times play tricks on the living, not out of maliciousness or cruelty, but just to have harmless fun and have a good laugh. Some say he laughs as much as a hyena does.

-Before Death-

Spooky Joe lived during the era of the Great Depression, in the southern parts of America. During those times, most farmers were down on their luck, trying their best to get by during the tough times. When Joe was alive, he lived the life of a dispersal lone coyote that roamed around farmlands. He mostly survived off the small livestock of farmers and ranchers. He made it a habbit of stealing their chickens, ducks, or gueine fowl. Sometimes he would prey on baby goats or pigs. The angry farmers would try shooting at Joe, but he would always get away from their line of fire. Being fast and cunning, he would slip away from their attempts to stop him. This made many farmers very agitated, since he was killing off their only sources of food and money.

One day, one of the farmers got so fed up with the pesky coyote chasing after his livestock that he decided to kill him in a different way. Instead of using his shot gun, the farmer set out some freshly sliced beef for Joe, and tainted the meat with some deadly poisons. The hungry coyote couldn't resist the smell of the fresh meat, so he devoured the meal until nothing was left. Later on, the poison began to bubble in his stomach, and slowly began to die a painful, miserable death. His final moments were of agony; the poison burned his insides and caused him to cough up toxic foam. The foaming poisons fried his tongue, his eyes rolled to the back of his head. Spooky fell down to the ground, took one last painful breath, and lost his life.

-After Death: Life as a Kreptis-

Later that evening, when he woke up as a Kreptis, he couldn't remember his past life or who he was. Since he died from ingesting deadly poisons, he now has blue biohazard markings on his body. His eyes and tongue glow a toxic green. He is no longer has the sense of taste, since the poison fried his tongue and made his teeth weak. He wandered around the forests in the dead of night, searching for other spirits like himself. He found other Kreptis spirits of The Ebon Circle, and joined their ranks. He introduced himself as Joe the coyote. When he joined the clan, his clanmates gave him the nickname of Spooky, since they thought his glowing green eyes and tongue made him look erie and spooky. From then on, everyone knew him as Spooky Joe.

Spooky Joe is a lowly subordinate of the clan, and knows his place very well. Even though he is one to pull practical jokes and tease some of his friends for fun, he will try not to get on the bad side of the higher ranks. There was one time he did pull a joke on one of the betas, and got his butt chewed out for it. After that, he knew better than to pull a fast one on her, or any of the other higher ranks. If any of his clanmates are in a sad mood or feeling down in the dumps, he will try to cheer them up by telling jokes, or doing something silly to raise their spirits. If that doesn't work, he will lay next to them and say, "Tell me of your troubles". He can be a good listener and a good shoulder to cry on, if needed. He's not the best at giving good advice, since he's not all that serious. But he will listen and give comfort as best he can.

-Preset Link-
« Last Edit: August 14, 2013, 07:34:19 pm by Sir Equius »

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Re: -Spooky Joe TEC- A Kreptis Coyote
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2013, 08:16:30 am »
I must say I like him before death more.. anyway, awesome charrie, I hardly ever see coyotes in this game and seeing one and also this weird is very good:D God I love those eyes<3

bio is also very interesting. I decided to kill my character once but I couldn't:'(

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Re: -Spooky Joe TEC- A Kreptis Coyote
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2013, 04:01:00 pm »
I found it sad that he died.. Very lovely floof XP
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Re: -Spooky Joe TEC- A Kreptis Coyote
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2013, 04:03:58 pm »
Oh my gosh, this is so so amazing Spooky 8D
It's a amazing and unique bio and I love his character before he came to us as well.
You need to have a smexy preset Spooky oUo, then you shall be compleat
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Re: -Spooky Joe TEC- A Kreptis Coyote
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2013, 04:04:06 pm »
Horrible way to die. ;w; Very interesting Kreptis you got there!

Sir Equius

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Re: -Spooky Joe TEC- A Kreptis Coyote
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2013, 06:32:10 pm »
Thank you, everyone

@Baku. Just got finished making the smexy preset. The link has been provided in the bio.