Author Topic: Rant: Judged bases of off looks and group  (Read 2094 times)

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Rant: Judged bases of off looks and group
« on: August 16, 2013, 04:31:18 am »
Ok so this has been on my mind for a good long time and I want to get this out there so all can hear.
Why do people judge you because you are in a group that's all neon, or because of bad history. Do people automatically think your bad cause of the way you look or because you joined a group that  had a bad rep from the start.

First off I do not like to be judge based off the people I hang out with nor the way I look. You should base a person off there actions and there attitude towards other people and there surroundings. Now I would bring in one of my personal topics which involves my family group. This topic was brought in the TEC group from time and timeout..some saying
"We have a bad rep cause people think we are a trolling group. So its sad to think that when people join they are labeled as trolls from the start"
"People just don't like us cause we used to be a lot different back then."
This is coming off from me personally and I do think about this ALOT. So just cause I am in TEC doesn't mean im a bad person(Troll) nor anyone else who joins the group. Ive chatted with all the TEC members and each and everyone of them are good hearted people with there own human flaws. I went into TEC and end up having a wonderful group of friends/family I would do anything for. But I cant make everyone have the same views sadly:/

But this rant isn't geared towards my group alone, This goes for every individual out there based on there looks are labeled as trolls. If you wanna run around as a bright neon colored wolf or loin, I say go for it.
Let the world see your floofy colors.
Or if your in a Warrior Cat group, I say be proud and just enjoy being in a cat clan

 So this is a question for you...Do you judge people depending on how they look in game? Or do you assume they bring trouble?
I Stalk from time to time...I have moved on to other things but do miss this place. Good times
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Re: Rant: Judged bases of off looks and group
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2013, 09:24:54 am »
Hmm... It depends Bakubby if I judge. I can tell a 'Troll' out by there actions towards others before the glomp me xD

To me it depends on the attitude the person controlling the character. If they act rude or Nasty towards one of my friends, I stick up for them.

Well Its  hard to explain. TEC is my Second family and like I said a couple of night's back. " I would travel around the other side of the world to whipe your tears away and Ask if your alright." That's true, For any of the TEC members and not just them, The whole of FH. I would spend every last cent or scrap of food to get my butt over to where ever anyone lives and do that.

I may act like a stuck up person on FH but I love everyone for there personality, For who they are and not what people 'Try' to be.

It all depends on the person who is behind there computer screen to tell if they are 'Cyber Bullies' Or 'Trolls' People who are new to the game, I say you get on there and have fun, If others call you a 'Powerplayer' Or 'Godmod' Take that as advice to improve your skills, We all have been through it. Its just matter of game life.

Warrior cats, I say stuff the people who call every warrior cat a powerplayer or has a huge temper tantrum over you. They can see how sweet and kind you can be. Just I hope you show that <3

Sparkle mutts (Sorry xD Its what I call them because yanno, Your fabulous, So fab' that you blind me xD) I hope you shake your sparkly butts in the face of people who bag you. You may seem like a 'Troll' But behind the computer screen your beautiful people (I hope xD)

Everyone. Just except people, Not for there looks but from how they are from the heart. Like I say, Beauty doesn't come from the outside, It comes from with in. Your all beautiful and amazing people, Just you need to find that person :D

Anyways, That's enough from me xD Too much I would say.

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Re: Rant: Judged bases of off looks and group
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2013, 11:46:34 am »
 Judgin from the start <_> That's called Jumping to conclusions my friend. People do this alot, especially if they are younger people, but that doesn't mean older peeps do it too.

 I honestly don't know how TEC can be called a troll group. I haven't been in it too long, but I know that TEC is anything but bad. TEC is a wonderful group and some members in it I consider my 'In-game Family'.

 Warrior cats aren't all that bad. Sure some clans are mean and nasty but that doesn't mean you have to hate them every second of your gamer life. Some clans are nice. But do people be nice back to them? Some do, some don't.

Calling people illiterate has more power than you think, guys. If you/your group goes into battle alot, think about calling people illterates. You can actually hurt someones feelings by saying they can't read. Maybe they aren't just good at typing?
Sure, some people try their best, but some groups call them whatever they want, reguardless of what it could cause to them behind the screen. Calling someone an 'illiterate noob' is mean guys. Think before you act (or in this case post).

Everyone deserves some love. So even though you might hate someone, hate the character, not the player.

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Re: Rant: Judged bases of off looks and group
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2013, 12:18:10 pm »
I agree with you that people shouldn't judge people by their appearance or the groups they're in. But sadly it happens. Not just in FH but in real life too. If someone sees a group of teenagers wearing black clothes and black make-up they almost immediately think 'self harming emos'. Or people hanging around a corner smoking and wearing tracksuit bottoms tucked inside their socks, someone will instantly think 'chavs with ASBOs'.
It's one of those sad facts of life. We can't stop people doing it and it will always be a problem is society.
When I see one of those bright neon characters that look like they've been attacked with a paintball gun, I don't immediately think 'troll', but I am sort of wary of them because a lot of trolls have a habit of looking like that. Unfortunately, I think the trolls have given the bright neon people a bad name, and I bet the nice people who run around looking crazy are pretty annoyed about that.
I don't think I've been judged by how I look or the people I hang around least not knowingly. I don't really think about of my characters fit into a FH stereotype regards to their appearance. But I bet that there are some people out there that think I'm one of these "Let me wipe your butt for you Mr. Mod" people, just because I like to chill with Red and co. Which isn't true of course; I chill with them because they're genuinely nice people that I would gladly called friends. But people will believe what they want to believe and I can tolerate that, just as long as they don't try to enforce their beliefs onto me.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2013, 03:43:38 pm by DoctorFlob »

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Re: Rant: Judged bases of off looks and group
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2013, 03:34:47 pm »
I too agree with you on this. People shouldn't judge an individual because of what group they are part of, or what roleplay groups they participate in. Ever hear the term "guilty by association"? That mentality is pretty intense in this community. "Oh that guy is part of that pack. Therefore he must be a troll/powerplayer/bully." or "She's part of that clan. She will probably come kill our kits in our clan." Come on people, that's not always the case here. Just because someone is part of a certain pack/pride/clan that has a bad rep, it doesn't automatically make them bad too. It all depends on their own actions, and not the actions of their associates.

I have a friend who has a character that is part of a clan that has a very bad reputation amoung the warrior cats of Flourite Plains. She doesn't act aggressivley, or powerplay, or try to kill any of my characters. In fact, she is kind, sweet, and a friend to my unicorn fox character. Just because she is part of that particular clan, it doesn't mean she's evil. Quite the contrary, she's as sweet as honey. I have other WC friends who were part of clans that supposedly had bad reputations. They never acted in a bad way toward other people.

And as for the members of the TEC, I never viewed them as trolls at all. I don't know where people get the idea that members of the TEC are all trolls and bullies. It could have been one or two members that did go around to troll people, but I'm pretty sure they are no longer part of the clan due to their rude behavior. I have plenty of friends in the TEC group. They are happy, friendly, funny floofs. I have never seen any of them troll other people. Not once!

So that's my bit of opinion. I hope it made sense.

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Re: Rant: Judged bases of off looks and group
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2013, 03:56:27 pm »
I too agree with you on this. People shouldn't judge an individual because of what group they are part of, or what roleplay groups they participate in. Ever hear the term "guilty by association"? That mentality is pretty intense in this community. "Oh that guy is part of that pack. Therefore he must be a troll/powerplayer/bully." or "She's part of that clan. She will probably come kill our kits in our clan." Come on people, that's not always the case here. Just because someone is part of a certain pack/pride/clan that has a bad rep, it doesn't automatically make them bad too. It all depends on their own actions, and not the actions of their associates.

I have a friend who has a character that is part of a clan that has a very bad reputation amoung the warrior cats of Flourite Plains. She doesn't act aggressivley, or powerplay, or try to kill any of my characters. In fact, she is kind, sweet, and a friend to my unicorn fox character. Just because she is part of that particular clan, it doesn't mean she's evil. Quite the contrary, she's as sweet as honey. I have other WC friends who were part of clans that supposedly had bad reputations. They never acted in a bad way toward other people.

And as for the members of the TEC, I never viewed them as trolls at all. I don't know where people get the idea that members of the TEC are all trolls and bullies. It could have been one or two members that did go around to troll people, but I'm pretty sure they are no longer part of the clan due to their rude behavior. I have plenty of friends in the TEC group. They are happy, friendly, funny floofs. I have never seen any of them troll other people. Not once!

So that's my bit of opinion. I hope it made sense.

Are you talking about Iceflower? Because, I am her player. And she IS kinda nasty, but shes not really evil. She's pretty sweet. :D

Anyway, I really hate it when people judge someone just because of there group. Remember what I said about Iceflower?

Oh, and TEC, god I love that group. I am considering joining, actually. And I have talked to them before, there not trolls. There friendly and mature.

Although, it's not just peoples group people judge charecters by. Species get judged as well. Foxes get judged by warrior cats, hyeanas get bad rep from Lions, Coyotes get kicked around by wolves, et cetere. Oh, and people think that all Horses are powerplaying auto-hiters that cant RP. That is a total lie. I myself have a few Horse charries.

Anyway, I totally agree. Just because the pride/pack/clan/herd/whatever your in is evil does not automatically make you evil. 

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Re: Rant: Judged bases of off looks and group
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2013, 05:52:33 am »
Sorry if I go off topic, but I can say a lot about this. I own an "evil" group amung the warrior cats and have been judged because of it. For example, I heard an RP going on near me one time where a warrior was telling her history to another cat... they had added my own character to the backstory and explained something that she did ((which never really happened)) that was extremely out of character and made my character sound completely heartless.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2013, 05:55:02 am by Heren »

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Re: Rant: Judged bases of off looks and group
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2013, 07:04:51 am »
I never seen this. There are loads of issues in the game due to rudness. Its quite sad really. I hate to see this. I think that the person who says that someone is bad then I think they are just being bullies. Its best to block them or find a place where none of those people are hanging about. This was my opinion, thanks for reading.

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