Author Topic: Groups that lie....  (Read 3980 times)

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Re: Groups that lie....
« Reply #20 on: August 16, 2013, 08:16:14 pm »
Yup, same thing happened to me! But, it was a group that copied our pack name, they said they were literate. I saw them Role-play, it was bad. Things like: the alpha walked over to the wolfs 'hi' he spoke.
I was like..okay...very literate.

OK, even in my illiterate days, that group bugs me.
First off...
'the alpha walked over to the wolfs 'hi he spoke.'
No capitals, no punctuation. Wolfs? Really?

Yes, it's not very nice, joining a group being promised a good rp, when you go to rp, you get through 1-2 lines and then it ends? What?
It's not very nice...Especialy if they have said they are active .-.

Yes, apparently that 6 person pride was very active, until they all decided to pounce off to make Simba and Kiara.

I'm posting too much. XD[/color]
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Re: Groups that lie....
« Reply #21 on: August 16, 2013, 08:40:19 pm »
In my opinion, I don't see why people have to lie or pretend to either get in a group or get members into their group. I mean, if you're not that active, just say so. If your role-playing style is not as good as the people in the group would like, just find another group that does. If I'm going to be inactive, I'll say so, at least, simply because I must live in the Real World too and handle my own business. That way, I can have all the free-time I want to play. If you are as active as you say you are, then, no worries, just do your thing and play with your group.

Now, with having to lie about your literacy is baffling to me, really. If you wouldn't go around claiming to know Russian and speak the language backwards, then the same can be said here. Do not make humiliate yourself and the group by not going by the standards they want. It can be from being a blue lion in a realistic group or making one-liners in a paragraph oriented group. Also, it's a matter of respecting the group as well, not just lying in general. If you are not going to at least respect what the group wants, then find another. Or in the other instance, if you are not going to present the group as being peaceful, evil, realistic, and etc, then just create a group YOU would like. Do not go by what is popular and what you think will get people to be interested, simply make the kind of group you would join, work at it, and people will come that way.
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