Author Topic: The Infection  (Read 909 times)

Offline Kona

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The Infection
« on: August 24, 2013, 03:36:03 am »
                                                                  The Infection
We are a Mapped, Literate and Sited group! To join requires and RP sample if you would like to send me one, Whisper Khota in game or Message me on the Forums!
                                                      The Groups Story
The disease originates from a time no-wolf remembers. Wolves would began to act strange, as if they where insane. Every healer has tried to find a way to cure it, but to no avail and ended up infected themselves, leaving packs with no healers, and no clue how to use the things they left behind after they where killed for having the disease...

After that....Everything went to hell. The disease began to spread, faster and faster. Loved ones turning on each other as they got infected with the horrid disease, and eventually...killing each other. Few wolves have survived, and many animals have died, leaving little to none prey.

A few wolves have tried to make packs to fight back against the disease, but almost every attempt failed, as they had no clue how the disease worked, not realizing if they even got a drop of the infected's blood in their system...they would be infected too.

Years after the event, everyone had thought it had finally died down, and that the disease had finally dissapeared...The prey had grown to a large enough amount finally where everyone didn't have to starve, and things where finally getting peaceful...

But as every tragic story goes...The disease came back, but this time, a few of the elders where prepared, they had gathered all of their knowlege together, to know as much as they could about the disease.

They decided they would leave one pup with their knowlege, and tell them to run, run as far as they could until he or she had grown and could come back to create a pack, and help fight back against the disease.

After a few years that one pup came back, after everyone had thought it was the end, and that no one would make it. That wolf created a pack, they fought hard as they could and almost every-wolf made it. The new Alpha having been loved by everybody eventually got a mate, and had one single lone pup. Whom he named Kia, after one of the elders who had saved him from the disease and gave him their knowlege of it.

As Kia grew older, she learned to hunt, and her Father told her what he knew of the Infected ones. Things grew increasingly peaceful in the pack, as they had found a place the infected couldn't get to...Or so they thought.

One of the hunters came back, with a large wound on his chest. The Alpha immidiatly knew what it was. "You idiot!" He screamed at the hunter wolf. "Why did you get close enough to an infected for it to bite you ?!" He yelled at the now insane wolf.

The first thing the hunter saw was Kia, lunging at her not even knowing what he was doing anymore...Before he could get to her, Alpha jumped in front to protect his one pup, and got bitten on the side of his face. He knew he would be bitten, and he knew what would happen from there. He decided it would be better off for the two of them to die together instead of infecting the rest of the pack.

The pack on the other hand, was viewing this in pure terror as they ran every which away to get away from the hunter and the now infected Alpha.

The Alpha soon killed the Hunter and told his Kia, "Live strong my pup, as I will no longer be able to be with you." He bravely told her as not to scare her even more. "Hide until you are old enough to create a pack, remember this event." Alpha stopped for a moment growing quiet. "I have taught you as the elders taught me, but don't do the same as I did, never think it will be peaceful, always be on guard my pup...I love you." The Alpha whined in pain as he suddenly bashed his head into a rock, killing himself before he could kill his pup.

Now Kia's aim is to create her own pack, just as her Father had done. Exept she allows stray cats &dogs too, since she knew they could be a huge help along the way of surviving the long journey the disease would bring.

The Groups Website:

The Groups Youtube video: (Thanks to Akura for making us the video!)

Whisper Khota in game or in the forums if you would like to join!

« Last Edit: August 24, 2013, 03:38:57 am by Whisper »

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