Author Topic: No my character is not romantically interested in yours. Get over it please.  (Read 1163 times)

Offline jay warfang

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In a RP I was recently part of my character Adui developed a friendship with another member. Eventually they asked if Audi was when they asked (in the context of the role play) if i was glad to have met their character when I responded by saying "yeah. You are probably my best friend. I don't know what I would do without you" they went on to wine about "friend-zoneing" for a good twenty minutes before turning it into some tragic story where her "true love" rejected her. I might just be stupid but I had not the foggiest clue she saw Audi romantically. I mean she did not drop the slightest clue, what I'm try'na say is I was unaware there was any romance in the relationship, not enough for Audi to declare his (theroretical) love, not enough that she might feel shunned because of a inocent coment and certainly not enough to make me the villan for no good reason. And on top of that have one of her "suitors" attack me. I know other people have had role plays where all of a sudden relationships are fifty times more serious but one of the people involved have no clue so maybe you all get where I'm coming from. Anyway had to get that off my chest. Minor rant over. Thank you for bothering to read this.

Offline nubeees

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I've seen this so many times. x3

Offline Feareh

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Yeah I've seen this happen acouple of times when I used to RP. People forming actual relationships like boyfriend and girlfriend on FH is sometimes common...why, I have no clue. I sometimes for the sake of a RP will be a mate with someone else, but as far as outside of FH I wouldn't have any other "relations" with them. I don't know...some kids these days on FH. But yes, I have seen this happened to me and others
I Stalk from time to time...I have moved on to other things but do miss this place. Good times
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