Author Topic: Feral Heart boot camp: A list of things I want to learn.  (Read 1102 times)

Offline LuckyJack317

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Feral Heart boot camp: A list of things I want to learn.
« on: September 09, 2013, 05:53:34 am »
I've been wanting to build my own maps for some time now, and I've started on a few little projects to actively learn it. I've learned how to edit terrains and map textures, I've learned how to add music, I've learned how to add objects, and I've learned how to add skies and weather. Even so I've learned these, I still want to reach a deeper level of map making, so I'm going to list the things I feel I need to learn. If anyone can help me out somehow, please comment below.

1. How to make and use particles. I want to be able to make my own particles to use for objects and weather. I haven't been able to find a tutorial on this so far.

2. How to make my own skies. I want to have a night sky all the time for starters, but mainly I want to know how to make my own custom skies and then add them specifically to my map.

3. How to properly export my map. I ran a few tests with my maps already and exported what I believe was all the necessary files for sharing. However, when my friend tried entering on her computer, her game ended up crashing. Later, when I tried exporting the actual folders for the maps directly from the terrains folder, along with the .cfg music folder and sounds, it worked on her computer once. Then later, when she tried to enter again along with me, it made her crash again.

4. How to make my own markings and presets. I haven't looked for tutorials on this yet, and I was mainly trying to focus on areas concerning map building, but I figured I'd include this as long as I'm trying to figure things out. Additionally, I feel learning to make markings and presets will give me a better understanding of how editing and customization of this game works (along with a better understanding of how computers and files work).

5. How to make objects/meshes.

6. How to make textures.

7. How to make items.

I think that pretty much covers anything, once I've learned these I'm sure I'll only have more questions, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Offline Ingredient

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Re: Feral Heart boot camp: A list of things I want to learn.
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2013, 07:08:12 am »
1. There are no particle tutorials on Feralheart but I found this useful:

I'm not too experienced with particle editors but play around with it. When you've made a particle just let me know and I can tell you how to get it in-game ;)

2. Not sure if you can make it night time always. Are you talking about custom made maps? What I can suggest is downloading a star or nebula mod which adds stars and nebula stuff in the sky. Then in Sky Maker just keep all the colours, lights, clouds, the same colour so it stays all the same. So the sky colour will always be the same and the with the nebula mod the stars will always be visible.
Here is the link to the mod:

3. There isn't really a "proper" way to export maps. There's only one way, exporting the map from Map Maker, sharing the files and placing them in the Exports folder. The only reason I can think of why your friend is crashing is because there is too much lag for her computer to handle. She could try switching her rendering system (Options>> Video>> Rendering System).

With the exported files you could try this way of installing them on your friends computer:

- .fhm goes into the Terrains folder
- .fho goes into the Objects folder
- .fhw and .fhs goes into the Sky folder.

Not too sure how to fix the crashing I'm afraid :\

4. Try this tutorial for making markings:

There are lots of preset tutorials on youtube here

There are also member made preset tutorials:

5. You need a 3D modeling program to make objects. I would recommend downloading Blender, it's free:

3D modeling is not easy and can take a long time to learn. I would start off with practicing before trying to bring objects into Feralheart, that's where it can get a bit complicated. When you download Blender it would be a good idea to take some time and watch some video tutorials on youtube and the Blender site :)

For example ill use a rock and make a texture for that.

1. Go to the FH folder>>Media>>Objects>>Rock and copy and paste one of the textures.

2. Open the pasted texture using GIMP or something (I use GIMP just letting you all know)

3. After you've finished making your texture save it as e.g TestRock.jpg the .jpg is important. Not all textures are .jpg but since the rocks are save it as that.

4. Close it and go back to the Rock folder. See the material file open it up in Notepad (Right click>>Open with>>Notepad)

5. Now the code should look something like this:

Code: [Select]
material rockMat
cull_hardware none
cull_software none
texture rockTex.jpg
material rockMat1
cull_hardware none
cull_software none
texture rockTex1.jpg
material rockMat2
cull_hardware none
cull_software none
texture rockTex2.jpg
material rockMat3
cull_hardware none
cull_software none
texture rockTex3.jpg
material rockMat4
cull_hardware none
cull_software none
texture rockTex4.jpg
material rockMat5
cull_hardware none
cull_software none
texture rockTex5.jpg
material rockMat6
cull_hardware none
cull_software none
texture rockTex6.jpg
Copy and paste this bit just underneath and delete the rest:

material rockMat6
         cull_hardware none
         cull_software none
            texture rockTex6.jpg

material rockMat6

this is the name of the material in Object Maker. You can change it to whatever you want but for now call it rockMat7. Erase the rockMat6 and change it to rockMat7

texture rockTex6.jpg what you called your texture you type in here. Erase the rockTex6.jpg and replace it with your texture "TestRock.jpg"

The codes done so save it, dont click "Save as" just click save and close it. Open FH and go to Object Maker. Bring up a rock or any mesh and go to the tab called "Mesh" and click the rock until the white box thing appears. When the box thing appears in the material box where it says rockMat change it too rockMat7. Well whatever you called the material. The rock should change from its original texture to its new one made by you.

Hope this helps!!!

If you don't understand any part of that let me know ^^

7. Items, same as the objects. 3D modeling items to fit the canine/feline models then coding them to position them.

Good luck soldier! :)
« Last Edit: September 09, 2013, 09:03:05 am by Ingredient »
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