Author Topic: WTF? Good Luck or Not?  (Read 1251 times)

Offline femalecreature

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WTF? Good Luck or Not?
« on: September 10, 2013, 09:49:08 pm »
We all know there's both sometimes good luck and bad luck, correct? Weeeell, unfortunately 1-2 weeks ago I had to get 3 teeth pulled. Bad luck count: 1. Very recently (Saturday, 7/10/2013) I ALSO broke my wrist rollerskating, and left it for 2 days without medical attention. Bad luck count: 2. Wearing only a brace, on Monday, we went and got x-rays. No shots, no nothing, but I was supposedly due for a vaccine - in another month. Phew. Good luck count: 1. We went to an orthopedic. No shots, screws, plates, not a single cut - just an Exos thing (click Spoiler for what an Exos looks like.) [spoiler][/spoiler]
Good luck count: 2. Honestly, I hate shots, surgery, anything like that. I love personal space. I'd marry it. Back to this topic - so I went back to school, like any normal kid. Of course, I'm not the most... well, "liked" kid, and of course got picked on. Books kicked + no help + rude words = unhappy me. Bad luck count: 3. Then I was watching a movie. I had to turn the TV off and go to bed. Next afternoon I turned on the TV to the exact point where I left off. Coincidence? Yes. The movie was hosted on a cable channel, not from a home player. Good luck count: 3.

See where this is going? It's always leveled out. I'd not be surprised if it leveled out again. Everything's been freaky.
Anyways, has anyone ever experienced this? x3 I wanna hear stories, peeps... so bring on the tails tales!

P.S. Ironically, I was worried about needing pins and needles in my wrist; If we'd waited 1 more day to go to the hospital, I would need pins and needles. (For people who think my parents wouldn't take me to the ER, it was not their fault. I was demanding more time to see if it would heal - I was that worried about pins and needles. It's a simple buckle fracture that's now immobilized and painless - don't worry about me. I'll be fine.)
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Offline LordSuragaha

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Re: WTF? Good Luck or Not?
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2013, 11:22:21 pm »
That really sucks. Hope you'll heal completely and feel better soon. Just keep thinking positive and good will come your way. Best wishes.

Offline femalecreature

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Re: WTF? Good Luck or Not?
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2013, 12:37:34 am »
Thanks Sura~ I'm sure I'll heal fine. <3 Have you ever had that sort of thing happen to you? (Good-luck-and-bad-luck=wise?) :3
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Offline OreoHeroz

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Re: WTF? Good Luck or Not?
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2013, 12:57:17 am »
Well I can't think of any right now, but maybe this?:

(Past)So I'm still in the process of loosing teeth, and I have one bottom tooth loose. I had to go to the dentist and she now puts some kind of toothpaste on my teeth (which is horrible). I'm totally disgusted with it, and so here I am using my finger to dig out the paste from my teeth when I suddenly jerk my hand forward and pull out my loose toot unexpectedly. Fortunately, it didn't hurt, and I'm glad I lost my tooth. So there's good luck #1.

(present)Bad luck: So I have two loose teeth now. Each on both sides...I found out a month ago that one loose tooth has another new tooth growing on top of it. If my loose tooth doesn't come out, the new tooth will look all weird and stick out. So I'm trying to wiggle my tooth as much as I can, but...I don't really care if my new tooth looks awkward. (I am awkward so it's a perfect match. :3) So, there's bad luck. I have no idea what's going to happen, so I'm just sitting there like a boss, wiggling my tooth.

Anyway, I guess that's all I have to say...and I'm glad you're healing fine. c: Be safe~<3

Offline RainbowTea

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Re: WTF? Good Luck or Not?
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2013, 01:21:06 am »
@OreoHeroz: Ugh, that stubborn tooth still won't come out? :c ... Just keep wiggling it, just keep wiggling. La da da da o3o

Anywho, I'm very sorry to hear about your current situation, and I hope things get better for you (they eventually will if you keep pushing forward, even if it doesn't seem like it)!

Eh, le story?

Well, in 5th through 6th grade, there was a guy who wouldn't stop harassing me.

[spoiler]He touched me inappropriately, said extremely ... unrepeatable things to me, and basically did as many bad things to me as he could in the classroom behind the teacher's back. It came to the point where he pinned me down on a desk and shoved his hands up my shirt, and I still can't believe no one saw that - or chose not to say anything. ;-; Luckily, a few of my close friends knew what was going on, and they - along with my parents - were willing to speak to the principal. Unfortunately, the principal wasn't the best.[/spoiler]

The guy got suspended for only one day, after two years of harassing me. But the whole class found out after the principal told them, and they shunned him for a long time. I guess they did care.

Naturally, I left the school. My life started getting better, but then ... guy number two happened. o.o

[spoiler]He started physically hurting me, hitting my head and shoulders very hard to the point where I almost fell over every time and suffered from a migraine afterwards. I told him that it hurt, and I even explained the effects it had on me, but he only thought it was funny. He continued on like this for a few months, randomly hitting me for no reason, and I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't want to tell anyone about this because I thought no one would believe me, and I wasn't sure if the situation would end up like it did at my old school. Eventually, I told a teacher, and it's stopped now.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]However, this is how he acts to get attention. I'm not the only one he bothers (or used to bother), but I was the only one he physically hurt. Thank goodness, he's gained some social skills and is nice to me now, but I avoid him as much as possible. :T[/spoiler]

But I think it's happening all over again with some other guy who is beginning to show feelings for me (UGH thank goodness he isn't in my school), and I'm not going to let my past replay itself again, but I don't know what'll happen. I haven't let my past interfere with my happiness, but almost every day, I still think about it, and it really hurts. But still. I'm just going to learn from my past, pick up my life, and move on. I'm glad all this happened to me because I've learned very valuable lessons that I would have never picked up. Even though I sometimes wish it never did, I know that those situations were good for me. I'll know how to deal with the next person who pops up in my life (ahem possibly some other guy ahem).   
« Last Edit: September 11, 2013, 01:23:33 am by CoffeeAddict »

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