Author Topic: l: A r v a n i . P r i d e :l ~ BrokenShadow [ OPEN ]  (Read 2087 times)

Offline xSamii

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l: A r v a n i . P r i d e :l ~ BrokenShadow [ OPEN ]
« on: November 09, 2014, 04:45:52 am »
                                           A r v a n i . P r i d e

   Welcome to the Arvani Pride, created by BrokenShadow. We are a Highly Realistic, Literate, Mapless, Active, Sited, Long-Term and Tagged Roleplay. ~ Roleplay Samples are Required. ~


   We do expect our members to be as active as they can, not so much that you deny other Roleplays your time, but enough to be a dedicated member. I am usually on daily, however life has it's inconveniences. Our goal as a whole is to reach near or above 200 members by the next year. Usually, I post on the website the reason of my absence. So please, be as active as you can. It is no fun when two or three people are online.

  As said above, we are a Mapless group. We are located in the Southern-most point of the Flourite Plains map, below the four corners-- Otherwise known as the "Plus." Remember everyone. This isn't our map, we did not make it, nor do we have permission to claim it. So please ignore our neighbors in the peninsula.

  One of my pet peeves. When you're out recruiting and you've gotten a bunch of members, then someone asks to join. But their colors... We Do Not allow any Neon, Wings, Pure Blacks or Pure Whites. Creamier whites, or Dark browns are perfectly fine. But having a solid code like 0,0,0 or 255,255,255 we will not accept. Nothing personal.

   While we do have ranks, we are not royalty. We are a highly realistic pride, so there are only a few ranks to choose from. Dominants, both Male and Female are mates. Secondaries, both Male and Female, can be mates or randomly chosen. However, the Dominant and Secondary ranks are earned. Please do not beg for a rank, it is simply annoying.

                                      ~ R U L E S ~

. As if it isn't obvious enough, no map claiming. This can get you in trouble with not only the group, but the game Moderators and Administrators as well. We will have no punishment of this, as it is out of our hands for the Game to handle.
. Again, I will repeat this. No Neon, Pure Whites, Pure Blacks or Wings. It is very unrealistic. Creamy whites and dark browns are absolutely acceptable.
. No God-Modding, Auto-Hitting or Power Playing. It's very unrealistic and quite an annoyance to other players.
. Be as active as you can. A group is nothing without it's members. And we do realize that life comes first, but we do need dedicated members.
. Any High Ranks, such as Dominants or Secondaries can be replaced after three weeks of inactivity. This is to keep a cycle going in the pride so we are productive.
. The Dominant Male has the option to accept or deny a challenge from any lower classed male for Dominance, Breeding rights or other matters.
. Seasons, such as Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall are usually around Twenty-Two days of length.
. In all conditions, there will only be a few males accepted into the group. Most will have to be related to the Dominants or Secondaries as well.
. Please, oh please respect the Higher Ranks. Too many occasions we have Cubs acting like they rule the world. Respect your elders.

. Thank you for reading. Now go have a cookie.

                                       ~ R A N K S ~

x Dominant Male- Leading Male of the Pride. Mated to the Dominant Female. [ Ayari ] AxDM
x Dominant Female- Leading Female of the Pride. Mated to the Dominant Male. [ Open ] AxDF
x Secondary Male- Leads under the Dominants. Optional to be Mated to the Secondary Female. [ Open ] AxSM
x Secondary Female- Leads under the Dominants. Optional to be Mated to the Secondary Male. [ Open ] AxSF
x Males- Male figures in the Pride. Limited number. [ Limited ] AxM+First Initial -- Exa. Milo AxMM
x Huntress- Female/ Lionesses of the Pride. [ Unlimited ] AxH+First Initial -- Exa. Mia AxHM --
x Cubs- Young of the Pride. Watched over by the Adults. Age 0-1 Years. [ Unlimited ] AxC+First Initial -- Exa. Mia AxCM --

x Thank you, again. Now go have a brownie.

  If after reading this and you'd like to join, you are absolutely welcome to. Just remember, we do Require a Roleplay Sample. So, if you could message that to me or whisper me In-Game as BrokenShadow, it would be wonderful. Or if you'd like, you could fill out the form below. We look forward to seeing you In-Game. ~ BrokenShadow

« Last Edit: November 09, 2014, 02:06:34 pm by Broken.Shadow »

Offline xSamii

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Re: l: A r v a n i . P r i d e :l ~ BrokenShadow
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2014, 05:04:06 am »
Join request format. Roleplay samples are required.
Character Name-
Character Age-
Character Gender-
Activity Rate- (1-10: 1 being the least, 10 being the most. )
Color- (Simple color of the coat. Exa: Creamy White, Mouse Brown, etc.)
In-Game Possibilities: (Yes or No)
Other Information-
Feel free to message or whisper me in-game with any questions, ideas or Roleplay samples. I hope to speak with you all soon!

~ BrokenShadow
« Last Edit: November 09, 2014, 02:07:20 pm by Broken.Shadow »

Offline vasileva

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Re: l: A r v a n i . P r i d e :l ~ BrokenShadow [ OPEN ]
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2014, 03:15:56 pm »
Character name: Tywin.
Username: vasileva.
Character age: 1 year.
Character gender: Male.
Activity rate: 7.
Color: Creamy for pelt, creamy white for mane.
In-game possibilities: Yes.
Other information:
RP Sample.
''Maybe if you try harder, it will work!'' A loud, screeching voice echoed around the plains, scaring all the nearby prey and making the cubs of the pridemates hide under their parent's wings. ''Maybe I don't want to try harder!'' A response was heard, but this time it belonged to a younger one. ''Oh, don't be foolish! I won't be here every single day of your life to watch every step you make!'' The blunter voice was heard again, startling even the pride leader. ''I think I can take care of myself, thank you very much.'' If someone would have turned around, they would see ,obviously, a raging brute with his younger teen rebel son. But the pride was used to their gibbering. Robert, the pride's lead guard, and his son, Tywin. ''If you want to get my place, you have to train! Do you expect you're going to inherit it?! Well you're bloody stupid if you think that!'' Tywin rolled his eyes on purpose, knowing it will send his father's off limit. ''I never said I wanted to take your spot! I thought you would have understood that by now!'' Tywin roared, not realising what he just said. His father's eyes grew large, his claws unleashing and digging into the dirt, as an answer like this shocked him. As Tywin slowly started to realise what he just said, all eyes were on him, which made the air so tense, not even a knife would've been able to cut through it. ''I-I didn't mean...oh, forget it. I have nothing to hide.'' Reuniting with his old cunning character and arrogance, he started walking away, as his pelt mixed with the natural colors of the Plains.

Offline xSamii

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Re: l: A r v a n i . P r i d e :l ~ BrokenShadow [ OPEN ]
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2014, 12:18:56 am »
Absolutely wonderful ^ I have sent you a friend request through the game, and can't wait to see you soon! Your tag will be AxCT