Author Topic: Canine preset request(Experienced preset maker needed)  (Read 904 times)

Offline scar24

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Canine preset request(Experienced preset maker needed)
« on: October 27, 2013, 04:02:55 pm »
Hello, im looking for someone experienced in making presets to please create me a canine preset with a name that i frequently use on FH.
Pelt color:Black
Pelt texture:Realistic
Front paws:I would like the paws to be splattered with blood from the paw and up a bit
Back left leg:I'd like the back leg to have a deep looking wound with blood dripping from it
Back right leg: if possible id like this leg to  be missing like a three legged dog
Left ear:if possible id like this ear to be  completely missing
Left shoulder: i'd like there to be a skull and cross bones.
Maw/snout:Id like the maw to be covered in blood
Teeth:Id like some of its teeth missing and the rest splattered with blood
Tongue: id like the tongue to be dark red with 4 black bones on it making 2 x's
Nose:light grey black
Right eye: id like it to be pupiless and a light light milky baby blue
Left eye: id like it to be an eerie yellow slit with a hint of black in it
tail: id like it look hairless and like a rat tail

Thanks :)