Author Topic: The Troodons of Feral Heart.  (Read 1876 times)

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The Troodons of Feral Heart.
« on: September 19, 2013, 04:10:21 am »
The Troodon.

A vicious and inteligent creature, the Troodons were an ancient and sucessful species. They roamed the entire world, from North America to Australlia. But when the mass extinction of the Meozoic hit, along with millions of other species, the Troodon died out too. Except for one population.


The Troodons of Feral Heart are the last surviving species of troodon in the world. Millions of years ago, they thrived in Prehistoric Feral heart. When the meozoic extinction event came, Feral heart was the least effected. Tremors in the ground frightened the creatures of ancient FH and scared them into taking shelter in the many caves of FH. But these same tremors was what caused the caves to collapse. However instead of being killed, the creatures were trapped by some sort of substance and buried in a shallow level of rocks. This substance completely froze them in time, and as the years past, and the tiny Mammals of prehistoric FH evolved, they were in a deep slumber. In a prison. But one Troodon managed to free himself with huge amounts of luck. He then began to free his prisoned brethen. This Troodon was North.

Species Information.

Millions of Years ago, a population of Alaskan Troodon somehow got to FH. It is unknown how though. This population seperated, and tried their luck surviving in Feral Hearts various bioms. Eventually, after millions of years, evolution took place and these Troodon evolved into subspecies of one species. The Freat Troodon. (Feral Heart Troodon.)

As the Troodons split and left to seperate bioms, they eventually evolved into different subspecies as the generations past.

The Tundra Troodon.

A subspecies of Troodon adapted to the cold of the tundra. Their feather colors are usually shades of white and blue, and sometimes dark purple. Tundra Troodons often have great leadership skills. Afterall, in a place so cruel that winter goes on all year round, hard decisions must be made. They are usually medium sized, although they can get larger depending on genes.

The Desert Troodon.

A subspecies adapted to the hot Deserts, these are usually the smallest troodon. Their feathers are similar in structure to ostrich feathers, probably due to congruent evolution. They prefer to feed on smaller prey, like Small mammals, reptiles, and insects. And although they will take larger prey, the offspring of other species are often their favorite meals. They are usually shades of brown and tan.

The Cave Troodon.

The largest subspecies, these beasts of the dark would have probably lost the ability to see a long time ago, but because of the blue crystals that lit up the caves of FH, there ended up being a use for sight afterall. But the crystals weren't enough of course, they have also evolved better senses. They are usually shades of black and grey.

^These are what i've got so far. If you have suggestions feel free to post them. I'll add more stuff to them if theres not enough detail.^

Hunting Behavior.

The thing that makes Troodons dangerous is not their talons, or teeth, but their brains. These creatures tend to hunt in huge packs, and the most common and effecient stragety has been for every pack member to leap on one enemy at once. Nowadays, horses tend to be their preffered prey, but they will take any other similar creature, such as deer. Lone Troodon will usually go after smaller prey, but if their feeling daring will attempt to seperate and kill the offspring of another species, such as a Horse Foal. They absolutely despite mammals, and will usually go after a rat, rather then a dove.


Right out of the egg, baby troodon are reffered to as hatchlings. As they age, they are called chicks. Hatchlings spend most of their time in the nest, where the mother, father, or anyone from the pack will regurgitate food for them to eat. Chicks are taught to hunt at a very early age. The main technique troodons use to teach their chicks how to hunt is by seperating and crippling a young horse, deer or in rare cases, a carnivores pup or cub. The young chick will then come and try to take down the injured animal, while the adult Troodon make sure the prey doesn't escape.

How to Create a Troodon.

If you create a Troodon character, it would be appreciated if you posted them down below, so I can keep track of the current population.

Required parts.
Spotted or striped hyena head markings. Or no marking at all. The markings must be grey, or a lighter or darker shade from the pelt that makes sense. If you're going with the None option, you will have to make the underfur the same color as the pelt. Also if you go will the none option, feel free to go with whatever head marking you want. Bubbles for example. But try to make it blend in. The main reason for this is because the markings repersent the featherless parts of your character. Basically their skin color beneath all those feathers. If you go with the none option, it means your characters head/mouth will be feathered.
Cat tail: Pretty straight foward, dinosaurs don't have wolf tails, nuff said.

Suggested, but not required parts.
Crests: Only males can have crests, and they are usually structures used for courtship and mate selection. Take birds for example. I find the mohawks to work best for crests. Also try to make the crest a vibrant color that fits the them of your character. For example a blue crest on a white troodon, or a dark red crest on a brown troodon. While this is not required, males without crests are generally looked down upon, and are rarely able to court a potential mate into joining them.

Troodon specific features.

Because this species is completely different from Felines and Canines, there are some different things about them.

Bite: Pretty general, but a troodons bite is much more deadly and will slice rather then pierce.
Swipe: Swiping with you grasping talons. A Troodon, being a bipedal creature, has more balance while swiping with his claws then a lion or wolf, who has to rear up to lash out.
Toe Claw: Now this is where it gets interesting. Troodons, like their famous relatives the raptors feature Toe-claws on each of their feet. Studies show these claws are used for piercing rather then slicing. But it's just as good for poking a hole right in an enemies windpipe.
Grapple: Using their toe-claw and grasping claws, Troodons are experts at jumping on and clinging onto an enemy. But be careful, as it's not uncommon for your enemy to try and roll over to crush you.

^Thats just some basic advice when it comes to combat. Now heres some sounds, afterall, Dinosaurs don't mew. :P Note that all these sounds are purely speculation. We don't know how they sounded like in real life. But we can make good guesses.^

Screech: A high pitched screech.
Chirp: Troodons are distant relatives of birds, and so I don't think it's too far to see them chirping.
Snarl: A basic, aggressive growl.
Call: Basically a loud call, to communicate with allies from a distance.
Shriek: A High pitched shriek.

^I think you have a basic idea by now.^

So get out there and create a Troodon. Note that this is just the beginning of something big i'm planning. I do have a troodon pack, and i'll be making a topic about it tomorrow.

EDIT: Turns out I won't be able to do it today. I'm going on Vacation. I'll be posting the topic on monday.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2013, 10:35:23 pm by julian12 »

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Re: The Troodons of Feral Heart.
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2013, 09:05:45 pm »
Ahh troodons, i love these creatures! Remind me back to when i watched jurassic park 3 times a day.
Gif of Bitobae by Deathy <3

Find me on FH with the usernames Sandytails, Clawingeyes, Magolor, Spring-trap and Whirl!